The defenders of the portal were holding their own. The FF, Thundercats, and 
Monty had now been joined by the X-Men.
      Monty, the Thing and Wolverine were back-to-back-to-back, fighting off 
dozens of soldiers, robots, and assorted bad guys. The
      Invisible Girl was still keeping everyone else protected, but Doom and 
Mumm-Ra were pressing hard.
      "Doom!" Mumm-Ra said. "We must get through and destroy the portal! If they 
succeed in bringing Wiz-Ra here, they could win the day!"
      "Then we'll have to see that they don't!" Dr. Doom said, aiming a bolt at 
the invisible shild. But Lion-O cut the bolt short with one from his sword. Then 
Mumm-Ra and Doom both sent energy bursts at the leader of the Thundercats. His 
feet dug into the ground as the sword responded with more energy...
      "No, the hyperdimensional condenser has to go in after the energy matrix 
stabilizers are in place!" Dexter said.
      The boy genius and Gadget were quarelling over the makeup of this machine 
they were building. At the moment, Dr. Hans Zarkoff was helping Charles Xavier 
to install the primary power couplings.
      Gadget was not impressed by Dexter's wit. "If he do it that way, the 
condenser won't be to have to route the stabilizers in by hand, able to reach 
the seventh dimension! We're going once we've got power to the condenser!"
      "Might I suggest something?" Handy Smurf asked.
      "No!" Gadget and Dexter said together. "Look," Gadget argued, "we know 
you're useful in the Smurf village, but this is an interdimensional portal we're 
      "Yeah, go find some mushrooms to play with!" Dexter added, mockingly.
      Handy got testy over this. "Well, if you two geniuses don't change your 
polarity constant, you're going to reach the ninth dimension instead of the 

      The two surprised inventors rechecked the figures. Dexter blushed and 
faced the similarly-blushing Gadget. "I guess he's right,"
      Dexter said. "Sorry, Handy," Gadget added. "I guess Smurfs do know 
interdimensional physics after all."
      "We'd never have stopped Gargamel all those times without it." Handy 
answered. "Now, let's get back to this portal."
      Meanwhile, Chip had received Gadget's message of the plan back at the 
coffeehouse. He had been glad to know that Starfleet used scrambled 
communications, and no one else heard their conversation.
      **But they may not get a chance to use the portal before the opposition 
breaks through** Chip mused. With that, he turned to TPL and motioned for him to 

      They went down into the storage area/basment of the coffeehouse, where 
Chip had wanted to get some privacy. 
      "TPL, we may not come out of this thing alive. If we don't, I don't want 
any of these evil forces to survive, either."
      TPL gasped. "You mean.."
      "That's right," Chip said. "Computer, this is Chip, leader of the Rescue 
      The central computer registered Chip's voice and signaled ready.
      "Activate planetary destruct sequence, code RR, Chip Theta Seven."
      The computer accepted Chip's code. Chip turned to TPL.
      "This is TPL, ruler of the Dragon Planet. Destruct Sequence Two, code DP, 
TPL Electra One."
      The computer signaled acceptance.
      "Computer, this is Chip, leader of the Rescue Rangers. Destruct sequence 
three, code Ruby, Fat Cat Casino."
      The computer accepted the code and indicated it was awaited the final 
clearance for the thirty second countdown.
      "Computer, hold on destruct. Track me and start thirty second countdown 
the moment I give the last code," Chip said.
      The computer registered the order.
      "Now all we can do is wait and hope," Chip said. "Is there any hope left 
of our victory?"
      "Don't give up, Chip," TPL said. "Things are going pretty well in space 
right now. And if the plan on the ground works, we can win it all."

      Gadget looked up from her work on the portal just in time to see the 
Jugernaut plow through the Invisible Woman's force field. He continued his run 
directly at the portal generator. "Somebody stop him!" she yelled.
      Suddenly Optimus Prime, with Chipper on his shoulder, landed between the 
generator and the Jugernaut. Chipper reached out with the force and picked the 
enormous super-villian off the ground and held him there. "Hurry up and get him 
Herc," said the JediChipmunk, as someone as big as the Jugernaut is not an easy 
thing to levitate. Hercules was with the group of reinforcements and used his 
demigod strength to hit the Jugernaut and send him into a low orbit. 
Unfortunatly, the massive bad guy plowed into the Mighty Ducks' Migrator, which
had just previously been able to shoot down The Raptor, which you will remember 
is what shot down
      Chipper's ship. "Opps," said Hercules. "Gotta work on that trajectory."
      Chipper took a moment to catch his breath before turning to Gadget. "I was 
informed you had been overrun."
      "We were," she explained, "but then some help came and now we are working 
on a portal to the seventh dimension which can end all this craziness.
      (I believe I can be of some assistance.) came the thought-speak of the 
blue centaur with the scorpion tail, eye stalks and no mouth.
      (Andalites are very advanced in such matters.)
      The rest of the Animorphs had arrived with him and the group of animals 
clustered around him. 
      (Hey Ax,) said the gorilla in thought-speak. (Help pull this off and I'll 
buy you a dozen cinnamon buns.)
      (Mmmmmm, cinnamin bunnnsssaa!) projected the andalite as he joined Gryro 
Gearloose, Wildcat, and Handy Smurf on one section of
      the generator.
      "How does he eat with no mouth?" asked Optimus Prime.
      (He has a human morph,) answered the elephant, which had been a Bear in a 
previous battle. (When he's in his natural andalite state
      he eats grass through his hooves.)
      (Which isn't that tasty when you compare it to a cinnamin bun,) commented 
Marco, who was the gorilla.
      "I wouldn't know," said Optimus Prime. "My idea of fine dining is some 
quality motor oil, the new synthetic stuff." With that the
      autobot transformed into his tractor-trailer mode (his back half appearing 
out of nowhere as usuall) and drove off, running down as many bad guys as 
      The tiger, Jake, who is the leader of the Animorphs turned his head upward 
and called to the red-tailed hawk flying overhead. (How do things look from up 
there Tobias?)
      (Not pretty, but all these rodents running around are making me hungry.) 
answered Tobias. 


      Good evening.

      Tammy and Wescott were to the point of exhaustion. Her taser was all out 
of power, and Wescott had sustained horrible injuries, even in his Bloodlust 
      "Well, it looks like I get to finish U off now."
      Both rodents looked up and saw a sinister looking duck pointing a gun at 
      Tammy thus embraced her man tightly and prepared for the end and-


      Negaduck dropped his gun.
      Tammy wondered why there were bloody and sharp-looking things coming out 
of his chest, but suddenly the things pulled inside his chest and Negaduck 
dropped dead.
      The J.A.M. looked at the two rodents, his claws still holding duck blood.
      "I heard U 2 were in trouble, so we came to help."
      "What stinks around here?" asked Wescott.
      A pterodactyl-like creature dropped to the ground.
      "Moi," replied Fifi.
      "Merci," said the jaguar. "Well, we've got to get U guys outta here. The 
rest are holding out, but I'm not too sure about Gadget."
      The mammals were about to trot off to safety when a flash of a hideous 
light blocked their path. When the light faded, they were more
      than surprised to see the witches from Disney's Snow White and Sleeping 
      "U!!!!" exclaimed The J.A.M., "I thought U were DEAD!!!!"
      "Never underestimate the power of interdimensional travel, cat!!!!" 
cackled the short one. The tall one then spoke,
      "Now U shall deal with US, jaguar. . .AND ALL THE POWERS OF 
      "Now where have I heard that before?" asked Wescott.
      "Esto no me gusta nada. . ." mumbled the panther. . .

      To be continued / Continuarį / Segurį. . . .

     Until next time, remember:
     I AM THE J.A.M.
     Good evening.
Meanwhile, Man-Child was still waiting for his first kiss. It was beginning to 
look as if he were fatalistically doomed to live his whole life without ever 
receiving it.
      *Why am I so different from all other guys?* he asked himself forlornly.

      "The Enduring Man-Child" 
In the midst of all the chaos of The Ultimate Battle Man-Child was still being 
ignored by everyone, even the villains. For a while he had thought the same 
kind-hearted female Rangerphiles would take pity on him also, but he saw that 
this wasn't going to happen.
      Foxglove, who was busy dodging the magical energy blasts of the 
armadillos, noticed Man-Child beginning to sniffle a little and flew to his 
side. "What's the matter?" she asked.
      "You know," he said weakly as he cast his eyes to the ground.
      She wrapped her wings around him. "Don't worry," she told him, "your time 
will come eventually."
      "I don't think so," he replied. "Uh . . . I'd better go now."
      Foxglove knew he was right and called to her husband to join her. Dale had 
just aimed a mirror at Charlie X so that he took his own face off, so he was 
able to take five.
      "You goin' already?" he asked, disappointed.
      "Dale!" Foxy scolded him and then whispered into his ear. "Oh. I'm sorry, 
Man-Child. I didn't realize how you were feelin'. Well, slip out now while 
everyone's busy and no one will notice. Oh, and thanks for . . . " He looked at 
Foxy and then hugged Man-Child. "Go ahead," he told her.
      With Dale's permission Foxy not only hugged him one last time but also 
gave him a **huge** kiss. "I meant that," she told him.
      "Sorry I'm just an imaginary character and that I'm already married, but 
you arranged that!"
      "I'm glad I did!" he told her, "and I don't care if you *are* a fictional 
character. You're better than any of them. Any of them," he repeated. Then with
a farewell handshake with Dale he quietly slipped to the door behind the snack 
bar. Just before he exited something jumped on his head. He was terrified at 
first, thinking that he wasn't going to make it after all. But he found that it 
      Electra, giving him her own farewell licks and kisses. Man-Child, a big 
fan of lizards in general and this one in particular, smiled.
      "Thanks girl!" he said, patting her on the head. She then rejoined the 
      "David Helfgott, Forrest Gump," he muttered as he walked out the door, 
"why not me? What's wrong with me?" 
      Then he was gone. 

      "The Enduring Man-Child" 
"What in the world?" Man-Child suddenly asked himself, for as he went through 
the door, he found himself right in front of the
      injured Julie. Who was not smiling. "Julie!" Man-Child realizes he was 
again hit by the Magical Female Powers (tm). 

      "SNAP OUT OF IT!" Julie yells.

      Roy Neal blinks. "Huh?"

      "Quit feeling so darned sorry for yourself! Yeah, okay, so no one kissed 
you! Guess what? I've never kissed ANYONE, okay? And no
      one's kissed me! That's why I didn't kiss you!" She gets up and hugs Roy 
Neal. "There's a LOT of people here who haven't done anything like that! I mean-
-this is, like, the third time I've even HUGGED a guy I wasn't related to! But 
even if we don't express our feelings in the way you want, we all LOVE you! 
Okay? So quit!" 
      Julie sits back down. "Sorry," she says. "Guess I'm just a little 
irritable, since I can't fight for a while..." She smiles and hands Roy Neal
      her beloved sword. "Here--just take good care of it." She grins. "Trust 
me--just wave this around and you'll get attention. Just make sure you bring it 
back, okay?"
      Roy Neal suddenly finds himself in the midst of the battle, due to the 
magical female powers, no doubt. 

Man-Child was now in a situation he had not at all been expecting, and was 
totally unprepared for. Here he was about to leave in a dudgeon of self-pity and
 return to the quiet oblivion of the little rustic Republican village with the 
ax who had sold him his ticket, and all of a sudden he found himself with 
Julie's magic sword (at least he assumed it was the magic one; the thread 
sometimes became a bit confusing). And upon inheriting Julie's sword he found 
himself the focal point of All The Forces of Evil. "And I thought I was just
paranoid," he said to himself.
      "Man-Child! What are you doing hanging around here?" Foxglove asked in 
panic, "Get out of here!" At this moment the Prince of
      Darkness, the Head Armadillo (well, it might have been Boris Badenov; I 
was a little too excited to think clearly at the moment) opened
      wide its Dead Eyes and ZAPPED the beloved chiropteran, causing her to fall 
silent onto the floor.
      Both Man-Child and Dale screamed in horror and were at her side in a 
moment. Looking up in horror, disgust, and unspeakable rage
      Man-Child turned to the monster who had done this. 
      "You big bully! That took a lot of courage for a magical being such as you 
to zap a sweet, innocent, harmless, totally non-magical,
      non-supernatural animal as a bat, which EVERYONE KNOWS is UTTERLY DEVOID 
      WHATSOEVER and who in fact dwell in the Heavens and unite their ultrasonic 
voices in the Great Liturgy!"
      "Yes! It was a cowardly thing to do, I grant you. AND I ENJOYED IT SO!!!"
      On hearing this awful boast Man-Child raised the "magic" sword (which if I 
recall was a cardboard replica or something) and with a
      "HI-YEAH!" brought the sword down samurai-style on the very head of the 
Powerful Creature, though it was utterly futile and meant
      certain death for him. But when the sword bounced harmlessly off the 
Monster's head it just laughed and then unzipped its costume
      (!!!) from which emerged a dark and sinister man with a perfect English 
accent (NOT Liverpuddlian, BTW!). "Do you know who I am?"
      he glared at the utterly stupefied Man-Child.
      "Actually you are Tim Curry," Man-Child answered, "but you appear to be 
portraying that Knights Templar guy I've just finished
      watching on that AWFUL 'Ark of the Covenant' special on The Learning 
      "Correct!" the dark form said in sinister satisfaction, "I am in fact the 
Supreme Grand Master of the Evil Order to which has been
      entrusted the Secret Knowledge that has been hidden from all lesser 
beings: that all the supernatural phenomena of all the religions of
      the world are in fact natural phenomena of the Self-Existent Universe, 
which alone created and destroys everything! Which is totally
      random and meaningless! Which demands SOCIAL JUSTICE of every human being! 
Yes; the ultimate connection point of occult
      magic and naturalistic science! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-!!!!!!!!!!!!"
      (No, it was definitely the Head Armadillo and not Boris Badenov; I 
remember now.)
      "You total source of all EVIL!!!!" Man-Child sneered with hatred and 
loathing coursing through every fiber of his being, "You must
      work for The Devil!!!"
      "Small potatoes," the Grand Master said in a sneeringly sinister English 
accent (Tim was really in good form that day), "I in fact take
      my orders directly from the TRUE supreme master of Evil in the universe!"
      "You mean ? . . .
      "Yes! DAVID ROCKEFELLER!!!!!!!!!!!"
      "I should have known! If only Walter Brennan were here . . . !"
      "Well he's NOT!" the Grand Master snorted, "and now neither is that 
miserable little VAMPIRE!"
      "YOU UNSPEAKABLE ABOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!" That last insult had proved the 
last straw. Man-Child knew now that however
      dead Foxglove might be (and bats come in only two varieties, alive and 
dead, and absolutely NEVER "undead," which applies only to
      armadillos) he was nevertheless her loyal and faithful chivalrous knight 
even as she herself had been the Purest of Mistresses . . . 

      [Uh . . .
      Hmmm. That's the best way to put it that I can think of.]

      . . . which meant that it was up to him, and him alone, to avenger her 
though it meant his own death. So he raished his sword high
      once again and brought it down on the Grand Master's head. The effect was 
different this time. Without the foul image of an armadillo
      to protect him the Grand Master was now quite vulnerable, which meant that 
Man-Child not only vanquished him but also
      inadvertantly killed Mr. Curry. "That is your reward," Man-Child said in 
bitter satisfaction, "First he calls the Ark a big electrical
      condenser, then he refers to a bat by the "V" word!" But what was there to 
celebrate? True, the world had been saved, but what was
      the world in comparison to Foxglove? He joined the weeping and now widowed 
Dale at her body, taking one of her delicate wings in
      his hand to bathe it with his tears.
      Julie, having temporarily forgotten that she was under the mistaken 
impression that she was fatally wounded, now approached him
      with respect.
      "Well done, Man-Child. You have saved the world but lost your dear Lady. 
You must be suffering excruciatingly." He looked up and
      nodded dumbly, his eyes full of tears. She extended her hand to him.
      *I can't believe this! She's going to TOUCH me!* Man-Child thought. 
      "My sword, please," she said.
      "Oh . . . s-sure," he said as he handed it to her. After taking it from 
him though she was moved by compassion and said, "Oh, what
      the heck!" and took his hand and shook it.
      A strange thing then happened. As soon as her hand touched his a bolt of 
Magical Female Powers passed through him (singeing him
      badly in the process) and into Foxglove, whose wing he was still holding. 
And sure enough, thanks to Julie's Strange, Inexplicable
      Oriental Powers [wait a minute . . . oh, what the hey!] her eyes opened 
and she arose from the floor somewhat dazed and confused but
      otherwise none the worst for wear.
      "Wow, Julie! Thank you!" Man-Child said in fulsome gratitude, "you've 
brought back Foxy! I didn't even know that Magical Female
      Powers worked on other Females."
      "Is THAT how she brought me back?" Foxglove asked in horror, "That's 
awful! We bats have nothing whatsoever to do with magic!
      EVERYONE knows how innocent and sweet we all are! We female bats don't 
even have Magical Female Powers to begin with! I can't
      walk around for the rest of my life knowing I'm beholden to magic! Man-
Child, kill me again at once!"
      "NO!" he told her.
      "I said NO! FCOL, I may be your chivalrous knight, but I'm not your 
husband! Don't go expecting me to do *everything* you ask me
      Foxy's shocked open-mouthed expression was soon covered by Dale's face as 
he smothered her with kisses. No wait. That would
      make her dead again. Let's see . . . oh shoot, you folks know what I mean.
      And just at this moment of supreme triumph for the Forces of Bats and 
Goodness as well as of that old sadness again for Man-Child a
      voice called out from above them: "Well done, my children!"
      Looking up they all saw the form of Mrs. Brisby descending from above by 
means of a rope manipulated by the stagehands. All
      stepped away reverently as she touched down.
      "Mrs. B! You've come back! But why?" asked Man-Child.
      "My poor, sad, very strange enchanted boy! You have passed your great 
test. I had to leave you during the trial but have now
      returned to reward you. Whatever you most desire in the innermost chambers 
of your totally depraved heart is now yours for the
      Man-Child could not believe it! Looking at Dale and Foxy kissing each 
other he sighed and said, "well, I can't have what I desire most,
      because she's already married!" There was both sadness and triumph in the 
way he said it. After all, those two belonged together
      "That is true," Mrs. Brisby sighed, "However, my husband kicked the bucket 
some time ago." And she smiled as she said it.
      "You mean . . . ?" Man-Child dared not allow himself to hope for it.
      "I happen to know that Tom Lawless is no longer with the Cincinnati Reds 
but is today a justice of the peace in Chillicothe!" she said.
      And so, to the strains of the ULTIMATE lovey-dovey hit of 1982, "Up Where 
We Belong," the Widow Brisby and her love-starved
      waif exited so fast everyone's head spun.
      When this happened Gadget (who had secretly been consumed with lust for 
Man-Child but hadn't told anyone and had tried to keep
      calm around him) felt her heart shatter within her and abandoning all hope 
she jumped upon Chip with a cry of "Take me, I'm yours!"
      And there was much rejoicing.

      "The Enduring Man-Child" 
Belatedly realizing that those who worry about personal problems in battle tend 
to assume room temperature all too quickly, Roy Neal
      sprinted back into the fight waving the sword clumsily but effectively. 
Perhaps his study of the Macabees was of some benefit? After
      a few minutes the fighting took a turn away from his position, allowing 
him to rest for a moment.
      He had never realized how heavy swords were.
      The ground around him was stained and slimed with the remains of his slain 
enemies, and he was almost untouched! A few scratches
      which might with luck become scars to prove his courage, he thought, 
possibly the first time he'd thought such a thing.
      "Hey, women sometimes kiss heros!" That was worth a smile.
      He looked around, and began walking toward another battle. 

Indy could wait no longer. Chipette had been gone ten minutes without contact. 
He fired up his portable laptop and linked his cellular
      system to TPL's intergalactic transmitter. Then he fished around in his 
pockets and mouthed the words as he entered them.

      "Let me see now...chipette_sweetie@... Password...Valerius. 

      As the computer accepted the code, a surge of power erupted and a new E-
Portal opened. A striking figure emerged. It was a female,
      not unlike a Thundercat, yet different. She was wearing the uniform of the 
X-Men; she had cut the sleeves off, as well as the lower
      portion of the pants, leaving them just above the knee. Her hair was dark 
and long and extended in all directions, like Gadget's does
      when she blowdries hers. She had cat-like teeth, claws and eyes, yet her 
face was humanlike.

      "Who are you?" Indy asked.

      "I am Animollie, a new member of the X-Men created by Chipette. I am a 
feral shapeshifter, meaning that I can assume any animal form I wish."

      Indy looked her over again. "So is this your true form?"

      "For the moment," Animollie replied. "I assume that she's in trouble."

      "She sure is!" Chip said, breaking in. "We just heard! She was captured by 
Shredder! They want us to surrender in trade for her!"

      Indy thought it over for a moment, as did Chip. They both said "No!" at 
the same moment. "We can't fight by their rules," Indy said.
      "Let Animollie and me sneak in and rescue her. We'll try to pick up allies 
along the way."

      "All right," Chip replied. "But you're on your own on this one. We can't 
spare anyone if you get into trouble."

      But Indy and Animollie, who had transformed herself into a Bengal Tiger, 
were now on the move. Soon they found just the ally they

      Man-Child had just finished conquering a horde of evil beings, and was 
looking for more action.

      "Come with us, Man-Child!" Indy shouted. "We're going to rescue Chipette!"

      Man-Child was only too eager to help. There had been no female 
Rangerphiles to see any of his derring-do yet. Perhaps if he could save 

      Soon the trio was behind the enemy camp. Indy laid out a plan. "Animollie, 
you're the diversion! Get their attention and keep them off
      of us, while we go in and save Chipette!"

      "Right!" Animollie growled, and she moved off, transforming again.

      Chipette had been wondering when a rescue was coming, and had noticed a 
familiar fedora out of the corner of her right eye. She was
      tied to a stake and gagged, though, and could not warn them of the trap 
laid. Shredder and the gang were waiting for the rescue attempt.

      However, the trap in this case backfired. For Shredder and his minions 
soon faced an eleven-foot grizzly!

      "Bear! Look out!" Shredder cried. Everyone scattered in disarray. However, 
this sent several toward Indy and Man-Child. Indy used
      his whip to disarm two of them, but then a mutant got behind him. It would 
have been curtains had Man-Child not struck the evil one
      down with his sword. In gratitude Indy took on the rest, allowing Man-
Child the honor of the rescue.

      Man-Child reached the stake and untied Chipette, while in the foreground 
Animollie chased Shredder and the bunch back and forth.


      C'mon, Chipette. Man-Child's the only one who hasn't got a kiss yet! 

      Animollie was having a blast. scaring baddies was one of her favorite 
pasttimes. tired of being a grizzly, she smiled and took on
      another form, which paralyzed the enemies with fear- Tyranosauras Rex! for 
a moment Indy and Man-Child were frozen with fear as
      well, until they were able to reassure themselves that the monstrous 
carnivore was on their side, thank the Lord. Indy frowned.
      Animollie had scared off all the baddies. he had no one left to fight. 
with no baddies still around, Animollie assumed her true form,
      which wasn't the form she had when Indy summoned her. her hair was long 
and white blonde, and didn't flare out, but fell at her sides
      tame as a puppy. her Caribbean teal eyes sparkled like gems.
      Man-Child removed Chipette's gag and untied her.
      "oh Man-Child, how can i ever thank you?"
      "well, there is... /one/ thing you could do."
      "with pleasure." Chipette answered. she embraced Man-Child and gave him 
the kiss he had longed for.
      "Indy!" Chipette shouted, "you give me that picture this instant!"
      Indy gave it to Man-Child instead. "here you go, a nice little memento in 
case you ever start feeling sorry for yourself again!"
      Chipette scowled at Indy, not too appreciative of Paparrazzi Indy, but she 
didn't stay mad for long. she couldn't. they had rescued her,
      but there was still a piece of unfinished business.
      "guys, we can't leave until we save Monty and Cheddarhead Charlie."
      "that's not all, Chipette," Indy answered, "we've also got to destroy that 
machine thingy that's weakened the defenses. it should be
      around here somewhere.
      "all right, here's the plan: Animollie and I will go after the mice, you 
and Man-Child find that machine and destroy it."
      "right! let's go. Rescue Rangerphiles AWAY!" 

Chipette and Animollie stayed close and kept their eyes peeled. 
      "Chipette, do you have any idea exactly /where/ the other two are being 
      "no, but i know a good way to find out! what animal lives off of tracking 
down mice and other small rodents?"
      "but i thought you /hated/ snakes."
      "well, i'm not fond of them, but in this case i think it might be a good 
idea for you to become one."
      "i've got a better idea for a sniffer that you'll be much more fond of."
      Animollie began to glow and morphed into the form of a dog. Chipette 
smiled. that was much better than a snake. 
      Animollie tracked down Monty and Cheddarhead Charlie in no time. they were 
left nearly unguarded, and were quickly freed.
      Animollie and the rescuees were just about to leave the room when the 
Shredder and Juggernaut walked in.
      "uh oh! time to split!" 
      Animollie transformed into a velicoraptor, which sent Shredder running, 
but Juggernaut, being big, super-strong, and ultimately
      stupid, was not scared. Animollie used a different tactic. she morphed 
into a wasp and flew inside his helmetpiece. she stung his neck
      several times. Juggernaut, unable to stick his hand inside the helmet, or 
even to remove it since it was bolted down, was powerless to
      stop her. he screamed out in pain. the commotion brought several more 
villains. Animollie flew out of the headpiece and became a
      winged horse. Chipette and the two mice immediately hopped on her back. 
Animollie raced right past the villains and gallopped to the
      door. once outside, the four hid and waited for Indy and Man-Child to come 



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