Non-South Park Linx

gURL -has alot of cool stuff, and is where I figured out how to use HTML (I said I could use it, I never said I wasa good at it)

Marnie's Kingdom I'm still working my way through all of this site. Lot's of Hella-funny stuff to keep you busy for as long as you want.

Doodie A new funny, gross cartoon every weekday! Everyone feature shit in it somewhere.

Hot Topic (Or, as I like to call it, the anti-Anbecrombi & Fitch) I love this store. It has the coolest stuff.

Bite me baby one more time -finally, a site run by people who hate Britany ::cough:: Queers ::cough:: (whoops, I ment Spears, really I did)as much as I do.

Boy Bands Suck -Need I say more?

Urban Decay -the home page for one of the worlds coolest make-up lines.

The Utena Encyclopedia -I LOVE LOVE Revolutionary Girl Utena! It is one of the coolest shows right after South Park. I also love this site bacause I found out what happens next in the show even thought only the 1st four tapes are in America. It has everything you could want to know about Utena. (Sorry, but I really like this show & I'm on a sugar high right now)

Blood soaked and honor bound: Revolutionary Girl Utena> Run by two friends (Becka and Karen) more insane then myself. The intro's to all the pages alone are reason to visit this page. And, although I have yet to see Akio or his car, these two have me afraid of Akio...very, very afraid...

Korn -the official Korn homepage. What can I say, I can't get enough of these guys!

ICP- The official ICP web site. Finally, a band who's members are possible more insane then I am.

Back Slash's Rocky Horror South Park Show A mixing of my two favorite things.

Poetry by Edgar Allen Poe Just what it says, a bunch of poems by Poe. Perfect for when I'm too damn lazy to get off my ass and look up a poem in the book I have.

Alrighty now, go back.