Transcript from August 5, 1998
Talk City Presents
Actor, Kerr Smith, Dawson Creek

Kerr Smith joins the cast of 'Dawson's Creek' and takes residence in Capeside this September. He plays 'Jacki,' a troubled teen and loner, whose mystery will unfold over the next season. He will also be seen over the coming months in two independent features, 'Kiss and Tell' and 'Hit and Runway.'



CCCMyst: Talk City Presents in association
CCCMyst: with iXL Live *
CCCMyst: Welcomes You to Tonight’s Feature Presentation
CCCMyst: and now without further ado
CCCMyst: Welcome Kerr Smith
CCCMyst: Kerr, welcome to Talk City!

KerrSmith: Thank You!

Questions: mysterygirl says: Kerr, welcome to Talk City! Tell us
about your role in the show, Dawson's Creek!

KerrSmith: It's a new character this season He's been brought on to the
show with his fraternal twin sister.He and his sister Andy are going to
stir things up a little bit this year!

Questions: tori says: How did you land the role on Dawson's Creek?

KerrSmith: I had just moved out to LA about two months ago, and I met
with the head casting director over at Warner Brothers and she and I
really hit it off. I went through about two dozen auditions, and then
got the part!

Questions: katieh_tx_98 says: What is it like coming into a cast
that has already worked together for a whole season?

KerrSmith: I'm used to it, I've always joined a show after the first
season. It's easy here because the entire cast is extremely nice. We all
hang out when not working, and it's a really good time!

Questions: rtang84 says: Hi. My sister is going to be in Dawson's
Creek, is there anything that she should know? As coming on the set of
this great show?

KerrSmith: Call me!

Questions: wimpy says: Will there be other additions to Dawson
Creek in the near future?

KerrSmith: I'm sure there will be some additions to the cast. To be
honest I wouldn't really know, but they always add new characters for
recurring roles throughout the season.

Questions: enigma says: Kerr, who or what gives you inspiration?

KerrSmith: My father! I get inspired by people who figure out what it is
in life that they want to do, and work 110 percent to achieve those

Questions: jcbookworm says: What is your character like and how
does he fit in with the rest of the cast?

KerrSmith: Jack McFee is an introvert. He kind of keeps to himself, he's
not really quiet but doesn't really interact . He has a lot of family
problems in his history, which will be coming out later in the season.
There will be some interesting things happening with Jack, the audience
will find out that he's not what he seems to be.As far as a love
interest, he will definitely get together with one of the girls on the
show, I'm not going to say which , but he will definitely stir things
up this season.

Questions: snowqueen says: How did you know you wanted to be an

KerrSmith: I took a sales job out of college, Hated it! The only thing
I liked about it was giving the large presentations in front of people,
and realized that's what I like to do! I went into the city, found an
agent, and the rest is history!!

Questions: stardust says: Which actors would you like to work with
on future projects?

KerrSmith: I'd love to work with Tom Cruise. I like the kind of movies
that he does. I think that it's just amazing that he's been able to stay
on top that long. Harrison Ford is another one, Jack Nicholson...

Questions: lilianna says: What type of research did you do for your
role in Dawson Creek?

KerrSmith: For a character like Jack, not much research is required, not
like a film role where the character is completely different from me.
Jack isn't exactly like me... but as far as research, not much.

Questions: rebecca says: Do you find that your degree in Business
is useful in managing your career?

KerrSmith: Yes, absolutely! When I went to college, I knew that I didn't
want to go to school for theater. I knew I wanted to get a degree in
something that I could fall back on if acting didn't work out. Acting
did work out, but I've found that using my business degree works out,
because I'm the product.

Questions: norton says: What are your favorite activities for your
days off?

KerrSmith: I'm learning how to play golf. I'm horrible but learning!
There are a lot of good golf courses down here in North Carolina. My
favorite sport is snow skiing, but unfortunately it's seasonal.

Questions: nate says: If you found you couldn't pursue acting any
further as a career, what would you do instead?

KerrSmith: That is a tough question! I would probably go into some other
aspect of making movies. I've always had huge interest in making
movies, behind, in front of the camera ... I don't care. Because I've
been in TV, there are different jobs I'd be interested in doing. Nothing
behind a desk, that's for sure!

Questions: yokelcletus says: How do you think you will deal with
the fame that comes with being on a hit show like Dawson's Creek?

KerrSmith: I'm not the 9-5 type... I've always known that! I've
actually had a taste of it. I used to be on a soap called As the World
Turns, and if any of you guys watch daytime TV, then you know that the
soap fans are very enthusiastic !

Questions: blossoms says: was this a goal you set for yourself to
be in "Dawson's Creek?"

KerrSmith: Specifically, no. It was a goal of mine to land a good role in
a hit TV series. It's an excellent way to get yourself seen, to learn
more than anything. It's a great stepping stone into film, which is what
I ultimately want to do.

Questions: bethanne says: You play two completely opposite types of
men in your two upcoming movies. Which did you feel most in tune with?

KerrSmith: Neither. Neither one of the characters was me. I had fun
playing both of them, in Kiss and Tell when I played Kelley, I had fun
playing that character because that whole film was an improvisation.
Myself and the other actors made it up as we went along, to get that
opportunity this early, was amazing. In the other movie, the character
of Joey, was something I jumped at. I have some friends that are gay,
and I've always wanted to play a young gay man. It was a challenge,
because it was something I'm not, it's what an actor looks for.

Questions: martha says: Which did you find more challenging, movies
or tv?

KerrSmith: So far, TV. By far the most challenging thing I'd ever done,
was daytime TV.When you work in a prime time show like Dawsons Creek,
you produce a one hour show in 7-8 days. In daytime TV, you do a one
hour show in one day ...It's the difference in memorizing 40 pages ...
like Dawsons Creek

Questions: tori says: have you ever felt nervous in front of an

KerrSmith: Absolutely! When you first start out, everyone has that fear
of being on stage, or in front of a camera with a bunch of people
watching. As you grow as an artist, you lose that aprehension. It's like
any job, you're going to be a little nervous or scared at first.

Questions: romeo98_20 says: Can you tell us anything about how your
character will change the relationship between the four friends?

KerrSmith: I can't tell you much, but Jack will be breaking up one
relationship on the show.If I told you any more than that, the producers
would come over to my room, break down my door, and probably fire me .

Questions: greenice1 says: How does your character influence your

KerrSmith: I think playing Jack gets me in touch with the kind of loner
side of myself . There's definitley a part of me that likes to be alone.
Don't get me wrong, I like to hang out with my friends, but being alone
is what Jack's all about.

Questions: blossoms says: if you were able to create an episode of
your own in "Dawson's Creek".. what will it be about?

KerrSmith: I'd start sleeping with my teacher. I thought Pacey had a
great story line last season.

Questions: troll-1 says: What kind of movies would you like to

KerrSmith: Everything! Action, drama, comedies!That's my goal to play as
much as I can, and as many different parts as I can. Just to keep coming
up with new challenges!

Questions: jacara says: It seems like you have been out of college
for a while, it seems that you are in your late 20's...Is it going to be
hard for you to play a teenager?

KerrSmith: I'm not quite in my late 20's. I've always played young roles.
It's not difficult to play that, I look 8 yrs younger on camera. I
enjoy playing younger roles, it brings me back to the days of High
School, and to relive that experience that I had. It's fun!

Questions: moxiegrrl says: will u be in any promotional items, such
as a dawson's creek book, or something along the lines of that?

KerrSmith: I would imagine yes, but not at this moment since no body
knows who Jack "is" . I would imagine that once the season begins in
October, there will be plenty of that stuff coming out.

Questions: yokelcletus says: Do you get to have some input with
your character or you leave that to the writers?

KerrSmith: Yes, it's part of my job to figure out exactly who Jack is.
It's the writers job to create the character and figure out the story

Questions: romeo98_20 says: how would you characterize yourself
growing joey, dawson, pacey or jen?

KerrSmith: I don't have say in where the story goes, but I do have say as
to how Jack handles the situations that Jack is put in. Like Pacey! I
was definitely outgoing. I played a lot of sports in High School,
always had a girlfriend. I don't think there's a character on the show,
now that I think of it... perhaps a cross between Dawson and Pacey....
let's call him ...Pawson... or Dacey ... LOL!!!

Questions: lilac says: Where is the most interesting place you ever
filmed and why?

KerrSmith: Good question. I've only really filmed in big cities, NY, DC,
LA ...The most interesting place I've ever filmed is here in
Wilmington, a small historic town with many characters, the stuff you
read about in your history books is here. You imagine what this town
looked like back in the early days.

Questions: tigerezz says: who was your hero as a kid, and who is
your hero now. why?

KerrSmith: My hero is defiantly my grandfather.He knew he had an artistic
talent as a musician, and he took that talent and used it to make a
lifelong career for himself. He’s been playing the piano for 50 years,
and still going strong at 80. Plus I thank him for giving me the musical
talent, I play a little piano myself.

Questions: jacara says: If there was one aspect or event of your
life that you could change, what would it be?

KerrSmith: I've been fortunate enough to not have anything devastating
happen in my life, so I don't think I would change anything. I've made
mistakes, but when you make mistakes is when you learn, so I wouldn't
even change the mistakes.

Questions: merimont says: Do you feel you will want to expand into
producing or directing roles at some point?

KerrSmith: At some point, I would enjoy directing, but that is a long
ways down the road. I have a lot to learn before I can step into the
directors shoes.

Questions: yokelcletus says: What's the first big thing you bought
when acting starting to pay off?

KerrSmith: A computer! I bought a Gateway 2000 with my first big
paycheck! It's funny, because this year I ended up doing a national
computer for a Gateway 2000, I should have asked them for an upgrade on
my PC! ;-)

Questions: fleixdaddy says: Is this the best role you ever did?

KerrSmith: I don't know yet, it's still too early to know.So far I've
only filmed one episode, so as I get further into the season, I'll have
an idea if it's the best role I've ever played. I'm having a great time
playing it, and it's definitely a role I haven't played before.

Questions: tigerezz says: if you were to describe the kind of
person you are in one word,what would that word be?

KerrSmith: Focused!

Questions: blossoms says: what do you like about "Dawson's Creek"
and what you don't like?

KerrSmith: There's nothing I don't like about Dawsons Creek. I just got
into town two weeks ago, and since then, there's not one person in this
cast and crew that I don't get along with. When you have that type of
chemistry with the actors, you can see it on camera. It's what makes it
such a great show.

Questions: fulcanelli says: Is there any truth to the rumor that
Kerr was originally considered for the role of Mr. Shhh in "Things To Do
In Denver When You're Dead"?

KerrSmith: No, I never even auditioned for it.

Questions: techtcc says: Have any funny experiences on camera (like
bloopers) you could share with us? ;-)

KerrSmith: I'd say that the most embarrassing thing to me that's ever
happened was when I was on As The World Turns, was that I got a
"kissing" note from the director.We were told to "tone it down" that it
was a bit too much, they told this in front of everyone in the
studio...and it was a bit embarrassing!

Questions: wimpy says: What's the funniest thing that has ever
happened to you in your entertainment career?

KerrSmith: That was the funniest... I'm still laughing!

Questions: ^flirt_14^ says: i would love to be an actress myself so
i was wondering how did you get started?

KerrSmith: I started out in Philadelphia ...from a little suburb. I was
lucky enough to find a manager, working out of Philadelphia...she
started sending me out to NYC ... he drive between the two cities was 3
hours... after a year I got tired of doing this.I decided that if I was
going to do this, I sold my car, and moved. The key is that if you want
to do this, decide to do it.. and give it 100%. Get into a class, and
stay in a class, it's very important!

Questions: anne says: Do you feel your role on Dawson Creek will be
long term?

KerrSmith: They tell me it will be, but you never know, anything can
happen. As far as I know, I'm on for the season anyway.

Questions: [x]zakuti0n3r says: Hi, Have You Ever Seen Dawsons Creek
before actually being on it?

KerrSmith: Yes, I actually watched the show last year. I have to admit
that I haven't seen all of the episodes, but I've seen a few of them. I
actually just asked for all the tapes from last years season, so I'll be
watching them all next week. I'll be catching up on last years season!

Questions: wimpy says: Why do you think Dawson's Creek is so

KerrSmith: Because it's a great story, a great concept and it's a story
about something that teenagers and people in their twenties can really
relate to.It's a story of four, and now six growing up and what they go

Questions: techtcc says: Where are you originally from? ;-)

KerrSmith: A little town outside of Philadelphia.

Questions: yokelcletus says: How weird is it to know that millions
of people will be watching you every week?

KerrSmith: Pretty weird! A lot of actors pray for a job like this, I was
very fortunate to get it after moving to Los Angeles so quickly. It's
going to be fun though, it'll be a good ride! I used to get recognized a
lot! A funny thing about soaps is that when your story line is big, you
do ...and when it's don't. When it wore off ... it was about
6 months after I left the show....and for a year and a half it was nice.
I would imagine that once this show airs, it will pick up again!

Questions: north says: If you could pick one show to star on what
would it be? (don't say Dawson Creek )

KerrSmith: It's funny, because I just said this to someone a few weeks
ago. When I moved out to LA a few weeks ago... I said "either Party of
Five, or Dawsons Creek" and two weeks later it happened ... so I'm very
KerrSmith: I loved The Brady Bunch, Cheers, Threes Company and I'm a
huge Seinfeld Fan! When Seinfeld went off the air, I was so bummed!
Knight Rider... I was a HUGE fan of Knightrider! I had the opportunity
to meet David Hasselhoff... I did an episode of Baywatch a while ago.I
couldn't believe I was standing next to him! He's one of the biggest
stars in the world... both on the show and his music career. I'm not
mentioning all the beautiful women running around!

Questions: [x]zakuti0n3r says: Are The rumors True That Katie Holes
will be leaving the show?

KerrSmith: Katie Holes isn't going anywhere to my knowledge. She's a
great actress. Katie's got a really interesting story line this watch!

Questions: miles says: What do you do to stay in such great shape?

KerrSmith: I work out a lot and run a lot. I try not to eat anything
that's unhealthy. I sit here and say that like it's no problem, but it's
very difficult. You need discipline to watch what you eat, and to keep

Questions: wimpy says: Are you going to grow your hair out for the
new role in Dawsons??

KerrSmith: Yes, I am.

Questions: yokelcletus says: Kevin Williamson seems to cast a lot
of his upcoming movies with ppl from Dawson's Creek. think you'll be in
the next Scream?:)

KerrSmith: I hope so! I just met Kevin a few weeks ago. Yeah, that
would be great. If he asked me, I definitely would.

Questions: lovergirl says: Do you have favorite girl now?

KerrSmith: Yes, I do have a girlfriend, she just moved into Wilmington
last night actually. We're having a good time down here in North
Carolina.We met in New York, she's an actress as well... A couple of
months ago we were sitting on my sofa in NYC and said, it's time to
move to LA, so we got rid of our apartments, rented a 50 foot
truck...loaded it up with everything we own, drove 3000 miles across the
country to Los Angeles.Of course now she's living in Los Angeles, and
I'm in Wilmington.It's tough, because it's the first time I've had to do
this long distance. But Love prevails!

Questions: laura says: When's your first air date?

KerrSmith: Jack comes in on the second episode of the season, I would
imagine mid-October. Jack will be kind of kept in the background for the
first three or four episodes. They're going to try to keep him a little

Questions: cccmyst says: Kerr, it's been a pleasure to have you
with us tonight! Are there any final thoughts you'd like to leave us

KerrSmith: That's a tough question! Yes, just find out what it is that
you want to do with your life, and do it! Do it 110% and don’t' let
anyone tell you that you can't do it .If you believe in yourself, you
will do it! I never thought I would be an actor, but when I was up there
giving that presentation, I knew. It took close to four years to get
here ...but I'm here!
KerrSmith: So, good luck!!

CCCMyst: As the spotlight dims, our show comes to an end tonight.
CCCMyst: We Thank You our Great Audience
CCCMyst: and a very special Thank You to our Guest
CCCMyst: Kerr Smith
CCCMyst: We look forward to seeing you back here again soon.
CCCMyst: Talk City Presents is produced in conjunction
CCCMyst: with iXL Live(tm) & Talk City(tm), a
CCCMyst: production of LiveWorld, Productions Inc.
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