Info on James

Name: James

Japanese name: Kojiro

English voice actors: Ted Lewis (for the first 4 eps) and from then on Eric Stuart (he now voices Brock as well)

Age: 17

Hight: 5'11

His pokemon: Growlie from the holy matramony ep, Magicarp from the St.Anne ep, Koffing which evolved into Weezing, and Weeping bell evolved into Victorybell.

Background: James was brought up in a welthy family but ran away when he was young (leaving his pet Growlith, Growlie behind) because he was betrothed (promesed) to Jessebell who James hated. Later on he joined the 'Bridge bike gang' where he met Jesse. He was none as 'little Jim' the coolest kid who rode his bike with training wheels! After that he joined Team Rocket with Jesse, steeling the most rare and valuble Pokemon for the boss, trying to capture Ash's Pokemon, Pikachu and his aim was to be stinking rich (all he had to do was go back home to be rich!)

Thats all the info for now, check back soon.
