Part 2
Part 2
---Layne’s Journal---
---Personal entry#17659---

He did it again… Dunn even the thought of his name makes me want to kill… That man has destroyed yet another innocent life.. and the biggest irony of all is that the Cherokee has turned what remains of
that innocent life.. over to me.. So I can teach her to be a Killer… This girl Brenna.. I can not call her that her new name is Raine.. in the space of just a few moments has lost everything her family, her freedom. Just because yet again I failed. If I had gone with my gut instinct, she would still have her life… her soul. Her family.

I have been assigned as her trainer… Me a trainer.. what is the world coming to… Maybe the council feel that I am ready.. but I am not so sure… I must begin a trainer Journal. She should be ready to be moved to the recruit housing…

---End of Entry#17659---

---Layne’s Journal---
---Subject: Raine---
---Trainer entry#1---

"This is the official trainer Journal for Training Subject Raine."

Raine is the newest Recruit to section 2. (Raine is currently in med-lab, due to injuries to her wrists. Her injuries were sustained prior to recruitment.) Due to her injuries the beginning of her training will be postponed for a few days. In 10 hours she will be moved to Recruit housing. Her room is #14 in Sub-level #4-Sector 1.

She has been issued a lap-top. So she can begin her Journal.

She hasn’t said much since I gave her new name. But if I were in her shoes, I wouldn’t say much either. She will adjust, if she doesn’t she will die……

(This is my first Training assignment.)
Trainer: Layne

---End of Entry#1---

---Raine’s Journal---
---Personal Entry #1---

I was given a laptop today, Layne showed me how to use the programs on it. They are very different from anything we ever had, different from anything I ever saw in Dad’s office. Much more advanced. I start training tomorrow, I have kept to myself these past few days. My wrists and hands are numb most of the time, the pain is subdued and the scars are almost healed. Every night I fall asleep I see that man with those jet black eyes, I don’t sleep well. No more than 4 or 5 hours, the nightmares are horrid. At least he’s dead. Layne said the Section canceled him, although I have never been one to want to sentence someone to death, this man deserved it. I keep quiet, patiently waiting for training which starts tomorrow, something I can concentrate on.
Layne seems to have her own memories she’s battling, her green eyes say so much yet so little. She explained that Section Two helps save innocent people, although they are ruthless they help so many by catching criminals that would otherwise go unharmed. All my life I’ve heard Dad complain about how he would be so close to catching the bad guys, and yet the law would get in the way. Technicalities. He would be frustrated and spend many hours in his office rehashing cases. My life was headed that way, but I’ve been told I can not go back. That my life as I knew it is gone, I’m not sure how to deal with it, they don’t exactly tell you. But I know I will, right now I’m just going to concentrate on training.

---End of Entry #1---
---Layne’s Journal---
---Subject: Raine---
---Trainer entry #215---

" It has been 7 months since I shot Jonathan, Dunn’s second in command, saving a young woman who had just lost everything. Her entire family was lost at the hands of a mad man that I have been trying to catch for the past 2 years… Yet another soul devastated by a man that I would give anything to kill. But it isn’t to be, at least at this time…….

Raine has thrived in the 7 months since Cherokee gave me the choice "You train her or I cancel her." It was a difficult choice for me to make, not for whether or not I would be able to train her, but for whether she would want to go on living… But she did want to go on living and has been so dedicated to her training that I feel and Cherokee agrees, that Raine is ready for a training mission in the field. It will be a light mission.. ( I never call a mission easy.. there is no such thing as a simple mission. But if the mission is a non-lethal one, it is referred to as a Light op.) Raine’s briefing is in twenty minutes…"

---End of Entry #215---
---Raine’s Journal---
---Training Entry #197---

I have been training for about 7 months now, I focus on my training and Layne helps a lot. If I have trouble with something, we’ll concentrate on it till I have it down pat. Training is strenuous, exhausting and challenging, but it’s something that’s keeping me occupied and stopping me from feeling sorry for myself. I have a briefing in 20 minutes, Layne told me to take the time to clear my head and prepare. I am supposed to meet Cherokee, I have no clue what I’m going to see her or him about but I will find out soon.

--End of Entry #197--

---Layne’s Journal---
---Subject: Raine---
---Trainer entry #216---

"What was supposed to be a light op. Turned into a test of Raine’s ability.. We were sent to retrieve a man for questioning, and ended up in the middle of a mob hit. Raine’s instincts and reaction to the situation proved with out a doubt her ability and loyalty to Section 2. And even if her training is nowhere near completion, It has been decided that while she completes her training, she will be used in other missions. (Mostly to advance her training…She will be trained for long term missions…)

It has taken 7 months for me to truly understand what motivates Raine.. She lost her entire family, then was given the choice kill or die… She was just a normal person before that fateful day, she wasn’t anything like me… True I lost my father to the British Army and my brother to an IRA attack gone wrong, but that is where the similarities end. Unlike Raine, I am a killer.. I was taught to kill from young age, Even if it was in my family’s eye’s a just cause.. The right for my country to rule itself. That doesn’t change who and what I am.. A killer.. I lost the my innocence the day I killed my sister… Even if it was to save another. Raine is the only one I have ever told the truth about what happen that day… In the 4 years I have been in S2, I have never opened up to anyone…

Raine is my first trainee. I hope she will not be my last………

---End of Entry #216---

---Raine’s Journal---
---Training Entry #198---

I went to the briefing and found out Cherokee is the head of Section Two, my first impression of her is that she is organized. She knows what she’s doing and she is efficient and certaintly no one to mess with. Layne and I were assigned to what they call a light op. Our mission was simply to retrieve a man for questioning, I now know there is nothing simple about a mission.
We ended up in the middle of a mob hit, we came out with our target. Dodging the bullets and protecting the target seemed like second nature, something I had to do. I felt my heart race as bullets slammed in to things around me and the target, my orders rang through my head and I did everything I could think of to protect the target. I think Dad would be proud....

---End of Entry #198---

End Part 2...
Go On To Part 3