Tales From the Messageboards

Here is where I keep transcripts of some of the more -- er, um-- interesting moments from the Acorn Cafe (the CDRR 'board), the RR Off-Topic and ROAR messageboards.

Julie's Magic Sword : A thread that perpetuated a hilarious piece of fiction which involved Julie using a magic sword to turn people (and a plush) into zombies.

Don't Encourage Them!: This is what 'instigated' the "Inspector Hackwrench" drawing.

C+G Survey: These are the responses to Natasha's poll on how many people favor Chip and Gadget as a couple.

The Rod Squad: a.k.a. "What if...the Rescue Rangers had been set in the 70's?" Basically, it's 'Rescue Rangers' mixed with 'The Mod Squad'. This 'story' was originally posted by "D.B. Cooper" on the Off-Topic 'board (and was probably inspired by the discussion about the Rangers' clothes). A revision was later posted to The Acorn Cafe (the CDRR Messageboard). I have archived the revised version here.
Related Item: 70's Gadget: Charity's 'Disco Gadget' drawing (Hmm. Looks like she did it in...crayon?). Funny thing is, she drew this a week -before- we started wondering what Gadget would look like in bell-bottoms :)

The Standard Nuthead Reply Form: This is the 'form flame letter', Acorn Cafe style. And, yes, I'm guilty of some of the items on it--just not to the extent that it irritated someone enough to flame me ;)

The Rescue Rangers MiST a Spam Post: Someone was stupid enough to make a 'spam' post on the CDRR messageboard. Here's what the Rangers thought of it :) .

Gadget's Hair: Ever wonder what color Gadget's hair -really- is? Here are the results from Julie Bihn's poll & the 'official' answer from Tad Stones.

Gadget Hackwrench Eyes: A parody of "Bettie Davis Eyes", created & posted at the Acorn Cafe by Roy Neal Grissom (The Enduring Man-Child). His other parody "Mrs. Brisby Eyes" was posted on the Off-Topic Board.

Magic Bus Ride: Let's just say this thread's a trip ;) Oh, it also ties into the 'Ranger Coffeehouse' series.
Part 1: How the trip began...
Part 2: a.k.a. "Livin' in the 'Fridge" :)
Part 3: "We're Off to See the Rachel.." Rachel joins the fun.
Part 4: "The Plot Sickens". More Rangerphiles board the bus. At this rate, "Writers' Night" will start without them :D ;)
Part 5: "On the Road Again". We clean up our acts and get the trip back on track.
Part 6: "Are We There Yet?". I lose track of the story yet again...
Part 7: "Fidessa Explains it All". Fidessa tries to get everything back on track. 'Tries' is the opperative word ;)
Part 8: "Christmas in the Coffeehouse".
Lost in Space!: A companion piece/thread for part 4.

what is the future for this site?: TheBoz's cool piece of prose, posted as a reply to an anonymous question that came up in the Acorn Cafe.

The Big Goodbye: After his site was plagued with problems for months, "Strider" was forced off the 'net. Hopefully, his "goodbye" was only a TTFN (Ta, Ta, For Now). As he requested, I have archived his "Goodbye" thread.

Recipe for Walnut Walaroos: Crikey! Now the 'board has turned into a cooking show! ;)

Hyper-Gadget: Who needs Hyper-Sonic when Gadget's around? And there weren't any Chaos Emeralds involved--just a triple expresso! Wheeeeee! :D

If Gadget Tweaked the Go-Coaster...: Julie's list of things that Gadget would "fix" on the Go-Coaster. Natasha added a few more suggestions.

Sabrewolf Memorial: Rangerphiles pay their respects after hearing about Darren's tragic death.

Your Memory Will Go On: FoxyRoxy's tribute to Sabrewolf.

The Sabrewolf Files:My personal collection of correspondence with Darren, which I _finally_ decided to make public.

Review Board: Natasha thanked us for our support. We thanked her for creating & maintaining the messageboard. :)

Raiders of the Lost Presskit: Let's just say that 'Indy' acts like his namesake in this one :D ;)

A Friend in Need: It all began when "Dale" discovered that some of his CDRR stuff was missing...
NOTE: See the "Dale's Deception" thread

What If...?!?: Speculation ran wild after Natasha asked, "What if...the Rescue Rangers had not formed?":)

What If...?!? Redux: Speculation ran wild again, this time about "What if...Gadget's mom had been alive & had raised Gadget".

State of the Fandom: "Some Brother" called it as he saw it when he addressed the CDRR fans who hang out at the Acorn Cafe. (This is a parody of the "State of the Union Address".)

Kat--Here's Your Sign: This is the sort of thing that goes through my head when I'm bored ;p
In a fit of weirdness, I wrote this (sorta) MiST of an astrology book & put it on the Off-Topic 'board.

Gadget, a hammer, and pun-ishment: This started out as a notice by Julie, but ended up as a pun-fight (initiated by Tom, of all people :D).

Natasha's Regards:When it rains it pours, but Natasha (and other Rangerphiles) gives regards--and an "umbrella" of support.

Friendship?: Shao held Philosophy 101 on the Off-Topic 'board when he explored the meaning of friendship.

An Ode (or 5) to Gadget: Several wonderful sonnets written & posted (at the Acorn Cafe) by Indy.

We'll Show That Spammer!!: Somebody made the mistake of posting "scam spam" on Chris "Dale" Birkett's Chat Pack messageboard & a couple of the regulars decided to give it the MyST treatment.
Chipette's Sonic version
Indy's Gadget & Chip version

CDRR 10th Aniversary:Well, WE thought it was an important milestone ;)

Acorn Cafe's 1st Anniversary It's been a year & the Acorn Cafe is -still- here! :)

Casting Call Strangeness (not to mention a faliure to communicate) abounds in this scenario as Gadget Hackwrench is called upon to fill in for a certain Inspector's niece.

The Truth is Out There: "charles" asked "What if...Ditz left some alien technology on Earth?"--and E.M.C. answered :)

To Bee or Not to Bee: This discussion was about Zipper's chances with Queenie (the queen bee from "Risky Bees-ness").

Sparky the Mighty Tom came up with a nearly complete parody of "Joxer the Mighty", so we gave him a few ideas :)

Too Funny/True NOT to Share: Julie stumbled onto something very interesting in Sociology class...

Bogus Episode Guide: Nakar has compiled a hilarious listing of bogus CDRR episodes. For laughs so good they make you cry,--READ THIS!! (Try not to disturb your neighbors, okay? :)

MySTed: Turn $6 into Thousands!: Once again, somebody made the mistake of posting spam at the Acorn Cafe. And once again, we decided to have a little fun with it. >:)
(I commited this non-standard MySTing--things like this happen when I get bored ;).

Rescue Rangers: World Leaders 'Some Brother' had an original idea & E.M.C. made a short fic out of it. A -very- interesting read!

What a -Trip-!: The 'Grand High Page Maintainer Lady' told us about her trip to the Grand Canyon via a post on the Off-Topic 'Board.

A Trip toFort William:"Dale" told us about his outting to Fort William. Sounds like he had fun there :)

Gadget--Adopted??: Well, that's -one- possibility we had not considered--until Julie brought it up at the Acorn Cafe.

Dale's Deception:Confusion was the order of the day when "Dale" made a confession...

The Trouble With Instant Messenger:Natasha's use of IM lands her in trouble with her folks.

Jealousy??: "Monty" asks what might make Gadget jealous.

Gadget's Mom: Monsoon's fic started this bit of speculation...

Rangery Limericks: Yes, they're -clean- works ;)

Production Order?: Murray wanted to know the production order for the CDRR episodes. We got an answer from -Tad Stones- himself!

Give Me Ranger Toys!!: The episode "A Lad in the Lamp" caused us to whip out our Ranger wish list.

Dyglo's Tale: Our friendly (and hyper ;) neighborhood dragon tells us how he met the Rescue Rangers.

Dreamcast Launch Renews the 'System Wars': Everybody defended their favorite gaming systems over at the Off-Topic 'Board.

"Good Times, Bat Times" Commentary: Another Mexican fan pointed out to el J.A.M. that dubbing episodes is no easy matter.

Count Dalecula: This thread about Dale reading bedtime stories evolved into a strange & amusing story.

RRHQ Bathrooms: This, er, interesting discussion was touched off by one of Julie's CDRR Poll questions.

Deborah Walley Posted HERE!!: The regulars at the Acorn Cafe were delighted by this fact ;)

Ms. Walley Came Back!: Hey, it looks like we didn't scare her off... :D ;)

Dev Ross's Question: Wow! First Ms. Walley, now Ms. Ross! She asked us why we like the Rescue Rangers so much. -Lots- of responses soon followed.

Nat's Rant: The 'Grand High Page Maintainer' sure can rant ;) Large file!! (~80KB)--and I haven't have time to format it yet!

Where Are the C-G Fics??: Lots of discussion in this thread--so much that I had to split it into 2 files! This includes discussion on what a C-G fic really -is- and why C+G seems to generate lots of fan fiction.
Part 1
Part 2

The Masquerade: Some poetry, courtesy of Dyglo.

The Mystery of the Missing Sandwich: A Mad-Libs(tm) style messageboard story that was posted at the Chat Pack 'board.

'Top 5 Episodes' List: So, which CDRR episodes were -your- favorites?? Some of the regulars at the Acorn Cafe listed theirs.

Kubla Khat: I'm sure both Fat Cat and Coleridge would like this parody Wedge penned & posted ;)

Gadget Soundtrack: Hmm...interesting songs listed here...

Brothers??: Are Chip & Dale brothers, or just best buds? We attempt to answer that question. As usual, we came to no -definite- conclusion ;p

What Does Gadget See In Them?: Various speculations concerning Gadget & the 'munks.

CDRR Silly Quiz Reactions: I "tested the waters" for my CDRR-themed "Silly Quiz" over at the Acorn Cafe. I think they enjoyed it ;)

Happy 2nd Anniversary! The regulars celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Acorn Cafe. Gee, it's actually been -two years-? My, how time flies...

Writting Fan Fiction: One of the regulars asked for advice on this subject. Other regulars supplied answers.

What if Chip fell in love......but NOT with Gadget? Surprisingly, this discussion -didn't- turn into a flamewar ;D Not surprisingly, we wandered onto several tangents.

Ranger Haiku: The regulars at the Acorn Cafe are a poetic bunch ;)

What About Mouse-o?: Yes, he -was- in "Pied Piper Power Play" before Disney did all of those edits...so, how come Gadget knows him?

A Morbid Topic: Various speculations on how the Rangers should, ...um..., die.

Things You Won't Hear CDRR Characters Say:: Karl started this list & we added a -lot- to it.

Dale's Lament: Chris Silva's character sketch (posted at the Acorn Cafe) is SO in character, it's almost scary ;D

Rescue Ranger, AWAY!: Hopefully, Morgan Kohl's on-line haitus will be a brief one.

The Better Crimefighters: A rather one-sided debate on which group (Rescue Rangers or Scooby & his pals?)is the better bunch o' crimefighters.

Rescue Ranger, RETURNS!:Morgan Kohl made his way *back* on-line, and to the Acorn Cafe!

Ranger wishes: What would they wish for (assuming the bad guys didn't steal their genie or whatever)? Some interesting specualtion here--and a funny tangent, too!

More Rangery Limericks: Need I say more?

Acorn Cafe--Year 2: Natasha "Gadget" Ortiz reflects on the 2 years she's been with us.

Censorship & Guns: This thread started out as a cry against censorship but quickly turned into a gun control debate.

Monty's Fear of Cats: Some speculations concerning said topic.

Redesigning the RangerWing: Self explanitory.

Yet Another 'What if...': This time it's "What if...Gadget was a robot?"

Pennzoil Cola: FoxyRoxy's parody of a certain Pepsi commercial, with Gadget instead of Einstein.

M.K.'s In Depth Cut-Scene guide Ever wonder which episodes those cut-scenes in the CDRR opening came from? Morgan K. did...

Commercial Parody: Ever see one of those campy Discovery Channel commercials? Matt obviously has ;D

Gamma Gadget: One of FoxyRoxy's hypothetical questions started this thread (and inspired a pic ;D)

Waxing Poetic: Some nice prose by Ray. Three guess which mouse it's about...;)

Stupid Humans?: Sharon wondered why most humans on the show were totally clueless...

Funniest Ranger Dialogue: Our picks for the best/funniest dialogue from the show.

The Ultimate TDA Crossover: We wondered what -that- might be like in this thread.

Election 2000: An entertaining, Rangery spoof of the year 2000 U.S. Presidential election.
Related Items: Campaign posters, courtesy of the poster known as "Gadgetluv". Vote for Chip and Vote for Dale.

A Look at Self-Insertion Fics: A hilarious look at what might -really- happen if somebody tried to join the Rescue Rangers.

Things the Rangers Won't Say, Part 2: This topic was revisited, with interesting results.

Things Gadget Wouldn't Say: Uh, this pretty much speaks for itself ;D

The End of Inside the Web: ITW went down for the count on March 9th, 2001. Fortunately, Stephen C. set up a new Cafe for us before then :)

Third Aniversary:Has the Acorn Cafe been around -that- long? Gee, I guess so!

Marty's Bad News: (Marty is Deborah Walley's agent) The news he relayed to us wasn't good news this time :(

The Old Cafe: The old 'board may be dead, but the Acorn Cafe lives on...along with the Off-Topic and Story 'boards :)

More News: An update on Deborah Walley.

Avoiding Mary Sue: Our resident 8-bit star asked about fan fiction and the 'Mary Sue' archetype. The regulars gave plenty of interesting feedback.

History of the Fandom: We wracked our brains & searched old e-mails in our attempt to establish some sort of chronology for the online CDRR fandom.

Tributes to Deborah Walley: The regulars at the Acorn Cafe honored Ms. Walley after Marty broke the last bit of bad news.

Fun with Usenet An informative thread concerning Usenet and the (in)famous(e) "Ranger Wars" (RW1 was waged on Usenet).

Least Likely CDRR Crossovers: Sure, there have been CDRR crossover fics--but some of these ideas are ones most Writers won't even touch, let alone write ;D

A Heinous Act, a Tragic Day: The regulars at the Cafe discuss the mass murder that was committed on September 11th, when terrorists crashed passenger planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Top 10 signs that Gadget is Seeing..Fat Cat?!This silly (and hilarious!) list was posted by Morgan K.

CDRR Round Robin Story #1: Er, this never did get finished, but it was fun while it lasted ;D

Original Characters Tribute: Author original characters get a chance to shine & tell their tales.

Founders' Day: The idea for a Cafe Founders' Day sprang from this thread, which started out as happy B-Day wishes for our absent Grand High Page Maintainer Lady.

The Art of Writing: Our resident 8-Bit Star started a discussion about writing fan fiction.

Reprimanded Rangers: If our favorite characters were sent to the Principal's office, what misdemeanors would have gotten them sent there in the first place? An oddly amusing topic indeed...

Things the Rangers Won't Say, Part 3: The Cafe's most popular topic makes the rounds again with even more funny things you shouldn't expect CDRR characters to say ;)

Crisscross Takes a Mary Sue Litmus Test: Morgan K. subjected a certain cybernetic fox to a Mary Sue Litmus Test, with Gadget & Chip "helping" ;)

If my counter is working properly, then people have dropped by to read this thread archive.