Non - Album Tracks

a mona lisa

barely out of tuesday



eisntein on the beach

40 years

good luck

the greening of america


love and addiction

margey dreams of horses

open all night

round here

shallow days







"maybe things will be different these days"

I was probably THE last real Crow fan to finally hear this song. Thank god for the live album. Well, what can I say? it’s different. It’s not really the Crows, but just Adam and his three brass playing friends playing along. It is a new refreshing sound. So much more "Van Morrison" sounding than anything the Crows have done, and I’m sure Adam’s gonna get a lot of flack for that…again. I think this is a very lousy and stupid attitude to have. To all you critics out there, I just have to say, "SO WHAT?".

So what if Chelsea sounds like a Van Morrison song? or Daylight Fading sounds like theEagles? The list of comparisons go on and on. They’re not blatant rip-offs or anything, but really good sounding songs in themselves. Just enjoy them for that. No offense to the Eagles or Van Morrison(whose music I really enjoy as well) but is it the Crow’s fault that they were born at a later time? Can you really say that a certain sound belongs to someone? I don’t think so. And if this similar sound is something done intentionally, then so what again? Can’t someone pay "homage" to a past artist that has greatly influenced him or her? It’s human nature, man only produces from what he has experienced. You stick a guy in a room listening to nothing but the Beatles, for years, is it his fault if he ends up writing a song sounding like them, it becomes almost subliminal in a way, people can’t help that.

And as much as critics bash the Crow’s sound as being derivative, one thing they cannot say is that their sound is 100% like any other artist. Even if they’re gonna sound 99% like a Van Morrison song, it’s that remaining 1% that will make the song special, that little "original" ingredient that the band puts in that makes the song ultimately special. Some people are just too exclusive and cynical for their own good. Van Morrison is his own man, no one will be ever like him. The same is true for anybody, even Adam Duritz, he is his own person and has his own sound that makes his special.

In a few years, some new guy is gonna pop out of the existing music seem and get bashed for sounding too much like Adam Duritz or trying too hard to sound the like Crows, could be you or could be me, or anyone greatly influenced by their music now is that our fault? It’s probably gonna come from the same music "purists" now who still insist that there is such a thing as "non-derivative" music. That sucks….they suck, just grow up…..



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