Yet Another Silly Quiz

This one is Rescue Rangers-oriented. No answer is incorrect, but some may be more popular.

1. How can you tell if Gadget has been using your computer?

A>The keyboard smells like machine oil
B> You found schematics on the hard drive and YOU didn't put them there
C> It runs better than usual
D> Are you cuh-razy? Gadget isn't a -computer- mouse!

2. If Rat Capone sets up headquarters under your house, you should...

A> Put all of your jewelry in a really strong safe
B> Bait your rat-traps with gold coins instead of cheese
C> Call an exterminator
D> All of the above

3. How can you tell if Lawhiney has been playing Doom 64?

A> Sticky paw-prints and tiny claw-marks on the N64
B> The controller does not work
C> You find the Doom 64 cartridge inexplicably stuck in a wall
D> She is uncharacteristically happy, but Shake'a Bake'a isn't in the room.

4. The day Rat Capone gives up crime and turns himself in...

A> is the day Fat Cat goes on a diet
B> is the day that Nimnul joins the Hair Club for Men
C> is the day Bubbles, Desiree, and Lawhiney join the X-Men
D> will be a very good day for Gadget (but that red dress would still get her in trouble.)

5. You should avoid making Widget Hackwrench mad because...

A> she will vow "crunchy revenge" upon your person
B> she has a submarine and she's not afraid to use it!
C> her mechanical arm has some -nasty- features
D> all of the above

6. A good reason -not- to become one of Fat Cat's henchmen is:

A> he yells and abuses them a lot
B> the Rescue Rangers tend to "get the drop on them"
C> crime doesn't pay--and neither does Fat Cat
D> all of the above

7. Dale should date Foxglove because...

A> both of them are nocturnal & would make a cute couple
B> Foxglove seemed to be -very- interested in him during "Good Times, Bat Times"
C> would finally give Chip a good chance at Gadget ;O
D> Are you cuh-razy?! They shouldn't date!
E> Are you cuh-razy?! They shouldn't date; they should get -married-!!
Z> I have no comment at this time

8. Which of the following fan fiction characters would be best at opening envelopes and small packages?

A>  Caprice
B>  Kan Sune
C> Widget (either one)
D> Shadow

9. You can tell Dale has been using your computer because:

A> The mouse is in the bathtub, on an improvised skateboard ramp.
B> Your "sounds" have been changed to Capt. Blammo and Red Badger clips.
C> There is a pop-tart in the Zip Drive slot.
D>  There's a coffee mug sitting on the CD-ROM drive
E> All of the above.

10.  You know you've been watching too much RR when:

A> Your eyes glaze over and your hair twirls whenever someone mentions a cheese sandwich
B> Your friends run and hide when you say it "should" work with "no problems"
C> Instead of talking to people, you sometimes begin pantomiming and buzzing.
D> Whenever you drive out of your driveway you shout, "Rescue Rangers, Away!"
E> Are you cuh-razy? You can never watch too much RR!

Karl's Bonus Question:

You can tell that the Rescue Rangers are living in your home when:

      (A) Anything resembling cheese vanishes without a trace.
      (B) You hear arguing, bonking sounds in the walls.
      (C) The night before a test, a feminine voice whispers the answers into your ears while you sleep.
      (D) All of the dead flies disappear from your windowsill, and you find a tiny (but well-kept) cemetary in one of your
      (E) You start to put a slice of bread in the toaster, and hear "No! Not yet!!"
      (F) You find a banner ad for the Rescue Rangers Detective Agency on your website.
      (G) All of the above