-Non of the South Park charecters on this site are mine, neither are any of the charecters I use in any cross-overs.
-Kathleen is mine, she cannot be used with out the permishion of me (althought I'm not sure why you'd want to use her, but it could happen).
-Suzzie, Tina & Sam are all alter-egos of my friends, so you can not use them. Patty is my South Park alter-ego, so you can not use her either.
-The fanart pictures are mine, use them & I will, uh, get Kathleen to kick you in the nuts several times then perform the much dreaded "Vulcan Neck Pinch"(TM)
-If you want to post my stories on your site you can (I'm not sure why you would, but it could happen(can any1 tell I like to say that?)) but please please give me credit (as Wackogirl) & tell me the URL of your site. I can never get enough of visiting South Park sites.
-if you visit something you are told not to visit (ex. you are an 'N Sync fan & you read "Scream 3") I am not responsible for what happens.
-I am not responsible if the following things happen while visiting my site:
*your friend Kenny dies
*you suddenly realise you hate your crush and start liking his/her identical twin brother/sister
*you go insane because of my weird ass stories
*Rob Zombie suddenly starts a live concert in your living room
*for some reason you start hitting yourself in the head
*you start to talk so fast as a result of too many Pixy Stix that non of your friends can understand you
*you spend all day with "no sex" by Limp Bizkit stuck in your head
*you go on Jerry Springer & find out that your husband's cheating on you with your best friend who's brother is sleeping w/ your brother who you didn't know was gay
*your house blows away
*you go around all day with a BSB song stuck in your head & then shoot yourself
*Dr. Evil demands that you give him $1M
*your kitty tries to steal your pot pie
*Kyle's elepahnt decides to come visit you
*you fall in love w/ your friends older brother/sister
* a very evil English teacher that hates you falls you and you have to go from the Honors to the Academic English even though you really should be in Honors
*your life sudenly becomes an episode of "party of five"
*Two of your best friends become paranoid and think your trying to steal you girl/boy friend when your not.
*while doing "MASH", you find out that your going to marry your old crush, live in a shack in LA, have a black wedding dress, drive a purple car, have 69 kids working as a srtipper making $10 a year (I got this once, scary, huh?)
*you become easily confused

Ok, that covers it all. Now you can't say I didn't warn you. Now go home