Review for:

(2 CD set featuring remixes from FLAvour of the Weak)

1998 Metropolis Records


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Review by Jonathan Ratcliffe

An excellent two CD set feature remixes of the tracks from FLA's previous album, FLAvour of the Weak. The first CD features remixes by FLA. The second CD features remixes by other groups/projects. If you enjoyed FLAvour of the Weak, then this is a must-have. The like the first CD better, probably because the remixes are more in the FLA style. The remixes on the second are repetitive at times, and don't hardly sound like the original tracks at all. Still good though, and worth a purchase. Too bad they didn't include a remix of Sado-Masochist, one of my favorite tracks from FLAvour...

- Disc 1 -

Predator (Cease & Destroy Mix) (8:12)
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I didn't really like the original Predator that much. This remix takes out the slow ambient sound and turns it into an aggressive dancey song. Very good.

Aftermath (We All Shall Perish-Mix) (7:27)
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That I know of, this is the first time this track was actually released. Aftermath sounds like a track from FLAvour, and a good one at that. It's fast and original. There aren't many lyrics. One of my favorites.

Electrocution (Shocker Mix) (8:40)
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I liked the original Electrocution on the Columbian Necktie single. It's changed a lot for this mix. Some sound elements from the original are hidden, some are louder, and there are some new ones too. This is nice, but not any better or worse than the original.

Life (Suck It Up-Mix) (8:10)
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This is different. The vocals are more disorted, and more sounds have been added into the main rhythm. Not much else to say. A good mix.

Oblivion (Was It Worth It-Mix) (7:14)
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The original Oblivion on the Comatose single wasn't fantastic, in my opinion, but this version is. A dancey drum rhythm has been added, and it speeds the track up significantly. One word: Awesome.

Colombian Necktie (Loose Lips) (7:34)
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Columbian Necktie is a very good track, and this one only improves upon the original. Some of the more dominant sounds from the original are hidden (or gone), and others are altered or more evident than before. I like it.

Comatose (Re-Entry-Mix) (6:49)

This mix of Comatose isn't much different than those on the Comatose single. Too bad they didn't just put a mix of Sado-Masochist in its place. I'm disappointed that to see that they didn't touch that one. Oh well.

- Disc 2 -

I have yet to listen to the second CD much, but a review is coming soon!

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