Rocco's Trade Policy

1] I DO NOT and I stress NOT Trade for money. This is highly illegal and any offers to trade for money will go unanswered. I feel that this is a slap in the face to the great people who made these shows possible.

2] When you finish making your selections, please e-mail me with them. I do not consider e-mailing me with your selections rude because it makes the whole process run smoother if you do e-mail me after you select your episodes.

3] If I do not get a tape out to you within 4 weeks after the trade has been initiated, you will receive three free eps of your choice. However, Please understand that at times it may take 2-3 weeks for me to get a tape to you.

4] Please select a 6 hr. block or 12 eps and please tape on EP. This is because I absolutely despise wasted tape so please select a 12 episode block.

5] When taping the shows, please use only 6 hour tapes. The 8 hour and 10 hour tapes put a lot of strain on a VCR.

6] If you initiate a trade with me, I will not send out your tape until I receive mine, absolutely no exceptions to this rule.

Take Me Home
I would like to thank some individuals for making my collection what it is today

My collection would not have been possible without them even though some of the
show I have taped myself

This<#> indicates how many tapes I have received from them

-Trevor Roe<1>
-David Livingston<1>
-J-Man Colflesh<3>
-Kris Lane<1>
-Chuck Donegan<1>
-Mark Sinsabaugh<1>
-Tammy Warner<1>
-Charles Atkins<1>
-Gregory Diener<2>
-Jason Hernandez<1>

Thanks Guys, If I left anyone out, please let me know by way of e-mail