The Truth is Out There (Yeah, like hell)

Deep within FBI Headquarters lie thousands of unexplained cases, they are called the Hex Files. Long were they ignored before a young agent named Foxy Sculder made them his priority....and his obsession. Along with his partner, Danish Mully, he battles to find the ultimate truths surrounding the cases and the Government's involvement in them. His ultimate goal: Locating his hamster who was taken from him when he was a small child....

The Hex Files is a comedy spoof of the Fox TV programme, The X-Files. It is written by Phil Colvin and has been completed after running for seven seasons. Each season comprises of five episodes. The Hex Files Movie premiered following the conclusion of the fifth season. Essentially, the Hex Files is a tribute to the X-Files and take many plot ideas and situations from the show. Many charcters from the show also have alter-egos present in the Hex Files, take a look at the Character Information section for more info.

Available Track: The X-Files
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