It's cold outside....there's no kind of atmosphere.....I'm all alone, more or less....

Red Dwarf is a series created by British writers Rob Grant and Doug Naylor. It is a Sci-Fi comedy set in space aboard a ship called Red Dwarf. Featuring the exploits of its intrepid crew stranded three million years from Earth with only each other for company... and only one After Eight mint left.
Following an accident involving some nasty radioactive Cradium II gas which has a detrimental effect on human life (i.e. kills people) its crew were the last human alive (a slob called Dave Lister), a dead man (a hologram smeghead called Arnold Rimmer) and the best dressed entity in all six known universes (the superficial entity, the Cat). Along with a senile computer (Holly) they are attempting to go back to earth, a three million year jaunt.
Along the way they'll be joined by a mechanoid with a hyperactive guilt chip (the service droid Kryten), Lister's ex-girlfriend (Kristine Kochanski) and eventually the entire crew of Red Dwarf.
The series accounts their adventures aboard Red Dwarf, the crew's attempts to survive when the ship is lost and the eventual reappearance of the ship with more than the Lister and co. could ever have bargained for. Intrigued? Here's a complete guide to each episode of this long running show including cast lists, pictures and behind the scenes trivia as well as a fan script penned by yours truly.

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