The already well known empty cinema room. Behind the doors is heard Gidget's voice.

Gidget: "Nose up, cousin! It's the last part, and it's the shortest one!"

Lawainee: "Okey, okey."

Gidget: "Hey! What did you do last night?"

Lawainee: "None of your business!"

Doors open and mice come in, Gidget leading. Lawainee yawns widely, but slaps a paw over her mouth.

Gidget: "Hello! Cameramice! We have arrived!"

Lawainee: "If someone turns out the light before I sit down, I will go and have a heavy talk with him!"

They take their places, and only then do the lights disappear.

> A Hitch In Time -- Epilogue (2 scenes)

> Scene 1: RRHQ, present day

> As the Rescue Rangers enter their headquarters, Widget and Gadget wrap up their conversation. {Really? What color wrapping paper? :D}
Gidget: "Sadly, maybe it would be interesting to hear..."

> Gadget: Golly! You're a Freshman in college and you're only 15?

> Widget: Yeah. I was able to skip a few grades due to my mind-bashingly high I.Q.

Lawainee: "Sounds... aaa.. familiar..."

> Dale(aside to Chip): Sound familiar?

> Chip(aside to Dale): Yeah. -Too- familiar.

> Grace: Thanks for teaching me how to fly the 'plane, Chip.

> Chip: Uh, no problem, Grace.

> Gadget raises an eyebrow at Chip, indicating that she wants to hear about that later.

 Gidget: "It seems, maybe I chose the wrong teacher..."

> A spot in the room shimmers. Alicia emerges, wearing the field unit.

Gidget: "Seems this time is without special effects."

> Alicia: Are you having fun yet, girls?

Gidget: "Uh-oh, here comes trouble. I remember my mom saying this to me when she caught me with my paw in the strawberry jam."

 > Grace: Are we in trouble?

> Alicia: We'll discuss that back at the Institute.

> Widget (moaning): We're in trouble.

 Gidget: "All fun things come to end... Lawainee, do I have to do the review alone?!"

Lawainee: "Excuse me; I will step in when I see something of interest..."

> Alicia: Come on, you two.

> Grace: Well, it was fun while it lasted!

> Widget: Yeah. *Sigh*

> They reluctantly walk toward Alicia.

> Alicia: I hope the girls weren't much trouble for you, 'Rangers.

> All 'Rangers exchange smirks.

> Monty: No trouble at all, luv.

 Gidget: "What else to say? They sure helped Rangers."

> Alicia (smiling): Good.

> Widget and Grace each put a paw on Alicia's shoulders. They use their free paws to wave.

> Alicia, Grace, Widget: Goodbye, 'Rangers!

> The Rescue Rangers all wave back.

> All Rangers: Goodbye!

> The trio vanishes in a shimmering halo of light.

 Gidget: "And thus they left into sunset..."

> Dale: I'm gonna miss those gals.

 > Chip: Me too.

> Monty: What did Widget talk t' ya about, Gadget-luv?

Lawainee straightens up.

> Gadget: Lots of things.

> Chip: Like what?

> Gadget: Electromagnetism, what materials conduct electricity really well, geothermal energy, how I learned to fly, what inspired some of my inventions, what I thought about the Institute…

 Gidget tries to suppress laughing, more looking at the Lawainee's face, that on the screen.
Lawainee winces.

Lawainee: "And why didn’t she ask something of more importance?"

Gidget: "Maybe she asked, but doesn't want to tell the others. Maybe it’s something personal."

> Monty: Are ya sorry ya asked yet, mate?

> Gadget:…and what it's like being a Rescue Ranger--in that order.

Gidget: "Hmm, so that was the starting point of reviving Rangers in future. The inspiration."

 > Scene 2: Chronal Transport Chamber, Hackwrench Institute

> Alicia, Grace, and Widget appear on the Chronal Transport pad.

> Alicia: I hope you two learned something from this experience.

Gidget: "Seems, the punishment will be severe..."

Lawainee: "Me their problems..."

{Not sure what she means. Is Lawainee claiming to be a more severe "problem"?}

> Grace (with mock innocence): How badly Widget needs flying lessons?

> Widget: Gra-a-ace!

Lawainee: "They can still play jokes..."

> Alicia: I suppose I should expel you…

> Grace: WHAT?!?

> Widget: Mom's gonna -kill- me!

> Grace: I am so sorry…

> Widget: Yes, she is!

> Grace: Hey!

 Gidget: "Of course, they never considered such a possibility when departed."

> Alicia (irritated): Will you -please- let me finish?!

> Grace & Widget: Sorry, ma'am.

> Alicia: As I was saying, I suppose I should expel you for sneaking into the Restricted Zone, but I won't.

> Grace & Widget: HUH?!?

 Lawainee: "What? They will get through with their hides intact?"

 > Alicia: I have it on good authority that this was supposed to happen. I asked the main computer why she didn't tell me when you two slipped into the Restricted Zone. I was satisfied with her explanation.

Lawainee: "Another happening behind the cadre. Or she is referring to the talk with older Grace?"

Gidget: "I would bet that she used the time, older Grace asked for, to check the computer."

> Widget: We're -not- in trouble?

> Grace: You aren't punishing us?

> Alicia: I didn't say that. I merely said that I won't expel you. I haven't decided how to punish you yet.

 Lawainee: "Ah. For a moment I believed..."
Gidget: "They, too."
Gidget smiles, and Lawainee joins.

> Grace: Gran, what were you going to say to Gadget?

> Alicia: There were a lot of things I wanted to say, but I couldn't.

> Widget: Like what?

> Alicia: Like how she was like a mom to me, several close calls she might have, people she should watch out for, stuff about my mother…

 Lawainee's and Gidget's eyes grew bigger by each word said.

> Grace: And how the original Rescue Rangers disbanded shortly after Gadget got married?

 Lawainee: "Hey! That’s so soon!"

Gidget: "Quiet!"

 > Widget: And about how the reserve team took over for them?

 Lawainee: "What a load of information in the last few moments..."

Gidget sighs.
Gidget: "Somehow it sounds like preparing for the new story."

{Possibly. Or it could be getting a few things out in case there isn’t one. Only the Writer knows for certain ;) }

> Alicia: Yes. That, too. But Gadget has to make her own choices, as do we all. Speaking of choices, I have chosen your punishment.

 > Grace & Widget: Uh-oh!

Lawainee grins.

Lawainee: "I knew they would not get through this safely."

> Alicia: Follow me.

> They follow the Provost to her office as condemned prisoners would follow the warden to the gas chamber. Alicia picks up a thick, mouse-sized book.

> Alicia: Your punishment is as follows: you will read this entire book and write a report on it that should be at least 10 pages in length. I do not want merely a summary. I want you to include your opinions and interpretations of the ideas presented within this work. Grace, there is a copy available on-line, as a Web document, if you prefer to read the electronic edition instead.

 Gidget: "I would be dead in their place..."

 > As she presents the book to Widget, the camera zooms in on the book. We can see the title: "Discourses on Temporal Travel" and the author: "Gadget Hackwrench".

Both mice exchange looks.

Lawainee: "I read it right?"

Gidget: "Yes. Your sis and my cousin is gonna be big scientist someday."


Both mice sigh in relief.

Lawainee starts to stand up, but Gidget pulls her back.

Gidget: "It’s impolite to leave before film ends. Besides, we need do the summary, at the end."

Lawainee: "Ok."

 > Disclaimer: Chip 'N' Dale: Rescue Rangers, Gadget Hackwrench, Monterey Jack, etc. and all associated characters are the property of Disney. Alicia H. Fireshear, Grace Gigabyte, Widget Bernouli, and the Hackwrench Institute came from my active imagination and are all my fault. Please read, copy, print, or burn freely. Just don't alter it and claim it as your own work, okay?

Gidget: "Somewhere I saw pic of Widget before."
{Different Widget, Gidg!}

> Author's note: Part 1 was written with TAOGH guidelines in mind. (Hence the script format.) I deliberately left a few things vague (the identity of the blue-eyed chipmunk, for instance) so that readers are free to speculate. Have fun, guys 'n' gals! ;) I hope this 'fic was worth the wait.
> --Kat

Lawainee: "And so it ends."

Gidget: "Well, my opinions: it was a fun story, with very good comedic aspects, as opposed to some more serious works."

Lawainee: "It also took a insight of future, and the closest future shown was quite uniquely, too."

Gidget: "Alicia and Grace are my best liked new personages."

Lawainee: "Well, I can agree. Widget, with her morphing hand... Call me superstitious, but I’m a bit wary of her."

Gidget: "So am I."

{Oh, sure; pick on the one that’s the most different from ya, girls--oh, the fact that she’s a direct descendant of Gadget’s might have something to do with it, too :D}

Lawainee: "Overall - excellent story and, unlike some I won’t mention, it has easy grammar and no errors."

Lawainee looks up on the ceiling, as if waiting for someone to pop up and disagree. None appear.

Gidget stands up.

Gidget: "And so we are closing the review of "Hitch in Time". See us next time..."

Lawainee catches her hand and spins her around, face to face.

Lawainee: "Not so fast! For the next story, I want something short and easy!"

Gidget: "No problem! Bye!"

Lights partially extinguish, and only silhouettes can be seen now.

Lawainee: "HEY! You didn’t say what exactly!"

Gidget: "Let it be a surprise! For both you and the readers!"

Lawainee: "Somehow, I don’t like your tone, dear..."

Both silhouettes exit cinema, and the lights are gone completely.