August & Everything After

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mr. jones

perfect blue buildings

anna begins

time and time again


sullivan street

ghost train

raining in baltimore

a murder of one



time and time again
"and I'll walk on water, every chance I get"

This has got to be my least favorite song by the Crows. But that statement doesn’t really say much, cuz I still think it’s a great song. It’s one of them songs that is just so raw that you either like it or hate it. The chorus is simple enough, almost too repetitive, but I think it was meant to be played that way, to make the listeners restless and so. But the words are great, and as usual, Adam delivers with such emotion, it worth listening to at least once. After a while, it does grow on you…a bit.



Jeremy Styron
I was a little surprised at the lack of stuff you had to say about "Time and Time Again." It's definitely in my top 6 or 7 cc songs. people see things differently b/c of their different lives so i can understand why it might not be the greatest of songs to you, but to me, it's just such a meaningful song. it's a simple song, but i think it just emphasizes the words. most of the time, all anybody every really wants is to be entertained, to have something that makes them happy. that simple desire is what the song is about. the words, to me, carry the song and keep me listening through the three or more choruses seemingly repetitive choruses. i guess i just can relate to the song more. that is, in my opinion, what makes people like some songs and not like others. -- "i wanted so badly somebody other than me, staring back at me, but you were gone, you were gone, you were gone..."


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