Recovering the Satellites


angels of the silences

daylight fading

i'm not sleeping

goodnight elisabeth

children in bloom

have you seen me lately?

miller's angels

another horsedreamer's blues

recovering the satellites



a long december





angels of the silences
"I dream of Michael Angelo while I'm lying in my bed"

My first taste of the Crows "new sound". As one writer said, it’s not as powerful a single as Mr. Jones was(although as the band says, Mr. Jones wasn’t really a single), it lacked the "lyrical poetry" of the latter, but well, I don’t care. This song really kicks. This was one of the harder songs for me to understand lyrically, but for the longest time, I really didn’t care, I was just enjoying it. So far it’s the ONLY song from RTS that my band has covered and boy WHAT A RUSH it is to perform this one, I couldn’t think of any other song that I got into more than this.

Instrumentally, this is a masterpiece, as another guy wrote; "the raucous, roiling Angels of the Silences comes across with such force and focus that the guitars, keyboards and vocals at times blur into a single mass of sound". Sometimes I marvel at how a band can come up with something as soft and "elegant" as "Round Here" and then come up with such an amazing rocking song as this. But you know, any GOOD band can come up with a song like this, heck a band like Rush could do it in their sleep. The real beauty here is how many bands can come up with such great lyrics to back the song up.

This song is about faith, as Adam put it, just "waiting for something" putting yourself "on the line", and the voices in your head that tell you to go for it. The hardest thing though is when you’re forced to go it alone. When you’re left alone with your faith. That’s what I think this song is about, just keeping your "head above water" and go about your business. Like most of their songs, this just encourages to be yourself, have your dreams, aspirations, and keep your faith, hold on to it tight.

All in all, this is just a really great song, it gets the adrenaline pumping and fills you up with so much resolve and determination. Bottom line, I highly recommend any band to cover this song, it’s just such a rush!

RE:the acoustic version of "angels of the silences." (on storytellers). that song always struck me as too hard for the feelings the lyrics gave me. so when i heard the acoustic version, i really concentrated on the more emotional side of that song.

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