
      Good evening.
      The J.A.M. and Bunnie, having come back from Sickbay, entered the Coffehouse again. The Jaguar had a new t-shirt,
      same print, and he was holding paws with the Rabbit. Upon seeing everyone unconscious and a giant sloth doing
      something to Misty, he unsheathed his claws and growled,

      "Excuse me, what is going on here?
      Until next time, remember:

      I AM THE J.A.M.

      Good evening.


      The J.A.M. 
Little wavy dream sequences!

Somehow, Dyglo didn't notice when he went under. In his mind, he went into dreaming...

      [dissolve to the wheat field from the beginning of A Goofy Movie]

      Dyglo sat up with a start.
      In the distance, he could see a pedastol. He began to rush towards it.
      Rose slumped onto Julie's copy of "You've Got to Read This" when the gland went off. Like Dyglo, she too began to

      [dissolve to a long hallway. A very long hallway.]

      Rose looked down the hallway. It was lined with countless numbers of windows down its length. She walked to the
      closest one and looked through.

      [POV shot: Rose, through the window]

      Inside the window, it looked like a hospital room. In it there were two skunks, apparently a couple. They were both
      looking into the shining eyes of a little newborn.
      "She's beautiful. What are we going to name her?"
      "What did you have in mind?"
      A doctor walked into the room. "Mr. Tefleur? Mrs. Tefleur? We need a name."
      Mr. Tefleur looked up at the doctor. "Rose. Rose Tefleur sounds nice..." Rose backed away from the window,
      Chris had just woke up and made his way to the dining area. As he got a cup of the day's special, he slumped to

      [dissolve to a ball room]

      Chris was dressed in an elegant looking tux. All around him, similarly dressed couples were dancing. They took no
      notice of the teen standing within their midst. Chris made his way to a row of chairs at the side of the room and sat this
      one out. He sat watching the various couples. There were anything from mice to chipmunks to zebras. He even saw a
      couple of platypi dancing.
      He let out a sigh and started nibbling from the food on his plate... 

      The timer on the Genesis device reached zero. A wave of fire erupted from the device and engulfed the planet.
      Destroying evreything. Moments later the planet was re-formed in favor of its new martix. Now the planet was
      returned to normal. No signs of any buildings or signs that humans or other creatures had ever stepped foot on the
      planet remained. But the beauty would not be long lasting. Since the Genesis device used unstable proto-matter the
      planet would collapse in a matter of days. 
      "Well done John all evidence has been eliminated now we can spread Double Helix on Earth with no fears. All females
      will be eradicated. The world will be at peace." General Thul said
      "Yes, it will be a great worl indeed."

      Roll Credits

      THE END 

      John D 
And then John woke up, it was all a wonderful dream.
      "Oh, drat..."
      If only that fat lady dragon hadn't crushed my wonderful Genesis Device, if only Slappy Squirrel hadn't cartoon-holed
      my lovely warp bomb, if only... John sighed. Life was unfair.
      All he wanted was to eliminate all life above the level of protozoa. Was that so wrong?
      "Yes, my master?"
      "You have failed" The voice of the Berserker machine held no emotion.
      "The Badlife is stronger than I had believed"
      "You will be removed from this area"
      "What of this Badlife?"
      "We will bypass this obstacle, as we have others. In the end, we will prevail. All that lives will end."

      The ancient war machine, remnant of a battle which had rendered it's makers extinct, beamed John D. aboard, to his
      familiar cell. 

What goes on in the midst of a slumbering skunkette's mind?

      My... My parents... They're my parents... How can that be? Rose rushed to another window.

      [POV shot: Rose. Through window.]

      In the window, she sees a cosy looking den decorated for a party. Someone is singing Happy Birthday nearby. The
      two from the hospital... no, her parents, walk into the room carrying a cake. on it were four candles. Somehow she
      knew that that didn't mean her fourth birthday.
      "How's the world's newest three year old doing today?"
      A young version of herself runs into view. "Daddy!"
      "Careful, you don't want him to drop your cake do you?"
      "Sorry, Mommy. I be good..."
      The young Rose released her father. He set the cake on the table and Young Rose climbed onto a chair.
      "Why are there four cadnels on it?"
      "Three for how old you are, and one to grow on. Now, make a wish and blow out the candles..."
      She closed her eyes for a while then opened them and blew out the candles. "Do I get my presents now?"
      "Sure do!"
      The young one gladly ripped open the brighly colored package. "Wow! I got what I wished for!"

      Rose pulled away from the window. She could remember the time clearly now. Tears were streaming down her face.
      "My first 'Little Miss Pretty' doll..." She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. "Where am I? Why am I here?"
      "You must remember, child!" Rose looked up and saw an elderly skunkette standing before her. "You need to


Meanwhile, back in the clinic.
Karl had suffered minor burns and lacerations when the Coffee House had "burned down", but had been enjoying
      himself in spite of that. Thank God for nurses. They stand there and smile while you talk to them. They have to. Heh
      He'd actually got a giggle out of one nurse, and was feeling quite happy with life. But then he walked out to the main
      cafe area of the coffee house and was nearly overcome by a hideous odor that defied all description.
      "I doubt that flavor will become popular" He gagged helplessly, running back into the clinic. The smell clung to his
      clothing, causing even the nurses to draw back, repulsed.
      "Something - in the cafe!" He managed to get out between dry heaves.

Wake up call

      The foul odor was enough to set off the Cofffehouse's hazzardous chemical sensors, and quickly the ventilation system
      was reved up to full power, sucking all the bad air out, and replacing it with a nice wildflower scent. At the same time,
      the little maintenece robots had popped out of nowhere again, and were on a seek and destroy mission, busily cleaning
      every surface that emitted even the slightest trace of the smell. Fortunately for Karl, one of them found him, too, and
      gave him a quick going over, leaving him feeling fresh and clean, with an "oh so pleasant" aroma that the nurses just
      couldn't resist.

      Unfortunately for the sloth, being the source of the smell, the robots just couldn't get her "clean", and were buzzing
      around her like a swarm of angry bees. "Hey! Stop! Leave me alone!" she shouted, trying in vain to brush them away.
      It was no use, however, and she quickly exercised her only course of action, leaving the Coffehouse as fast as her sloth
      legs could carry her, the robots in persuit.

      Just as the sloth left, and the robots disapeared, the patrons of the Coffeehouse began to awake. Rose rasied her head,
      looked around, and said to no one in particular, "I had the strangest dream." 

Oh YEAH???
Annie Mae couldn't run very fast and thus hadn't gotten very far when she recalled her powerful weapon and thought
      what the hoo-haw am Ah a-runnin' for? Then she turned around and let the robots have it. Unfortunately for her,
      machines with no sense of smell weren't affected.

      At that moment a shadow glided across the ground and Annie Mae looked up to see a bizarre creature flying in the air
      above. It seemed to have the body of a griffin, with four legs and yet two extra arms protruding from the forepart of its
      grotesque body. In addition to this were its two huge wings, like those of a great eagle. Its long neck was topped by
      the head of a collie dog but with the face of a horse. Or else it was the other way around. I never can remember which.
      It dove at Annie Mae and the robots emitting a hideous wailing cry like that of a woman being murdered. As it levelled
      off it swiped the pesky little cleaning machines off Annie Mae and then looked to her as if to speak. Whereupon (of
      course) the poor creature lost consciousness.

      "Oh mah GRACIOUS!" Annie Mae said, quickly pulling the monster over to the side and attempting to wave the smell
      away from the bizarre head. "If'n y'all is who Ah thinks y'all ahe, then Ah'm AWFUL sorry, ol' buddy!" Eventually the
      Creature's eyes opened.

      "Yi!" it yelped in fright.

      "Now don't be scared, honey chil'!" she assured it, "This is jus' li'l ol' Annie Mae Sue of Piranha Paradise Bananer
      plantation down in Colombia. Ah y'all li'l ol' Mrs. Leeds' littles' boy?"

      "Annie Mae?" the strange being asked in a faint voice, "is that really you? I've spoken to thee many times on the
      Computer but had no Idea of your appearance. Forgive me if I behaved inappropriately."

      "Aw tha's all right, honey!" she said in a kind and maternal voice, "not many folks has seed a presumed extinct giant
      South American ground sloth, and ouah secret weapon is purty intimidatin', I s'pose. But don' you worruh none! You
      goin' to the Rescue Ranger Coffeehouse?"

      "Is that what this place is?" the Jersey Devil asked in awe, "I had begun to think that I had left the Earth and come upon
      a strange alien world."

      "You on the Dragon Planet, hon!" Annie Mae responded with good-natured buoyant laughter, "location of the li'l ol'
      Rescue Ranger Coffeehouse! Welcome aboard!"

      "Be . . . be there dragons?" the Devil asked in a trembling voice.

      "Well don' you worry none about that, darlin'" she answered in a borderline flirtatious voice, "Dulcy an' Dyglo is as
      sweet as can be, and y'all got nothin' to fear from them!"

      "Art thou sure, Madam?" Jersey asked, still anxious.

      "Aw, HON! You come on along now! Besides," she added slyly, "with all the interspecies pairin' off goin' on in thar
      you jes' maht fin' a li'l ol' gal, even if you ARE the only one of your kind! Comprende?" she asked, batting her

      "I am despised by all creatures," Jersey replied, sixteen decades of hatred and rejection by the world evident in the
      sadness of his voice.

      "Not no mo', darlin'. These is RANGERPHILES. They's diffrunt. Now you come on 'long!"

      The Jersey Devil thought for a moment. "Very well, Madam Annie Mae," he said at last, "I trust you. I will toddle along
      behind you, but I ask you to please vouch for me in case of turmoil."

      "Ah will darlin'!" Annie Mae said in a low voice that dripped sympathy and compassion, "y'all have suffered enough.
      Po' chil'. Come on along and y'all'll nevah be friendless ag'in!"

      "Just a moment," Jersey said, and in no time he DEVOURED all the robots that had been trying to clean Annie Mae in
      less than no time.

      "What AHE you, darlin'? Some kind'a li'l ol' billy goat?"

      "Among other things, perhaps," the legendary Jersey Devil said, licking his lips, "lead the way."

      "Well okay hon, but y'all mus' promise not to eat any robots oah small animals theah. We-uns is their GUESTS. Jus'
      eat what they serve there, okay? It's down home good!"

      "Well, my home is up in the Jersey Pine Barrens," the Devil said, still a little unsure of this whole thing, "but I will do as
      you say. I hope they won't hate me and drive me from them as I have been driven from the world of men."

      Annie Mae smiled. "C'mon!" she said, and she led the way back to the door of the Coffeehouse. Everyone had revived
      and things were returning to number. But the crowd grew eerily quiet when the front door swung wide to reveal a
      thought-long-extinct giant South American ground sloth and the most legendary (and indescribable) creature in all
      American folklore. 

      "The Enduring Man-Child" 
The human.

      Chris (RC) was still a little groggy from his involuntary nap. He kept hearing a beeping noise and then a voice. "*beep*
      Your beverage is ready sir. *beep* Your beverage is ready sir. *beep* Your beverage is ready sir. *beep* Look, if
      you don't get up and get your beverage, I'll send it down to you. *beep* 3 *beep* 2 *beep* 1 *beep* Very well,
      prepare to receive beverage."
      A cup slid off of the coffee machine and Chris (RC) dove to catch it. He took a sip and savored the taste.
      Just then, Annie Mae and the Jersey Devil walked in as Chris (RC) took another sip. As might be expected, a
      spit-take followed.
      Noticing the depressed look on the Jersey Devil's face, he went over and introduced himself. "Hi! The name's Davis,
      Chris Davis. What's yours?"
      "Devil, Jersey Devil."
      "Interesting name. Mind if I call you Jers?"
      Rose saw the two enter and a memory was triggered. Well, kind of a memory. Part of the dream flashed into clarity in
      her mind. A glimpse of a book with a picture of the giant sloth flashed into her mind, then faded. "That does it!" she
      said to no one in particular. "I'm going to see that squirrel psychiatrist I heard they have here." She wandered off
      muttering about strange dreams and weird visions.
      When she got to the waiting room, she was surprised to find Adam there also. He was reading one of the magazines
      provided to cope with the long boring wait ahead. Rose walked over and greeted him. "Hi Adam! What're you here
      Adam jumped at the sudden voice. "Oh, hi Rose. Um, nothing really important. Just... I'd really not talk of it at the
      Another memory thrust itself into Rose's mind.

      [Cool looking flash of light effect. Cut to vision during flash.]

      A small skunk, about the same size as she was, appeared before the table, looking round with childish curiosity at the
      events surrounding them, and then seeing her stood next to Chris (AC) and ehoing her realisation and grin at a
      play-mate. Chris (AC) tried to keep his composure, and spoke. "Hello, Adam. I'm Chris, this is Chris (indicating his
      friend across the table, who smiled back) and this is Rose. Now have some fun together and be careful." At this point
      Chris (AC) leaned close to Adam and whispered something. Adam looked a little confused at first, but looked back at
      Rose as she tried to hide her giggles, and smiled widely. "Okay Dad, thanks for the words" he told Chris, and walked
      away with Rose to play various childhood games and have some fun, being careful to avoid a jaguar and bunnie who
      appeared to be entangled and were emitting steam from their ears...

      [flashie thing again, back to the coffeehouse]

      Rose took a seat next to Adam and tried to shake off the feeling of oddness. "I'm sorry, I just kinda had a flashback."
      "That's weird, so did I," Adam replied. 


      Rose took a seat next to Adam, and picked up a magazine. After a few minutes silence, she was the first to speak.
      "So, where's your Dad?" she asked. "He's asleep" Adam replied quietly. "Oh, still?" "I hope he comes round soon"
      Adam said even more quietly. 'Don't worry, he soon will, and all will be fine!' she tried comforting him, and put a
      friendly arm over his shoulder.

      Meanwhile in another room in the coffeehouse, Chris (AC) was coming around. "Well, finally!' were the first words
      that he heard. He grogilly opened his eyes, and looked araoun - the speaker of the words was Dale. He had an
      absolute mountain of comic books next to him, which made Chris's (AC) eyes light up slightly, though he still felt tired.
      "Do you know I've got through every one of the...twice!" Dale merrilly told him. "Oh, I bet that was torture" Chris
      (AC) replied slowly, his tiredness decreasing with every breath. Dale laughed, "oh awful" . "I'll join you for a third
      sitting" Chris smiled wryly, "Done' Dale smiled.

      "You're the last person to wake up y'know" Dale continued. 'Yeah, always was a late sleeper". Dale looked serious for
      a moment" You sure you're okay". Chris (AC) was touched at this show of concern, and smiled back in gratefullnes.
      "Yes, fine. I'd better get up then I can start reading!" It took him a few minutes to get his baring, but the Chris (AC) got
      up, and with a helpful hand from Dale, walked towards the main coffeehouse. A flash past through his mind, it
      appeared to be.. some bok wih a picture of ...what was it...oh, It's coming clear, a ...a...a..."giant sloth" he said out
      loud indignantly. 'Parden" Dale looked worried. "Oh, nothing, just some stupid dream I think" Chris (AC) answered,
      and they continued out into the main rom. "at last!" nearly everyone in the room said, as Chris (AC) walked slowly
      out. He smiled back. "Don't you just love a lie-in" he said coyly, gettin numerous looks of playful exasperation returned.
      He made his way, and sat once again opposite Chris (RC), who was just sitting back down after greeting a new-comer
      in the Cafe.

      "Hi again!" they said in unison, and broke into a chuckle. "Is that machine still working?" Chris (AC) asked. "Yup, ya
      want something?". "A good cup of tea if it has any." Chris (RC) pressed the relevent buttons, and a cup of tea shot out
      and around the room, causing everyone to duck and sawy, before Chris (AC) caught it on its second time rund the
      room. "You should play for the Braves" Chris (RC) commented as his ompanion nearly downed the drink in one. 'Can
      I have another one" Chris (AC) asked. "Take cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roy-Neal shouteds from behind, and everyone fell to
      the floor. As if anticipated, a cup of tea slwly came out and sat right in front of Chris (AC) gently. "Phew" Karl started
      to get up "Oh, with milk please" Chris continued, and everyone fell to the flor again. Chris was enjoying this. People
      started to get up "I'll have two sugars please' back dsown on the floor. Again people started to get up "no make that
      three" back down again. 'Mm, I'll have a bit more milk please" "stoppit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chip shouted, "or the
      machine will go out of order!!!" ."How?" Dale asked. "We'll kick it!" Chip replied. "Oh. That works".

      "Sorry"!! Chris (AC) repied mischeviously. Then a thought struck him. "Hey, Chris - where's Adam? And
      Rose as well". "I saw them wandering around downstairs" Foxglove said as she passed. Chris (AC)
      stopped in wonder. 'Foxglove, you can hear again" He cried with joy. "Yep, sure can, amzing what you can
      do with bits off an old stereo. Thanks Karl!" she finished, and winked at him. "Pleasure, Foxglove! He
      repied, and you can get the radio on it as well, if you twist your left ear slightly!' he replied.

      "Can I have one of those? " Chris (AC) asked.

      Then he turned back to Chris (RC)."I'd like to find Adam and Rose, would you come with me?" "Sure! I'm
      getting a bit worried myself." He then noticed Jersey Devil looking a bit forlorn in a corner. "Hey, Jers,
      would you come with us and help us find Adam and Rose?" His ears pricked up, "with pleasure, anything to
      help a friend" He replied, so the threesome moved away, as Chris (AC) was introduced to Jersey Devil, and
      vice versa.

      Meanwhile, downstairs.

      "Next please" came a voice from inside the door. Adam, said bye to Rose, left his mag on the chair, and
      walked inside.... 



      Good evening.
      The Jaguar and the Rabbit were wondering what was happening when the sloth ran for her life, and then later came
      back with a strange looking creature. So, they both decided to sit down again.

      "And, you'll be heading back for Mobius soon?" asked The J.A.M., a trifle concerned.

      "If Sally thinks we should stay longer, we will, though I don't know what else could happen in this crazy Coffeehouse.
      But don't worry about me leaving, Sugar. It's not as if I'm in a hurry."

      "Then do you think we should follow Chris and Chris and that thing to look for Adam and Rosie?"

      "I don't know."

      Then, something unbelievable happened again. . .
      Until next time, remember:

      I AM THE J.A.M.

      Good evening.


      The J.A.M. 
Hear ye, hear ye!
As Karl had hoped, Foxglove's hearing was not permanently impaired, and after only a few hours she could hear at
      least as well as a human again. With the help of the small device hanging around her neck (spare parts from stereos are
      far too large to stuff into a bat's ear!) to help, she could hear as well as a dog. This was still far short of her normal
      sensitivity, but she continued to improve.
      "So, Rose, what can I do for you?" She heard.
      Looking around, Foxglove tried to place the source of the question.
      "J.A.M, Sugah, Ah ain't never seen nothin' quite the likes a' that, b'fore!" She heard next.

      Foxglove sat down, wondering. Then she gently reached up and turned her left ear... 

The dragon.

      Dyglo sat at a table with Dulcy. He had been explaining the situation with Nogard for some time. She listened in
      silence. I hope she's not mad at me, he thought. "-and when I woke up, all I could think about was proving myself
      back to you. I went to find Nogard, and came straight here when I did find him. So... do you forgive me?"
      Dulcy stood and walked to his side of the table. Her face showed no expression. Suddenly, a big grin appeared on her
      face and she knocked Dyglo over with a big hug. "I could never stay mad at you! Not when there's proof that you
      didn't do those bad things!"
      "Nice to finally meet you. Haven't been pestering Sonic again I hope?"
      "I haven't seen him since before the explosion. Actually, I came here for a different reason."
      Emmy guided the skunkette to a couch. "Ah. Of course, Miss..."
      "Tefleur. Rose Tefleur. I came to you because I've been having these visions and weird dreams. Do you think you
      could help me?"
      "I don't see why not. Can you tell me what you remember of one of the weird dreams?"
      "There's been only one so far. Here's how it went. I was standing in a hall..."
      Rose tells Emmy the dream.
      "and she says to me, 'You must remember, child! You need to remember!' That's all I can remember. I know there
      was more to it, but I can't remember it. So, am I crazy?"
      Emmy looked up from the notes. "Hmm, I've only had one case like this happen before. I think I have a theory as to
      what may be happening."
      "What? Who was the other person? When did you talk with them?"
      "I talked to him a little while ago. It was Adam. You see, most of the characters around here already had pasts when
      they were created. They remember the past, not being created. However, you and Adam are different. You were
      created with no past. I assume Adam was too. I think that you are beginning to 'remember' your past. It must be being
      created right now and this is an unforseen side effect of it being created. It's alomst like amnesia."
      "But that doesn't explain the visions."
      "Adam didn't have those. Can you tell me about them?"
      Rose explains about the visions.
      "-and the funny thing is, I don't remember a single one. I know I had them, but I can't remember them."
      "You were one of the people that the warining on the back of the book applies to. It's not causing any harm, so why
      not just ignore it?"
      "I can't! Recently, they've been returning, or I'm remembering them or something. *gasp!*"
      "Rose? Are you all right?"
      Rose returns to normal.
      "I'm sorry, it happened again. It said that Chris and Chris are going to be coming up here."
      "Fascinating! Can you tell me anything more?"
      "Not much, except that you'll be taking a bite of a sandwich when they arrive." 

Conclusion of the Coffeehouse thread
And they all lived happily ever after!!!

      Well, was anybody else going to finish it with a different ending? 

      "The Enduring Man-Child" 
I guess I'll wrap up my loose ends.
All was well. Rose had come to terms with her visions and her developing history. Dyglo and Dulcy got back together,
      and Chris (RC) had survived his first visit to the Coffeehouse. Now came the hard parts.

      "Rose, I want you to stay here. Here you will always have friends and there will always be a shoulder to cry on."
      "No buts. You wouldn't be happy where I'm going, so I would like you to stay here. Now, be good and don't drink too
      much coffee." Chris (RC) wiped away a sentimental tear. "Make me proud to be your creator!"
      The skunkette gave her creator a hug, knowing that they would not see each other for quite a while. "I'll miss you..."
      "And I you, Rose. I promise I'll visit you sometime. Now go, it's a big Coffeehouse. I expect to be able to get a tour from
      you next time." And with a final hug, the two parted ways.
      "Yes, Dyglo?"
      "I suppose you know that I'll be leaving soon."
      "Yes, I know. I'll have to leave soon as well. You won't forget me I hope?"
      "I shall remember you forever and a day. Maybe I can find a way to visit you on your world someday."
      "Someday then. I'll be looking forward to it."
      "I shall always remember you."
      Chris walked over to Dyglo. "Dyglo? It's time."
      Dyglo looked at his friend and rose to his feet. "I want you to have this. To remember me by." The dragon produced a
      statuette of Dulcy and pressed it into her palms. "Here's looking at you, kid." Dyglo kissed Dulcy's hand one last time and
      joined his friend at the door. And with a look over the room one last time, they walked out the door and down the road to
      disappear in a flash of light. 

Last call!
Karl looked around one last time. He'd always liked this place, so peaceful and relaxing. He could always unwind at the
      Saying his good-byes to Emmy, he added, "You'll clue in the kids yourself, I hope?"
      She pretended to be irritated at the question, then grinned. "I wouldn't miss it for the world! When Rose finds out that she
      can visit her creator instantaneously at any time, I think she'll cheer up a little."
      "There's other perks, but we won't mention them, 'toons gotta keep a few secrets from the mundane world." She added,
      looking smug.
      Karl smiled back, shaking his head in wonder at it all...
      "Don't be a stranger, Karl."
      "He did a double-take at that, then following Dyglo's lead, kissed her hand.
      "I'll be back" He didn't sound a bit like Swartzenegger, but neither one cared.

      Karl wandered out the door, flipped open his worn, spiral-bound magic notepad, and wrote himself out of the picture. Like
      the cheshire cat, the last thing visible was his big, silly grin. 

The sheep bids farewell

The ram nodded approvingly at the happiness ensuing all around him, checked to see that his friends Dyglo and the
      J.A.M. were with their sweethearts, then left for his home planet, where doubtless there was crime that needed his
      attention ... 

Re: Conclusion of the Coffeehouse thread
John D was released from his cell. The master wished to speak with him
      "John, you have failed at the coffeehouse, this is your last chance. You are to continue to pose as a college student at
      PSU untill the time arrives. Report to room 23 and prepare to be returned to Earth."
      "Don't worry sir my mission at PSU will go wothout problems"
      "It had better" 

      John D 
The computer geek departs!
Dylan stared out his notebook computer. The red
      power light had begun to blink. "Already, it seems like I just got here," he said to no-one in particular. He shut down
      the box and chugged down the last of the dew. He took one last look
      around the cafe and then headed out the door. 

Time to go home
      "I think it's time we went home," Sally declared matter-of-factly. Dulcy walked over to Sally and said she was ready.
      "About time! Who knows what could've happened while we were away?" Knuckles added. "I think Ant is starting to
      come around."
      "Oh, my head! When do we leaf zis place?"
      "As soon as we all get here."
      Rotor walked up. "I'm here. Now, all we need are Sonic, Tails, and Bunnie." 

Sonic, who was for the moment calling himself Shockwave, was having a wonderful time messing with some people's
      minds, down at the airport. He had discovered that he was not only faster than RADAR pulses, but he could see them
      and shape them with his hands. He was sending back echoes of 50-foot monster chili-dogs, smiley-faces, a rather
      good likeness of Sally, and other images to the puzzled air traffic controllers when the rest of the freedom fighters found
      It was the Sally Acorn image that gave him away, and she was trying very hard to look irritated with him as she
      announced over the airport loudspeaker, "Now departing via trans-dimensional warp, Sonic the Hedgehog and party!
      Sonic, I know you can hear me! Where are y.." She jumped when he appeared directly in front of her, grinned, and
      disappered again.
      "At least he's blue again." She muttered.
      They went to the cafe's trans-mat universal displacement center and barbeque with the blinking blue blur bouncing
      ballistically by.
      "Knuckles, I know this is partly your doing, pouring all that espresso into Sonic. I'd like to take a vote here - all in
      favor of never, ever, doing that again, raise your hand!"
      It was unanimous.
      "Now, that's out of the way... Where's Bunnie and tails?" 


      Good evening.

      The J.A.M. and Bunnie, outside the Cafe, had heard Sally's order.

      "Will you come visit Mobius?" asked the Rabbit.

      "I will, you can count on that. There are plenty of transporters here, 
so I don't think there will be much of a problem."

      "Can't you come with us now?" 

The Jaguar sighed.

      "No. I have to return to Earth and look after my niece. 
She'll be born any minute now. But I'm sure I'll see you at the
Oddimalist. Everyone there knows I'm crazy for you." The Rabbit 
and the Jaguar just looked at each other for a moment. 
The Panther wanted to kiss her, but he couldn't make his move. 
Instead, the Lagomorph did, and she kissed him on the cheek.

      "I'll see you later, then." Paw in paw, they entered the Cafe, 
and went to the transporters, where the other Mobians were waiting.
      Until next time, remember:

      I AM THE J.A.M.

      Good evening.


    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Set/3907

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