Mystery Science Theater 3000

Episode 5,492,630...and seven.

"A Hitch in Time"

Original story written by Karen Mollett
Edited with permission by pOd


The Satellite of Love's control room. Mike stands by himself, reading a copy of Time Magazine with a robot on the cover. He appears glued to the mag, skimming quickly over it.

Mike: (looks up from magazine) Oh, hi there! Welcome to the ol' Satellite of Love. I was just checking out this article in Time here about robots on earth. I guess they've got these giant labs down there where all they do is build robots! Pretty wild, ain't it? Yeah, but they are having some trouble with it...they can't quite make a robot carry out a real conversation, for one...

Gypsy strolls by in the background, and turns to face Mike.

Gypsy: Oh, hello Mike! Lovely day, isn't it?

Mike: Hi Gypsy, sure is! Where're you headed this morning?

Gypsy: Oh, over to the engineering room. I'll see you soon!

Mike: Okay Gypsy, take care!

Mike goes back to the article as Gypsy departs.

Mike: Oh, and it says here that robots can't really understand feelings either. Guess it's pretty complex...

The camera suddenly zooms in, and smacks Mike in the face. It quickly adjusts itself.

Mike: Hey, careful there, Cambot! You forgot to screw the zoom lens in again, didn't you?

The camera quickly shakes left-to-right.

Mike: (growing angry) Yeah, you did! Here's the screw on the counter! Cambot, if I have to tell you one more time, I swear I'll...

A single tear runs down the screen.

Mike: Aww, hey, sorry there, I didn't mean to upset you! (reaches forward and pets the screen lightly) I promise I won't yell anymore, okay?

The screen shakes up and down. Mike returns to the magazine.

Mike: Oh yeah, anyway, it's also talking about how robots can't figure out simple things that we do all the time. Like, making a sandwich, or something. It's too hard for robots to comprehend, so...

Crow and Tom Servo enter, each carrying a picnic basket.

Crow: Hey, Mike! Check it out, we made us a little pre-movie snack!

Tom: Yeah, we kinda snuck into the mess hall and threw this together for ya...(bashfully) It's nothing, really, just a little...

Mike: (opens basket) Let's see here, what've we got? (retrieves some food) Wow! A potato salad, some pork rinds, and...No way! Subs! You made us subs?

Tom: We sure did! There's Italian, roast beef, and I was in a crazy mood, so I just threw in some pepperoni ones for the heck of it!

Crow: Ooh! I want a pepperoni sub!

Mike: (unwraps sub and stuffs it in Crow's mouth) Okay buddy, one pepperoni!

Crow :Fanchs!

Mike: (still rummaging through basket) Arright, what else is in here? Whoa, there's a roast turkey!

Crow: Dawwaf me, Mich!

Tom: Yeah, well I basted it!

Mike: Hey, thanks guys! (to audience) But, I guess robots have a ways to go before they're, well, human-level, you know?

Crow: Hey, Michh! Pewwf cawwin!

Tom: Oh, Pearl's calling, Mike.

Pearl's mansion. She is seated at a long table, joined by Bobo and the Brain Guy. Across the table, a large boxlike robot with one arm plays her at a game of chess. It moves a piece.

Robot: (tingy voice) I win. You are bad at this game, and you are ugly.

Pearl growls and throws the board at the robot. Bobo and Brain Guy duck under the table.

Pearl: Oh, hello there Nelson, hello Robots. I was, um, just finishing up a game of chess with the castle Robot. I taught him everything he knows...

Robot: No, that is incorrect. I am a self-learning robot. I taught myself how to ride a bicycle, jump rope, and beat you at chess.

Pearl: Shut up! Why don't you go make me a sandwich or something?

Robot: (begins to shake) Ssss-sandwich? Saaaandwich does not commmpute!!

The robot explodes. Bobo and Brain Guy emerge.

Pearl: Anyway, I was busy this week putting that worthless robot thing together, so I didn't have time to pick out a movie. But you can't go without your weekly torturing, so I had Bobo pick out one of his favorites. It's, um...a cartoon.

Bobo: What? I like cartoons! What's wrong with...

Pearl: Anyway, this one's called "A Hitch in Time." Enjoy. (turns to Brain Guy) Hey, go make me a sandwich.

Brain Guy: (begins to shake) Ssss-sandwich? Saaaandwich does not commmpute!!

Brain Guy explodes. Pearl slaps her face.

The control room. Crow still munches on his sub, Mike tears away at a drumstick. Tom has his face in the potato salad.

Mike: (swallowing chicken) ...What was that, Pearl? I missed that...

The famous siren goes off, and the gang tosses the food into the air. They scramble for the doors.



A Hitch in Time

Rescue Rangers theme music plays.

--Crow: Did that say Chippendales?! We're not watching the Chippendales, are we Mike?

---Mike: No, of course not!

They listen to the theme music, and begin to bob their heads in unison.

--Mike: Whoever wrote this song had a serious stuttering problem...

--Crow:, n-nevermind..

Scene 1 : Gadget's workshop

Gadget is busy tightening bolts, connecting wires, and examining various switches. The boys come in as she is finishing some adjustments.

Gadget: Oh, good. You're all here. Let me show you my latest invention.

--Tom: I call it "the Wheel!" I'm not sure what we're gonna use it for, but here it is!

The boys are gathered around Gadget as she explains her latest invention.

Gadget: With this generator, we won't need to tap into the power lines.

--Crow: Heheh, they're gettin' free cable...

Monterey: That's nice, luv, but is it safe?

--Mike: Only on you! Here, try it!

Gadget: Certainly! Allow me to demonstrate...

Gadget flips a switch that protrudes from a conglomeration of metal parts. The generator hums to life. Strange, glowing specks emanate from it.

Gadget: Hmm. It isn't supposed to do that...

--Tom: Yeah, wheels aren't supposed to do that!

Chip: SHUT IT OFF!!!

Too late. Camera shot switches to outside RRHQ. A huge explosion rocks the tree. A wild lightshow and weird special effects follow.

--Mike: Looks like Grandpa tried to program his VCR again...

Scene 2: near an airstrip.

The Rangers regain their senses near an old airport.

SFX: aircraft taking off in the distance.

--Crow: What a useful machine!

Gadget: Is everyone alright?

Dale takes a quick inventory of his extremities.

Dale: I'm still in one piece. Feel kinda weird, though.

Chip: Ooooogh, I don't feel so good.

--Tom: Ugh, me either..

--Mike: Too much potato salad, Tom.

Chip, dizzy, tries to rise to his feet and succeeds--just barely.

Monterey: Nothin's broken. Crikey! How'd we get here?!?

--Tom: "Crikey?"

Gadget looks around and gets a shocked expression on her face. She recognizes her former home, in spite of the additions to it. Someone had made more levels, by adding more discarded 'plane parts, and an elevator. A sign proclaimed the whole thing as the "Hackwrench Institute".

--Mike: Yes, folks, the amazing Hackwrench!! It slices, dices, and tightens things at the same time!

--Crow: Available in electrical, or gas-powered, for our friends in the Amish community.

The boys see this, too. They look at Gadget with puzzled expressions on their faces, but she's too stunned to react. Finally, she finds her voice.

Gadget: Golly! What's going on here?

A mouse walks past them, oblivious to their presence. Monterey Jack follows and taps the mouse on the shoulder.

Monterey: 'scuse me, mate. Could ya tell me 'ow long all this has been 'ere?

The mouse turns around, smiling. She looks like Gadget, except she has brown eyes and slightly darker fur.

Girl: The Hackwrench Institute? It was founded about 45 years ago by Gadget Hackwrench. Gran says I'm related to her.

Monterey: Whuh?!? Crikey!

--Mike, Tom, Crow: "Criiiikey!!"

The other Rangers just came up and overheard this.

All 'Rangers (except Monty): What?!?

--Mike, Tom, Crow: We said, "Criiikey!!"

Girl: Yeah. I'm Grace Gigabyte.

She shakes paws with Monty.

Grace: It's been nice talking to you, Mister--er,um...

Monterey: Monterey...

He stops himself, realizing that his name might be recognized.

Grace: ...Mr. Monterey. Saaaay, you aren't the new Marketing instructor, are ya?

Monterey: Um, no.

--Crow: No, I just fell outta the sky a few seconds ago, remember?

Grace: Well, if you have any more questions, go inside and ask the computer. It's voice activated. I have to go to class; bye!

Grace walks to the elevator, turns around, and notices Gadget.

Grace: Widget! Hurry up! Dr. Sam's Chemistry class starts in 5 minutes, cuz! You've missed two classes already and you need that course for your engineering degree!

The elevator goes up with Grace on it.

--Tom: Engineering degree?

--Crow: Yeah, she's what? Twelve? She oughtta be way into her first job by now.

Dale: Widget?

Chip: Voice activated computer??

Monty: Related?!?

--Mike, Tom, Crow: "Criiikey!!!"

Gadget: What the gosh, darn *heck* is going on?

--Mike covers the robots' ears.

--Mike: Don't listen! Don't listen!

--Tom: She said a bad word, mommy!

If this "institute" has been here for 45 years, that can only mean--*gasp* We've traveled forward through time! But how did I get the generator to generate Chroniton particles?

--Crow: Crouton particles?

They get on the elevator.

Monterey: Beats me, luv. Maybe we should ask the computer, like Gracie suggested.

The elevator stops, the doors open, and they file out.

Computer (in a mechanical voice that sounds like an older version of Gadget): Welcome to the Hackwrench Institute.

--Mike: Home of the amazing Hackwrench! It slices, it...

--Crow: Okay, Mike..

Information flashes briefly on a display screen. Chip caught a glimpse and read "Identity verified. Loading special subroutine..."

Gadget: Golly! This computer sounds a lot like me!

Computer: Good. I'm supposed to, Gadget. They programmed me with your voice and personality.

Dale: They? Who's "they"?

--Tom: The government! They own us all, remember?

--Mike: Rage against the machine!

Computer: The Advanced Computer Science Projects division.

Gadget (mumbling): I wonder how I got my generator to generate Chronition particles...

--Crow: And why I put them on my salad...

Computer: Recall the modifications you made when you opted for the vertaron capacitor.

The vertaron flow was still off by 2 dynes after you calibrated it.

Gadget: So I swapped resistors and added another capacitor...

--Mike: ...And said some funny words!

Computer: but when you swapped resistors, you put them in parallel by mistake...

Gadget: ...instead of in series! So, the flow was thrown off even more!

Monterey: Um, that's nice, luv. But how do we get back to where we belong?

Dale: Don'tcha mean "when" we belong?

Chip: And who's Widget?

--Tom: Oh, she's a midget!

Computer: There is only one student named Widget enrolled here. Widget Bernouli. Major: Mechanical Engineering. Minor: Mathematics. Classification: Freshman. She looks a lot like you, Gadget. It must be those Hackwrench genes.

--Mike: Buy the amazing Hackwrench now, and get a free pair of Hackwrench jeans!! (robots laugh)

A winking, 3-D smiley-face appears on one of the displays.

{Okay, so ACSP hasn't fixed all the bugs in the personality profile program }

Computer: The Provost will tell you all you need to know about the Chronal Transporter.

Dale: The what?!?

Zipper buzzes and shrugs.

Gadget: Golly! A time-machine!

--Mike, Tom, Crow: "Criiiikey!!!"

A panel in the wall opens and a metallic orb floats out. The orb extends an antenna and floats in the air, a few inches from Gadget.

Computer: This beacon will guide you to her office when you're ready. Anything else?

Chip: Uh, no. Thanks

The Rescue Rangers walk away. The orb flies in front of them.

Computer: You're welcome, Chip.

--Tom: (in his best HAL voice) "I'm sorry Chip, I'm afraid I can't do that.."

Scene 3: Dr. Sam's Chemistry Class

Grace enters the classroom. While she is sitting down, she notices something and looks toward the camera, surprised.

Grace: Widget?

--Mike: The midget!

But how did you get here before me?

--Tom: Oh, I just ran under everyone's legs!

Camera backs away and shows a young mouse girl who looks like Gadget. She is dressed in a white t-shirt and purple overalls. She has a pair of greenish, transparent goggles {the kind we wore in MY chemistry class ;) }perched on her head. She is also wearing odd-looking bracelets.

--Mike: Hey, those are the goggles we wore in my chemistry class!

--Crow: Quit winking at me, Mike.

Widget: C'mon, Grace; there's no need to make such a big deal about me beating you to class for a change.

Grace: But I saw you just coming on campus when I was on the main elevator!

Widget: No way! I was at my locker a few minutes ago, getting my goggles.

She points to the greenish goggles upon her head.

Grace: What? I could have sworn it was -you- standing next to Mr. Monterey when I got on the elevator.

Widget: Did you forget to turn on the hood yesterday when you were mixing those compounds?

--Crow: I know I did! Whoo!! That's some strong stuff!

And who the -heck- is Mr. Monterey?

Grace: You know; big, brown mouse--a new guy. He's older, kinda chubby, had a mustache.

Widget: Are you sure it wasn't my mom?

--Mike: Her mom has a mustache?

Grace: No way! Your mom doesn't look -that- young. It -had- to be you. Who -else- looks anything like you--besides me?

Widget: Well, there's my mom, my grandma, my great grandma Gadget...

--Tom: And...that Mister Monterey guy, I guess.

Grace (irritated): That's -not- what I meant.

Widget: But that's what you -said-.

SFX: footsteps in the hallway

Widget: Hush now. Doc Sam's coming.

Scene 4: The Provost's Office

The orb leads them through several corridors and stops in front of a door marked "Alicia H. Fireshear, Provost".

Monty looks at the door.

Monterey: What now? Do we knock?

--Crow: (in his best "B-52's Guy" voice) "Bang bang!!"

--Mike, Tom: "On the door, baby!"

--Crow: "Bang bang!!"

--Mike, Tom: "On the door, baby!"

The door slides open.

Woman's Voice: Come in. I've been expecting you.

As they enter the office, they see an elderly mouse seated behind a large desk. Their attention goes immediately to the pictures on the wall behind her. The largest one is a group shot of the Rescue Rangers. A slightly smaller picture beneath it depicts another group. The two squirrels appear to be older versions of Tammy and Bink.

--Mike taps Tom on the globe.

--Mike: Bink!

--Tom: Ow, hey!

The brown bat to their left sorta looks like Foxglove. The mouse girl looks like Grace, right down to the brown eyes; the male chipmunk to her right looks a lot like Chip--except he has blue eyes.

Woman's Voice: I'm Alicia Fireshear.

She notices the Rescue Rangers' interest in the photos.

Alicia: Those were interesting times. And speaking of time, you've been displaced from yours--courtesy of one of Gadget's inventions.

--Mike: Oh, you mean the amazing Hackwrench! It slices, it...

--Crow: Mike, quit it!!

Of course, you may have already figured this out.

Dale: Yeah, but how did -you- know?

Chip bonks him on the head.

Chip: This is the -future-, dummy.

--Tom: Yeah, they've already seen this movie!

Alicia: Actually, from your standpoint this is a possible future. From -my- standpoint, it is the present. As you can see, it's all relative--not to mention confusing. The journal warned me about all this, but I never expected it to be so, um, disconcerting..

Monty: Crikey! It was bad enough with Gadget explaining stuff!

--Mike, Tom, Crow: "Criiikey!!!"

Alicia: *laughs* Tammy always claimed that I was worse.

All Rangers: Huh?

Chip: You -know- Tammy?

Alicia: Of course. We were both in the Rescue Ranger Reserves. (She turns in her chair and points to the mouse girl who is next to Bink in the picture) That was me--50 years ago. Well, 50 years ago from -my- standpoint.

Gadget: You said something about a journal...

Alicia: I did?

The Rescue Rangers look at each other and nod.

--Tom: We could take her.

Gadget: We're pretty certain that you did.

Alicia: That was how I knew you all were coming, or had come here. You wrote, or will write, the details concerning this, um, incident in your journal, Gadget. Including things you need to know and topics that should be avoided. I shall escort you all to the chronal transporter now. We can talk some more on the way.

Alicia rises from her chair and steps around her desk. Her right leg is mechanical. Gadget looks at her, sympathetic and fascinated at the same time. The others appear surprised.

Dale: Gosh! What happened to your leg?

--Crow: I'm sympathetic, yet fascinated by it!

Alicia (moving toward the door): It's the main reason I quit the 'Rangers and starting working here. I…I'd rather not discuss it. Come; follow me.

--Crow: So, more about this mechanical leg of yours...

Scene 5 Dr. Sam's Chemistry Class

Widget is putting away mouse-sized test tubes and other pieces of equipment. Grace is writing something.

Widget: Are you finished with the lab report?

Grace writes some more and then stops.

Grace: I have just completed it.

Widget: Great! Now we can turn it in and get out of class early!

Grace (teasing): Is my company -that- boring? And here I thought you might want to -add- to this assignment.

Widget (rolls her eyes): Don't be absurd, Grace.

Grace (grinning): But I'm soooo good at it.

--Mike: What, writing reports?

Widget (smiling): Darn straight!

--Mike: Oh, all right then.

Grace puts the report in a tray on Dr. Sam's desk. Widget goes out the door, carrying a bookbag. Grace follows her. Widget stops suddenly and Grace nearly runs into her.

Grace: What's the big idea?

Widget: Hmm. This is strange.

Grace looks in the direction Widget is looking. They see Alicia walking down the hall. The Rescue Rangers are following her.

Grace: Hmm. Gran doesn't come over to the Science wing very often. And those people following her -- well, the big guy is Mr. Monterey…

--Crow: Or it could be my mom, they look so alike...

Widget: And that girl--no wonder you mistook her for me! The resemblance is uncanny!

Grace: Follow them?

Widget: Heck, yeah!

The girls follow the group discreetly.

--Tom: (woozy) Hey guys, I think I had too much potato salad..

--Crow: Yeah, I'm still swallowing that last pepperoni..

--Mike gathers up the robots and heads out of the theater.


The control room. Mike is once again reading his Time article. Tom and Crow run in, with a strange gadget in their hands.

Tom: Hey Mike, look what Crow built!!

Crow: (excitedly) Look, it's a genuine Hackwrench!!

Mike takes the Hackwrench from Crow. It appears to be a rusted metal wrench, attached to an old kitchen knife with duct tape.

Mike: Wow guys, where'd you find this? It's great! Hey, what's this button do here?

Mike points to a shirt button, glued to the wrench.

Crow: Oh, that starts the whole thing up! Go ahead, push it!

Mike: Are you sure it's safe?

Crow: Sure, I'm sure! Just push the button! Oh, and keep it away from your face, too. It almost poked Tom in the globe.

Mike holds the Hackwrench away, and presses the button.

Scene shifts to outside the Satellite of Love. A massive explosion rocks the end of the craft, sending debris flying in every direction. Sparks and thick smoke pour out of the Satellite.

Return to control room. Wires hang from the ceiling, and sut covers the walls. Mike and the robots stumble up and look around.

Crow: It works! It did something! Hahaa!!

Mike: (brushing himself off) You're a genius, Crow! Look, it tightened my belt three notches and cut my hair! It's amazing...(looks around) Waidaminnit, what happened? Look, there's wires hanging from the ceiling!

Tom: Hey Mike, look! The whole place is trashed!!

Crow: This could mean only one thing!

Closeup of Crow. Puffy Christopher Lloyd-ish hair has appeared on either side of his visor.

Crow: We've traveled through time! We're on a future Satellite of Love! (begins pacing) Yes, I knew the Hackwrench was unstable, but I never predicted this! It looks as if we, or our future selves, have been in some sort of war! Who knows, we could...*gasp!!* We could all be dead! We could be looking at our own doom!!

Zoom out. Gypsy strolls by with broom and dust-pan.

Gypsy: Hello, Mike! Hello robots!

Mike: Hey Gypsy, are we in the future?

Gypsy: (looks around) Um, nope! Sorry! (strolls off)

Mike: Okay, thanks Gypsy! (pulls hair off a dejected Crow) Well, at least I got a decent haircut, right?

The siren goes off again, and the trio scrambles for the doors.



A Hitch In Time --Part 2

Scene 1: Restricted Area--Science Wing, Hackwrench Institute

Alicia keys in a sequence on a numeric keypad. Then she places a paw on a dark gray square next to it. The camera pans back and we see Alicia standing in front of a door.

--Mike: (in his best Guns&Roses-Guy voice) "Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door..."

--Tom, Crow: "Hey, hey, hey-hey yeah!"

Checkpoint Subsystem: (male voice) Identity verified. Enter when ready, Alicia.

The checkpoint door opens with a whir and a hiss. Alicia leads the Rescue Rangers through. Widget and Grace slip in behind them.

--Crow: These kids have level 5 security clearance?

--Tom: Well, so did I when I was their age. You climb the ladder.

Alicia: The Chronal Transport is locked up securely in the Institute...

Monty (aside to Zipper): I’ll say it is, mate.

Alicia: ...because it is so dangerous.

Dale: If it’s so dangerous, why keep it?

--Mike: We like to test it on strange visitors from the past!

Alicia: For one thing, you wouldn’t have a way back to your own time--unless you wait a couple of years for Gadget to build a Chronal Transport. Besides, Gadget left instructions in her journal NOT to dismantle it.

Widget looks at Grace and signs "Journal?". Grace signs back, "THE journal?" The checkpoint doors close and the girls dart into a shadowy doorway as Dale turns around.

Dale (mumbling): Just the doors.

---Mike: (in his best Jim Morrison) "Riders on the storm..."

Monty: Yeah. This corridor -is- kinda creepy, mate.

They come to a blast door with another keypad. Alicia keys in a sequence.

Security Subsystem: Please look into the lens for retinal scan.

Alicia puts her eye to the lens.


--Tom: Well, Alicia, it looks like you need glasses. Now which one looks clearer, one or two?

Security Subsystem: Enter when ready, Alicia Fireshear.

The blast doors open and Alicia leads the Rescue Rangers through. Widget and Grace follow closely; the blast doors almost close on Grace’s tail. Grace cringes as she realizes this and then looks around for a place to hide.

Scene 2: The Chronal Transport Chamber

Alicia is standing in front of some sort of control panel and a platform that looks like a transporter pad from Star Trek TNG.

--Crow: Scottie, four to deep-fry!

Dale: Wowie-zowie! A for real time-machine!

Gadget: Golly! This is incredible! Did -I- build this?

Alicia: You sure did. And perhaps you will.

--Mike: Once I break it!

Just stand on the platform while I prepare the machine for transport.

They do just that. The Rescue Rangers turn around and face her.

Monty: Are ya sure you know how to use this thing?

Alicia: Certainly! Don’t worry, Monterey.

Gadget: Um, Alicia?

Alicia: Yes, Gadget?

Gadget: There’s something I want to ask you.

Gadget looks a bit edgy.

Alicia: What’s that?

--Crow: Is there anyone around here that sells Chronal Transport insurance?

Gadget: Well, are you...the daughter I might have someday?

Alicia gives a faint sigh.

Alicia: No, Gadget; I am not your daughter.

--Tom: I am your father!!

--Crow: Noooooo!!

Alicia looks as if she wants to say more, but reconsiders and decides not to.

From their hiding place, Grace and Widget observed the whole scene.

Widget(whispering to Grace): Gadget? Great-grandmother Gadget?!? It’s really them; the original Rescue Rangers!

Grace(whispering to Widget): It certainly -appears- to be them. Mr. Monterey is Monterey Jack! (to herself) Doh! Why didn't I make the connection earlier?

--Mike: "D'oh!"

--Crow: "Aye-carumba!"

--Tom: "Why you little...!"

Widget(whispering to Grace):Gosh! I’d -love- to talk to Gadget! I have so many questions...

Grace(whispering to Widget): Why don’t we tag along?

Widget(whispering to Grace): I dunno, Grace. We could cause a -lot- of trouble by doing that. Remember what happened when Gadget went back in time and tried to prevent her father’s death.

--Tom: Uh, no.

Grace(whispering to Widget):Yeah. Good thing it didn’t work, or there may not have -been- any Rescue Rangers--or a Hackwrench Institute.

--Mike: *gasp!* And no Hackwrenches!!

Widget(whispering to Grace): Heck, we might not even be -us-, Grace! Just forget about "tagging along"!

Alicia finishes adjusting the controls. She powers up the transporter, which whines and lights up, then cycles down and stops. Alicia looks at it, examines a spot, and gives it a swift kick with her mechanical foot.

--Crow: Say, about that mechanical foot of yours..

--Tom: Quiet, I don't want to talk about it!! (Mike laughs)

The transporter comes back on-line.
Monty & Chip stare at that spot and suddenly wonder how safe the machine really is.
The girls move to a closer hiding place and Grace looks at the ‘Rangers thoughtfully.

Grace(whispering to Widget): But what if we’re -supposed- to follow them? That would explain…

--Crow: ...Why they gave us these security cards!

Widget(whispering to Grace): Gra-a-ace!

Grace(whispering to Widget): Wasn’t there something in the journal about this?

Widget(whispering to Grace): I’ve only seen it a couple of times, but I don’t remember.

Alicia: Take care, Rescue Rangers!

All ‘Rangers: Goodbye!

As the Rescue Rangers begin to fade out, Grace dives onto the platform.

Widget: Grace!

Widget dives after her. Alicia reaches for the power switch, but stops.

--Mike: Whoa, the kids!! ...Ah well, they aren't mine.

Alicia: Too risky. I’ll just get the field unit and retrieve them myself.

Alicia rummages through some cabinets and shelves, until she finds what appears to be a metal backpack. She straps the device to her back and flips some switches. She presses a button and a spot in the room begins to shimmer.

--Tom: Hey, it's the Jimi Hendrix Signiature backpack! Complete with hallucinations and everything!

Seconds later, a mouse (seen in silhouette) appears behind her.

Woman’s Voice: Gran! Wait!

Alicia: Grace?!?

The camera pans back to reveal an older version of Grace stepping out of the shadows. She is taller and her fur is a bit darker. She is wearing a yellow t-shirt, brown pants, and a backpack-like device.

Older Grace: You can’t go back to the moment we arrive to the past with the ‘Rangers!

Alicia: Why not?

--Mike: It's just so much more fun here!

Older Grace: It has to happen! Our adventure with the original Rescue Rangers inspired us to revive the organization. Set the field unit for a couple of hours after that moment.

Alicia (uncertain): Okay, dear. Anything else I need to know?

Older Grace: Don’t dismantle the Chronal Transport. And I’m glad to see you again.

Grace hugs her for a long while and then steps away.

Older Grace: ‘Bye, Gran.

Grace disappears in a shimmering halo of light.

Alicia: ‘Bye, dear. Good luck. And thank you.

--Mike: Wow, I'm not confused at all!

--Crow: Clear as day!

--Tom: Yup!

Scene 3: Rescue Ranger HQ, present day.

The air shimmers in Gadget's workshop. Then the Rescue Rangers appear, along with a couple of hitchhikers. The shimmering subsides. Grace is lying on the floor, along with Widget (who is still holding onto Grace's ankles). The 'Rangers are standing. At first, they don't notice the girls.

Chip: That felt strange.

Monty: It reminds me of the time I…

--Crow: Fell out of the sky, met some new people, got mistaken for a woman, and...oh wait, that was this time.

Dale: That was fun!

Gadget: Golly! We're back in my workshop!

Zipper flies up, spots the girls, and buzzes to the other 'Rangers.

Monty: Whuh?

Monty looks down and sees Grace and Widget. They grin and wave.

Chip: Omigosh! What are YOU doing here?!

--Mike, Tom, Crow: "Criiiikey!!!"

Widget: Yeah, Grace! What ARE we doing here?

Grace: Don't you get it? The main computer didn't fink on us because we were -supposed- to follow them.

Widget: No, I -don't- get it.

Dale: You're not the only one.

Grace (ignoring Dale): Remember all the times the main computer caught us trying to peek into the Restricted Zone?

--Crow: Yeah, well that's what you get for naming it something secretive like the "Restrictive Zone!"

--Tom: Right, they should've called it the "Easily Accessible Zone.."

Widget: Oh, I see! All -those- times, she immediately told Alicia what we were up to and stopped us. So, now what? And how are we going to get back?

Grace: Hmm. I dunno, but I bet it's something important. As for getting back, have you forgotten about the field unit?

Widget: Oh. I forgot about that.

--Mike: Yeah, Mister Hendrix's backpack!

Grace: Gran can use it to retrieve us.

Gadget: Well, at least they have a way back.

Chip: Yeah, but WE haveta keep an eye on them until Alicia can retrieve them.

SFX: Police siren

Dale looks out the window. {Is there more than one in the workshop? I can't remember.}

Dale: Gosh! The police are chasing a big, metal spider!

--Tom: Another average day in the mind of Todd MacFarlane...

The other 'Rangers come over and look out the window.

Gadget: Nimnul?

--Crow: *sniff* Mike, she called me a Nimnul!

Chip: Could be. They might need out help! C'mon! Rescue Rangers, away!

The 'Rangers race to the RangerWing. Grace and Widget follow.

Chip: Aw no! You two stay here!

--Crow: And break things!

Grace: But…

Gadget: There isn't enough room in the RangerWing for six, anyway. You can explore Ranger Headquarters until we get back.

Grace & Widget (as the R-Wing takes off): But what if we're here to help you?

Grace: *Sigh* They didn't hear us. Or they just ignored us.

--Crow: Let's take their money.

Widget: Wow! She just gave us the run of RRHQ! That includes her workshop! I bet there's a lot of interesting things…um, Grace?

Grace: (sarcastically) "You two just stay here!" (angry) Geez! He treated us like--like kids!

Widget: Ha! He might as well have said, "Please follow us in the Ranger Plane" for all the good it would do him!

Widget winks.

Grace: Heh. Good idea. As long as -I- do the flying.

Widget: Hey! I wanna fly it!

Grace: No way!

Widget: Way!

Grace: No way!

--Mike: You kids quit arguing or I'll turn this movie right around!

Widget: Way!

Grace: No way!

Widget: Way!

Grace tackles Widget and they wrestle on the ground for a bit. Widget’s right paw glows and shifts into the shape of a mallet. The glow fades and Widget’s arm, from where the odd bracelet is on out, looks like a rubber mallet.

Widget bonks Grace on the head with her transmogrified appendage.

--Crow: Oh, wiseguy, eh?

Grace: Ow! Hey, no fair!

Widget bonks her again.

--Crow: Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk!

Grace: Ow! Okay! *sigh* You may fly the plane. (mumbles) Brat.

--Crow: Oh yeah? Well you're a Nimnul!

Widget gets off of Grace and helps her to her feet. Widget’s paw changes back to normal.

Widget: C’mon! They already have a big lead on us!

Scene 4: City Streets

The Ranger Wing swoops above the streets.

Monty: There it is!

We see that the R-Wing is flying above the robot spider and a squad car. The spider (which is roughly the size of Nimnul's robot dogs from "Catteries Not Included", but not nearly as bulky) begins to climb a building. The squad car stops. Kirby and Muldoon step out of it.

--Tom: This Wing is rated R, for gross and disturbing violence and adult themes.

--Mike: Wow, you can't even go see a Wing these days...

Kirby: Freeze, thief!

The spider continues its climb. Kirby and Muldoon open fire on it. Their bullets bounce off, with little damage to the robot.

Kirby: Man! That’s one tough bug to squash!

Muldoon: Should I call in the S.W.A.T. team?

Kirby: Call in the National Guard, too!

--Crow: And while you're at it, call the S.W.A...oh, right..

The spider in question reaches the roof and crawls down the other side. The camera shows the Ranger Wing flying above the building that the robot had climbed.

Chip: Follow that mechanical menace!

The Ranger Wing follows the metal spider through half of the city. It comes to a familiar geodesic dome on top of a hill.

Monty: Crikey! This is Nimnul’s place!

--Mike, Tom, Crow: "Criiikey!!!"

Dale: When was -he- released from the looney bin?

Gadget: I dunno, Dale, but it looks like he’s up to no good again!

Gadget banks the R-Wing toward the large telescope. {He really shouldn’t leave that thing out :)} She carefully guides the craft through an opening between the telescope and the edge of the telescope’s bay doors. We see the robot spider give a jar of clear liquid to Professor Nimnul.

Nimnul: At last! With this final ingredient, I can turn peanut butter into a highly corrosive acid! Once it’s armed with the acid, my robot can melt through bank vaults! Ha, ha, ha! Greed is good! Hee, hee! I am sooo brilliant!

Dale: Acid? That’s not good!

--Crow: That's some good acid, maaan!!

--Mike: Hey, careful there...

Chip: Gadget, do you think that spider could get back up if we knock it on its back?

Gadget: Hmm. Not likely, unless Nimnul designed those "legs" to swivel 360 degrees at the point where they connect to the body. It doesn’t look like he did, but I’d need a closer look to be sure.

Chip: Okay. Gadget, you and Monty take the RangerWing and try to knock over that robot. Dale and Zipper will distract Nimnul so I can grab that formula.

--Tom: It's worth five hundred bucks on the street!

Gadget: But what if he has a copy stored on that computer?

She looks in the direction of Nimnul’s computer.

Chip: Hmm. We’ll have to wait until he mixes up some of that acid. Then I could use it on the computer.

--Mike: Let's refrain from the "acid" jokes here, guys. There's kids watching..

--Tom, Crow: Ohhh...

Nimnul opens the jar and pours some of its contents into a beaker of peanut butter and some unknown liquid. The peanut butter bubbles and then liquefies into a yellowish liquid.

Chip: Now, Gadget!

She buzzes Nimnul with the Wing. Chip and Dale jump out while the Wing is over Nimnul and they land on him.

Nimnul: What the...oh,no! It’s those rodents, again!

Zipper buzzes around Nimnul’s head.

Nimnul: Shoo! Stay away from me, vile insect! I haven’t forgotten the Modemizer incident! They put me in a sanitarium because of you!

--Mike: Because a fly was buzzing around his head? Wow!

Nimnul swats at Zipper. Chip lands on the table while Dale dives under Nimnul’s lab coat.

Nimnul (giggling): St-stop! Stop *ha, ha, ho, hee* that! *Ha, ha, ha, ha* Spidera! Get those vermin! *Hee, hee, hee, ho, ho!*

The spider comes to life and walks toward Chip. A plunger strikes the robot’s "head". There is a line attached to the plunger and Gadget is trying to use it to flip the spider backwards.

--Tom: Gadget soon realizes that she is a *mouse,* and not very strong...

Monterey Jack tries to pull its legs out from under it, but every time he grabs one, the others compensate.

Scene 5: Above the City

The Ranger Plane flies above the city like a drunk albatross. This time the stabilizers are working fine; it’s the pilot that’s questionable.

--Crow: The pilot, a drunk albatross, fumbles at the controls.

Grace is lying across the back seat with both seatbelts strapped around her.

Grace(chanting): IhateWidget’sflying, IhateWidget’sflying, IhateWidget’sflying...

Widget(annoyed): Aw, Gra-a-ace! I’m not doing -that- poorly! I think I’ve figured out the controls.

The plane jerks down a bit and straightens out into a path which vaguely resembles a straight line.

Grace(ranting): We’reGonnaCrash, we’reGonnaCrash, we’reGonnaCrash...

Widget: No, we’re NOT! Act your age, not your shoe size.

--Tom: But I'm a size-34!

Grace: But I don’t -wear- shoes.

Widget rolls her eyes.

Widget: I think I saw them go into that geodesic dome. Hang on, We’re going in!

The Ranger Plane dives through the skylight, nose first.

SFX: breaking glass

--Mike: sfx--breaking nose..

Nimnul: Now what??

The Ranger Plane knocks over the beaker, thus causing the liquid to spill all over Nimnul’s notes and ruins them.

Nimnul: Oh, no! My formula! Well, at least I have a back-up stored on my computer.

Fortunately, Widget pulls the ‘Plane out of the dive and manages to avoid crashing into the computer.

--Mike: The computer, being a Packard Bell, crashes anyway.

Unfortunately, the ‘Planes landing gear was down and they attach to the computer, thus bringing the ‘Plane to an abrupt halt. Chip rushes toward it.

Nimnul: Hmm. This looks familiar.

Nimnul examines the plane. Widget is helping Grace to remove a stubborn seatbelt.

Nimnul: Aaagh! More rodents! Spidera, get them!

He points to Widget, Grace, and Chip (who is now assisting them).

The robot spider is still trying to fend off Monty and Gadget.

--Crow: Pretty wussy robot spider, if you ask me..

Frustrated, Nimnul makes a grab at them. Widget and Chip dodge, but Nimnul catches Grace. Zipper buzzes around Nimnul in an attempt to confuse him. Dale comes out through Nimnul’s pants leg and opens his mouth in preparation for a bite. Camera angle switches to Nimnul’s head.

SFX: *chomp*!

Nimnul: EEEEEYOW!!!

He drops Grace. Dale catches her. Unfortunately, the robot spider has broken free of Gadget’s line and comes toward them. Grace and Dale recover and try to make a run for it, but Spidera opens a hatch and catches them. The hatch closes, thus trapping them!

Chip: Dale!

Widget: Grace!

--Tom: ...And thus the movie ends!

--Mike, Crow: Hooray!!

Nimnul grabs for them, but Chip and Widget jump off the table and slide down a leg (the table’s, -not- Nimnul’s). Camera angle switches. We see Gadget shoot another line onto the robot spider. Monty tries to pry open the hatch on its underside. It opens and Monty is scooped inside. Camera switches to inside the robot. Monty stands up and sees Dale and Grace.

--Tom: Or, not..

Monty: Are ya okay?

Dale: I’m okay.

Grace (absently): Yeah; I’m fine.

She taps the side of the spider’s payload area.

Grace: Hmm.

Monty: What, luv?

She pulls out a small bit of magnet. It "sticks" to the side.

Grace: Just as I thought! A ferrous metal.

Dale: Huh? It that good or bad?

--Crow: Dunno, but it sure is ferrous!

Grace: That’s good. Iron is an excellent conductor.

Monty: Conductor? I don’t like the sound of this! Just don’t give us any shocking experiences, okay?

Grace: Of course not, Monterey! I’m going to give the robot one.

She examines the bay area and sees a metal plate.

Grace: Mr. Monterey, could you help me get this off?

Monty: Sure thing, luv.

Camera switches back to Nimnul’s lab. Gadget is still fighting the spider, but it suddenly shuts down.

Gadget: Golly! So much for the robot!

--Tom: Mike, are all Earth robots that wussy?

--Mike: (pulls out magazine) Um, I'm not me again when I'm done with this thing..

She flies the Ranger Wing down to pick up Chip and Widget.

Widget: Thanks! Could you drop me on the computer?

Gadget: Sure, but why?

Widget’s right paws glows and shifts into a wrench. Chip stares at her, and rubs his eyes in disbelief. Gadget looks surprised for a moment and then concentrates more on her flying.

Chip continues to stare.

Widget: I wanna throw a monkeywrench into Nimnul’s plans! Well, it’s not a monkeywrench--more like a mousewrench...

Mike, Tom and Crow laugh uncontrollably.

Chip: I think we get the general idea. Drop her off, Gadget, and then we’ll help distract Nimnul.

Zipper dodges a blow from a flyswatter Nimnul has picked up. Gadget flies over the computer and drops Widget. Then she makes the R-Wing hover close to the Ranger Plane.

Gadget: Chip, get the Ranger Plane ready.

Chip: You got it!

Chip climbs off of the R-Wing and into the ‘Plane.

Then Gadget flies toward Nimnul, knocking a phone off its hook in the process.

--Crow: Chip, call for pizza!

She buzzes Nimnul with the Ranger Wing.

Nimnul: Hey! Cut that out!

--Crow: Geez, you build one giant spider...

Zipper flies to the phone & punches 9, 1, 1.

Camera switches to Widget climbing up the computer and toward the Ranger Plane.

Widget: That should do it!

Chip has started up the Ranger Plane.

Chip: Hop in!

--Tom: We've gotta run for the pizza real quick..

Grace, Dale, and Monty climb out of the robot spider. The Ranger Plane lands near them.

They board it.

Grace: Hmm. A bit crowded, isn’t it.

Widget: Worry about that after we get outta here!

Camera switches back to Nimnul, who is getting dizzy while trying to keep up with the Ranger Wing’s flight path. He finally trips and falls down.

Chip flies the Plane toward Gadget.

SFX: Police sirens in the distance

--Mike: Everyone okay? We got a call about a bad movie...

Chip (shouting): Let’s get out of here, Gadget!

Gadget: Roger that!

Both Ranger aircraft fly out near the telescope.

Widget: Hey, Chip! Could ya fly above the Ranger Wing? I’d like to talk to Gadget.

Chip: You’re not thinking about jumping out, are you?

Widget: Yes.

--Mike: All right!!

Chip: Are you cuh-razy?!?

Grace: Yes, she is!

Widget: Grace, he didn’t ask you!

Chip: At least use the ladder!

Widget: Oh, alright!

They manage to pull off the mid-air transfer without a hitch.

--Tom: ...And to save money, in one take!

Grace climbs into the now vaccant co-pilot's seat.

Grace (grinning): Oh, Chi-i-ip! Could you show me how to fly this 'plane?

The camera switches back to the Geodesic dome. A pair of police officers (not Kirby and Muldoon) break down the door.

Male Police Officer: Freeze! Police!

They see Nimnul on the floor and the inert robot spider.

Female Police Officer: I guess we won’t need the National Guard, afterall.

--Mike: But let's shoot at it a lot, just for fun!

The male police officer puts a pair of handcuffs on Nimnul.

--Crow: ...And wrack their brains over how to cuff the Spider.

Male Police Officer: We should have known it was you, Nimnul. Back to the looney bin you go!

Nimnul mumbles about pesky rodents as they escort him out.

A Hitch In Time -- Epilogue (2 scenes)

Scene 1: RRHQ, present day

As the Rescue Rangers enter their headquarters, Widget and Gadget wrap up their conversation. {Really? What color wrapping paper? :D}

--Crow: Really? What colo...hey! Mike, is the movie allowed to do that?

Gadget: Golly! You're a Freshman in college and you're only 15?

Widget: Yeah. I was able to skip a few grades due to my mind-bashingly high I.Q.

Dale(aside to Chip): Sound familiar?

--Mike: Nah, I dropped out..

Chip(aside to Dale): Yeah. -Too- familiar.

Grace: Thanks for teaching me how to fly the 'plane, Chip.

Chip: Uh, no problem, Grace.

Gadget raises an eyebrow at Chip, indicating that she wants to hear about that later.

--Crow: What's say I hear about that later...over movie, perhaps?

A spot in the room shimmers. Alicia emerges, wearing the field unit.

Alicia: Are you having fun yet, girls?

--Mike, Tom, Crow: *stand up* No!!

Grace: Are we in trouble?

Alicia: We'll discuss that back at the Institute.

--Crow: The Mental Institute.

Widget (moaning): We're in trouble.

Alicia: Come on, you two.

Grace: Well, it was fun while it lasted!

Widget: Yeah. *Sigh*

They reluctantly walk toward Alicia.

--Mike: (in his best Jimi Hendrix) "Lemme stand next to yo fire!!"

Alicia: I hope the girls weren't much trouble for you, 'Rangers.

All 'Rangers exchange smirks.

Monty: No trouble at all, luv.

Alicia (smiling): Good.

Widget and Grace each put a paw on Alicia's shoulders. They use their free paws to wave.

Alicia, Grace, Widget: Goodbye, 'Rangers!

The Rescue Rangers all wave back.

All Rangers: Goodbye!

The trio vanishes in a shimmering halo of light.

--Crow: Mommy, is it true that whenever a bell rings, a strange visitor from the future gets his wings?

Dale: I'm gonna miss those gals.

Chip: Me too.

Monty: What did Widget talk t' ya about, Gadget-luv?

Gadget: Lots of things.

Chip: Like what?

Gadget: Electromagnetism, what materials conduct electricity really well, geothermal energy, how I learned to fly, what inspired some of my inventions, what I thought about the Institute…

Monty: Are ya sorry ya asked yet, mate?

Gadget:…and what it's like being a Rescue Ranger--in that order.

--Crow: So, if the Delta Force was really low budget, would it be like this?

Scene 2: Chronal Transport Chamber, Hackwrench Institute

Alicia, Grace, and Widget appear on the Chronal Transport pad.

Alicia: I hope you two learned something from this experience.

Grace (with mock innocence): How badly Widget needs flying lessons?

Widget: Gra-a-ace!

Alicia: I suppose I should expel you…

Grace: WHAT?!?

--Mike, Tom, Crow: "Criiikey!!"

Widget: Mom's gonna -kill- me!

Grace: I am so sorry…

Widget: Yes, she is!

Grace: Hey!

Alicia (irritated): Will you -please- let me finish?!

Grace & Widget: Sorry, ma'am.

Alicia: As I was saying, I suppose I should expel you for sneaking into the Restricted Zone, but I won't.

--Tom: I swear, we thought it said "Discovery Zone!"

Grace & Widget: HUH?!?

Alicia: I have it on good authority that this was supposed to happen. I asked the main computer why she didn't tell me when you two slipped into the Restricted Zone. I was satisfied with her explanation.

Widget: We're -not- in trouble?

Grace: You aren't punishing us?

Alicia: I didn't say that. I merely said that I won't expel you. I haven't decided how to punish you yet.

Grace: Gran, what were you going to say to Gadget?

Alicia: There were a lot of things I wanted to say, but I couldn't.

Widget: Like what?

--Tom: Like "Don't stand on the Chronal Transport.."

Alicia: Like how she was like a mom to me, several close calls she might have, people she should watch out for, stuff about my mother…

Grace: And how the original Rescue Rangers disbanded shortly after Gadget got married?

Widget: And about how the reserve team took over for them?

Alicia: Yes. That, too. But Gadget has to make her own choices, as do we all. Speaking of choices, I have chosen your punishment.

Grace & Widget: Uh-oh!

Alicia: Follow me.

They follow the Provost to her office as condemned prisoners would follow the warden to the gas chamber. Alicia picks up a thick, mouse-sized book.

Alicia: Your punishment is as follows:

--Crow: Eat this book. And I mean the whole thing!

you will read this entire book and write a report on it that should be at least 10 pages in length. I do not want merely a summary. I want you to include your opinions and interpretations of the ideas presented within this work. Grace, there is a copy available on-line, as a Web document, if you prefer to read the electronic edition instead.

As she presents the book to Widget, the camera zooms in on the book. We can see the title: "Discourses on Temporal Travel" and the author: "Gadget Hackwrench".

--Mike: Hmm, "Webster's Dictionary..."



Disclaimer: Chip 'N' Dale: Rescue Rangers, Gadget Hackwrench, Monterey Jack, etc. and all associated characters are the property of Disney. Alicia H. Fireshear, Grace Gigabyte, Widget Bernouli, and the Hackwrench Institute came from my active imagination and are all my fault. Please read, copy, print, or burn freely.

--Crow: Hey Mike, can I burn the movie?

Just don't alter it and claim it as your own work, okay?

--Tom: I claim this movie for Servo!!

Author's note: Part 1 was written with TAOGH guidelines in mind. (Hence the script format.) I deliberately left a few things vague

--Mike: ...Like the movie..

(the identity of the blue-eyed chipmunk, for instance) so that readers are free to speculate. Have fun, guys 'n' gals! ;) I hope this 'fic was worth the wait.

--Mike: (picking up robots) Hey, that wasn't so bad!


Once again, in the control room. Everyone is busy cleaning up the mess made by Crow's Hackwrench, except for Crow, who is carefully reading "Discourses on Temporal Travel."

Crow: So, that's it! I put them in parallel instead of in series!! How could I have gone so wrong?! Oh, hey Mike, Pearl's calling.

Pearl's mansion. Bobo, Brain Guy and Pearl are seated around a dusty table, cutting up a giant party sub.

Pearl: Well, I see you've survived yet another barrage of cinema, Nelson.

Back to Mike, now standing at the controls.

Mike: Oh sure, it was great, you know? Not only did we get some laughs out of it, you inadvertantly taught Crow to build a time machine! You oughtta send us some more cartoons!

Back to Pearl, now munching on a sub.

Pearl: Yefff, wehh...(swallowing) Yes, well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves. You're sure you weren't...I don't know, writhing in agony at any point?

Shift to Mike

Mike: Yeah, pretty sure! No writhing here!

Shift to Pearl

Pearl: Ah well, there's always next week. And for now, we're having subs! Brain Guy, cut me another sandwich!

Brain Guy: (begins to shake) Ssss-sandwich? Saaaandwich does not commmpute!!

Brain Guy explodes. Pearl slaps her face.

The End...