The    2    Person    Film    Club!

This is the homepage of the 2 Person Film Club. It was started by Lisa Stafford and Chris Allington in Saginaw, MI. What we are attempting to do is see as many good films as we possibly can. This means that we have to go to Lansing or Detroit at times. We also view in Saginaw and catch what we can on video. We are trying to expand our membership, so if you would like to join write to us in e-mail!

These 2 theatres are where we travel to go see some great films! Check them out.

Now Playing at the

Ponette 'Ponette' enters the mystery of a little girl's mind at the age of 4, when she has all of her intelligence but little experience and information. Ponette has been in a car crash. Her arm was broken. 'Mommy may die,' her father tells her. How does she deal with that information? What does death mean to a 4-year-old? How can it be dealt with? Fri 8/22 7:00 & 9:00 pm Sat 8/23 3:00, 5:00 7:00 9:00 pm Sun 8/24 2:00, 4:00, 6:00 & 8:00 pm Mon 8/25 - Thr 8/21 7:30 pm

Now Playing at the

Box of Moonlight

If you would like to see what the film club has viewed in the past you can check out our Archives.
For Movies that we would like to view in the future...check out Coming Attractions.