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               Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Summers has moved to Sunnydale, CA with her mother Joyce to start a new life, in a new school with new friends. See, she got kicked out of her last school for burning down the gym- although she had a good reason for doing it - it was filled with vampires - only she couldn't tell everyone that, now could she?

In every generation, there is a chosen one - she alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness... she is the slayer.

The identity of the Slayer must remain unknown - but when you have vampires lurking around at your high school, that's not such an easy thing to do. Her first day of school, Buffy goes to the library to check out the books she need for the semester. There she is approached by the new librarian - he claims to be her watcher, but Buffy doesn't want to hear it - she's done fighting, all she wants is a normal life.

Eventually she comes around, seeing this town is full of vampires and 'something elses'. She make friends with the 'nerd-girl' of the school, her 'geeky' friend and the 'creepy' librarian. This doesn't actually make her popular, but she eventually doesn't care anymore. Oh, and then there's of course the 'mystery guy' - he who warns her about the vampires, but is never around except for those times he tells her she's in grave danger.

Maybe it's time to give these people of whom I'm writing a face. Pictures from The Buffy Cross & Stake

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Buffy Summers    Willow Rosenberg    Xander Harris                 Mr. Rupert Giles                           Angel           

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      Cordelia Chase                        Joyce Summers                 Oz               Spike & Drusilla


While I'm at it - I might as well tell you who's playing who...

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers

Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg

Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris

Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles

David Boreanaz as Angel

Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase

Kristine Sutherland as Joyce Summers

Seth Green as Oz

James Marsters as Spike

Juliet Landau as Drusilla


Now that that's all worked out, I'll get back to my description of the show.

The series follow Buffy through life in high school; homework, gossiping about boys, and of course fighting monsters and vampires. I can't put my finger on what is so good about the show. When I accidently zapped over to TvNorway one evening about two years ago, I saw that a new show was starting: with Sarah Michelle Gellar! So I watched it - thought it was a bit too strange for my taste - and then watched the rerun the following day - and I was hooked. Since then I've watched every episode available to me, looked at all the sites (ok, that's not humanly possible) and read reviews and transcripts. But I had never attempted to make a page of my own - until now that is. Unfortunately for me, the people in Norway coded the channel, and so I can't watch the show. But I have written letters to the Swedish channel TV4. When I first wrote, they had no intentions of buying the show. Now they have! But they don't know when to start airing it. I just hope they didn't think I meant the movie Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

Alright then, maybe you'd like to know something more about the show.

Buffy Summers is a 16 year-old girl when we first meet her. She and her mother Joyce has moved to Sunnydale to start a new life, back in L.A,  Buffy was always fighting (we all know the reason why, now don't we?) and getting into trouble. They both want a normal life once more. Buffy has left her slaying career back in L.A, at least that's what she thinks... Well in school, being from L.A, she is immediately taken under the wings of Cordelia Chase, the school's most popular girl. But that friendship is soon lost when Buffy starts acting weird again, and making friends with Willow Rosenberg and Xander Harris, labelled 'geeks' by Cordelia and all her followers. Buffy slowly realize that slaying is a part of her, and not one she can get rid of. (Actually, the new Slayer isn't called until the last Slayer dies).

First Season - WARNING! Do not read if you don't want to know what happens before you see it yourself!

Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest

Buffy comes to Sunnydale and starts Sunnydale High School. At a loss for books, she goes to the library to get some, and there she encounters the new, 'creepy' librarian. Instead of giving her the books she wants, he pulls up a heavy book entitled 'VAMPYR'. Buffy has a fright, and hurries out of the library. One evening she is walking through an alley, when she senses someone is following her. She hides, then jumps the man who unsuspectingly comes walking by. He gives her a little box with a cross in it, and warn her of the vampires. Buffy doesn't want to hear it. Later on, she comes to her senses and decides to pick up the fighting again. In a big show-down at the Bronze (local club) she is able to kick the Master's messenger's ass, and thereby stops the whole 'rising of the oldest vampire currently trapped underground'.

The Witch

Strange things start happening with the cheer-leaders, and a witch is behind it all. Buffy investigates, and as she herself has been trying out for cheer-leading, she does so heavily intoxicated. A drunken Buffy singing Macho Man- is hilarious!

Teacher's Pet

A substitute teacher in Biology shows up, just as the regular teacher has mysteriously disappeared (later found decapitated in the cafeteria's fridge), and shows an apparent interest in Xander. Buffy has done her homework, and as she sees 'the fork-guy' (vampire with a claw for a hand) running screaming from the teacher Ms. French, and Ms. French turning her head 180 degrees  -she starts thinking something's wrong.

Never Kill A Boy On The First Date

Buffy wants to date guys - and I don't see how that would be a problem - but Giles (the librarian - her watcher) does not approve. He feels it would be impossible for Buffy to keep her identity a secret. But Buffy goes ahead with her plans - to Xander's and Angel's (mystery guy in alley) big disappointment. At the time of her date, a big prophecy is about to be fulfilled: an Anointed One is supposed to rise out of the ashes of five. This Anointed One is going to mean the end of the slayer. Anyway, the gang is able to stop him, at least that's what they think. In fact, the Master has gotten his hands on the Anointed One - who actually is a little boy - and is starting his training with him.

The Pack

A trip to the Sunnydale Zoo leads to terrible consequences: students are posessed by hyenas and eat Principal Flutie (Ken Lerner). Xander too suffers some mood-swings: he smells Buffy, and harass Willow. As it turns out, it was the zoo-keeper who planned it all, he himself wanted to become a hyena - why one might ask? A friend of mine just love this episode (hi A-M) beacuse of the music, the great acting - and the cute blonde hyena boy...


Ok, this is my favourite! Mainly 'cuz it's mostly about Angel (so fine!). Ok, enough rambling, this episode is about Buffy finding out that her 'mystery guy' Angel is a vampire. He's a good one, though. A gipsy curse has given him his soul back (as a punishment for murdering their beloved daughter) and he can no longer feed off of people because of the guilt. Buffy goes to shoot him with her crossbow when the vampire Darla has framed him for biting Buffy's mother. Darla's plan backfires, though, and she is turned into dust by Angel's hand. Buffy and Angel try to say goodbye, but how will they be able to keep away from each other after all they've been through?

I Robot - You Jane

Willow hooks up with a guy over the Internet - only it turns out he's a couple-of-hundred-year-old demon accidently scanned into a computer file by little-ol-Will herself. In honor of her visit (he has sent one of his computer-nerds to fetch his leading lady) he has built himself a robot-body. This is also the first episode where Ms. Calender, the computer teacher, appears.

The Puppet Show

Well, the time has come- for the annual talent show. Buffy, Xander, and Willow are forced to enter by the new principal Mr. Snyder (Armin Shimmerman). Buffy finds out that a puppet that is to be used in the show is alive. This, together with a murder with a heart cut out, makes the gang think a demon that needs human organs every seven years to remain in its human guise is in town. Buffy suspects the puppet - and the puppet (being a demon hunter) thinks Buffy's his guy. Let's just say there's terrible confusion...


A boy in a coma has triggered something big: everyone is living their nightmares. A girl gets pummeled in the basement by some monster-looking guy, Cordelia looks like one of the nerds and is carried off to chess-club, Xander meets a clown from his past, Willow has to sing in front of a huge audience, Giles can't read, and oh, what more? Buffy becomes a vampire!

Invisible Girl

A girl turned invisible through being ignored acts out her revenge on the school - and on Cordelia. Finally she comes to a place where she fits in - a training center for spies and assassins. And Cordelia lets us in a little bit on her soul... 

Prophecy Girl

Buffy is destined to die, or, so it says in Giles' codex (an old book he got from Angel). She is to face the Master and die. But, as she says: "What can I say - I flunked the written". The scene where Buffy learns that she is going to die is amazing. Such great acting is hard to find! Give this lady an Oscar! (I know they don't give Oscars to television shows - but I strongly advise they make an exception in this case...)

Second Season

When She Was Bad

Buffy comes back from spending the summer with her dad in L.A, and after the trauma she has suffered from almost dying, she is a little off her game. She is mean to everyone, and even Cordelia thinks she's being a bitch (I guess things are really bad then). In all of her distraction, the Buffy-gang is captured by "the Anointed One", who is trying to reassemble the Master.

Some Assembly Required

Body parts are disappearing from graves of newly deceased girls, and some of them are found in dumpsters. As it turns out, two guys are trying to "make" a girl out of dead ones. See, one guy's older brother has died, and been revived again. He won't show himself, and he wants some company. So, he asks his brother to make him a woman, one that won't leave him. There's just one problem with this scenario: they need a really fresh head, and seeing how they can't sit around and wait for another dead body to come along, they decide to take matters into their own hands. From a collection of pictures taken by one of the guys, the dead brother makes his choice: Cordelia! Just so happens, she has dated him earlier - when he was still breathing, that is...

School Hard

A new vampire has come to town - Spike! Also known as William the Bloody (he got his current name from torturing his victims with railroad spikes). He makes the Anointed One an offer he can't refuse - he will take out the Slayer, if he and his gal Drusilla can stay at the factory. Meanwhile, Principal Snyder has put Buffy in charge of Parent-Teacher Night, as a last possibility to avoid expulsion. Just so happens, Spike decides to attack that very night, which complicates things a bit.

Inca Mummy Girl

Buffy is about to receive an exchange student from South America, which Xander is not all-that-thrilled about. (So we're talking a man - with man parts?) However, when the student turns out to be a girl, Xander is happy again (although Willow's not). At the same time, it seems a mummy has escaped from the museum - she is a 16-year old girl who is only able to stay alive by 'freeze-drying' people (sucking their life-force out of them) in kissing them. Boy, is Xander in for a big surprise...

Reptile Boy




Lie To Me


The Dark Age


What's My Line (1-2)



see the following episodes as summaries and reviews here



Pictures credits: the picture in the center of the heading is taken from The Buffy Cross & Stake, but I myself has made some changes in it. As mentioned above, all pictures come from The Buffy Cross & Stake, except for those of David Boreanaz and Charisma Carpenter - they come from Sunnydale High School. 
