After Leviathan is "sent to another dimension" [snort] in the FanFic "Final 
Mission", the Rangers, and the Rangerphiles (along with a few guests) try to 
revive Leviathan using the infamous Dragon Balls.  Chaos ensuses in the 
Coffeehouse and beyond in a thread called... "Resurrection"!

[Note:  All thread replies were put in order by the time and date posted.]

Resurrection--Part II
 Wednesday, 16-Feb-2000 10:44:43

*The story so far...*

The Rangers, Kuwani, Kat, and Triple-S had gathered the Dragon Balls and 
called forth the Eternal Dragon, hoping to wish Leviathan back.  But with 
the interruption of Vegeta and a anthropomorphic jaguar, Mole walked in 
unannounced and wished for a candy bar.  With that wish granted, the Dragon 
Balls turned to stone and flew away--knocking Vegeta out.  After teleporting 
the unconscious Vegeta to Earth, Kat and the others learn that the D-Balls 
are scattered in seven regions of the Dragon Planet:

"The Ball of Fire is located in a volcano, the Ball of Ice is near a 
glacier, the Ball of Urban is in the city, the Ball of Wind is on a 
mountain, the Ball of Darkness is deep underground, the Ball of Power is 
located within a strong castle, and...the Ball of Cheese is...inside of a 
cheese factory." (Mister Kerr)

But before the adventurous group (which includes the Rangers, the Jaguar, 
Triple-S, Kat, Kuwani, Lawhiney, Shake-a Bake-a, AtticRat, Wiseguy, and 
Shadow) can get the quest started, Puar and Oolong manage to shapeshift into 
Dale and Gadget so they can find the Dragon Balls and wish their dead 
friends back ("There is always someone dead in DBZ" - JEF).  With the 
Jaguar's suggestion of using the original scents to determine the impostors' 
identity, the group manages to weed out Puar and Oolong and kick them out of 
the Coffeehouse.  Now the quest begins, with Triple-S already deciding to go 
after the Ball of Urban with anyone who wants to join him.

And now Part II of...


"As I was -saying-, who's going with me?" Strider asked.  "It shouldn't be 
too much trouble to find a ball hidden in a city..."

Monty, Chip, and Dale ducked after hearing the Dreaded Word.

"Not too much trouble?  I'll go with you," Lawhiney said.  "But Shake-a 
Bake-a's coming with me!"

"Then I'm going, too," Kat said.  "I'm gonna make sure you help us find the 
Dragon Ball and not help Shake-a Bake-a into the gutter."

"It's settled, then.  Kat, Lawhiney, Shake-a Bake-a, and I are going after 
the Ball of Urban.  You can decide amongst yourselves who goes after the 
other six.  Later!"  And Strider walked out, leaving everyone waiting for...

"Oh, yeah," Strider shouted.  "Quote the Strider, forevermore."

[BTW, what did you guys think of "Final Mission"?]

Token Cheese Attack
 Wednesday, 16-Feb-2000 12:48:27

"First things first," stated Chip. "With ten of us left and six other Dragon 
Balls left to find, we need to split up. That leaves two people for each 
Dragon Ball and two more to wait here for the balls to be gathered--"

"Correction," interrupted Gadget. "We need three each to find the Ball of 
Power and the Ball of Darkness. The castle containing the Ball of Power is 
no doubt heavily fortified and the Ball of Darkness will be the hardest to 
pinpoint now that the Dragon Radar is not working. Too bad TPL had only one 
of these and I didn't have time to look at it before it broke; otherwise I 
could rig up a new one in a jiff."

"Nevermind, Gadget," Chip said. "It wasn't your fault the radar was broken." 
He then turned to the rest of the group. "So I guess we'll divide ourselves 
into groups. Who would like to volunteer?"

Monty's hand shot straight into the air. "Well, pallie, me and Zipper will 
go after that ball o' chuh-EEZE. .!" He could not contain himself any longer 
and went into full Cheese Attack mode. Mustache a-bristle, he turned and 
dashed out of the Coffeehouse. Zipper merely shrugged and followed him out 
the door.

"That takes care of two of the Dragon Balls. Now how about the rest of 

Mister Kerr
Oops. . .my math is off a bit
 Wednesday, 16-Feb-2000 13:13:02

Ignore that last message. Let me make this a little mroe mathematically 
correct. . .

"First things first," stated Chip. "With ten of us left and six other Dragon 
Balls left to find, we need to split up. That leaves two people for five of 
the six Dragon Balls. Then we can meet back here and go after the last one 

"The Ball of Darkness will be the hardest to pinpoint now that the Dragon 
Radar is not working. Luckily I can remember approximately the location of 
them, but it's too bad TPL had only one of these Dragon Radars and I didn't 
have time to look at it before it broke; otherwise I could rig up a new one 
in a jiff."

"Nevermind, Gadget," Chip said. "It wasn't your fault the radar was broken." 
He then turned to the rest of the group. "So I guess we'll divide ourselves 
into groups. Who would like to volunteer?"

Monty's hand shot straight into the air. "Well, pallie, me and Zipper will 
go after that ball o' chuh-EEZE. .!" He could'nt contain himself any longer 
and went into full Cheese Attack mode. Mustache a-bristle, he turned and 
dashed out of the Coffeehouse. Zipper merely shrugged and followed him out 
the door.

"That takes care of two of the Dragon Balls. Now how about the rest of 

There. That should make more sense.

Mister Kerr
The ball of power
 Wednesday, 16-Feb-2000 17:28:19

Kuwani shook her head and grinned.  "I suppose it's pointless to go after 
them, so Chipper and I will go after the Ball of Power."

"Huh?  -Me- go with -you-?" asked Chip, confused.

"Not you, Chip.  Chipper, the JediChipmunk." Kuwani replied.

"But the Jedi version of myself isn't here." commented the detective.

The Tari grinned impishly.  "He -will- be." Kuwani replied as she made a 
'slash' in the air.  Three glowing clawmarks spread out to form a portal.  
Kuwani stepped through it.

Re: Resurrection--Part II
 Wednesday, 16-Feb-2000 17:42:18

("There is always someone dead in DBZ" - JEF)

I hope it isn't Krillin (again)!
"Hmm...the only city -I- know about on the Dragon Planet is Dragon's Rest, 
the one TPL built for all the Dragonriders and other friends of the 
dragons." declared Kat.  "It's not far from the Coffeehouse.  Uh, 
waitaminute...does the 'The Complex' count as one, too?"

"The what?" Lawhiney asked in a grumpy tone.

"You know--TPL's base of operations.  He monitors the entire Dragon Planet 
from there.  You remember the Pool Room, don'cha?"

"Yeah; especially the pool of -melted marshmallows- you thought was sooooo 
funny." griped the grouchy mouse.

Kat snickers.  "But it -was- funny..."

Lawhiney grabbed Kat by her ear.  "Come on.  We'll check Dragon's Rest 

Kat gave a semi-serious "ouch" as Lawhiney led her toward the door.

 Wednesday, 16-Feb-2000 22:19:45

...Shadow sits at a table by himself, sipping a fruit juice.  Going after 
Dragonballs sounds dangerous, and he's not about to go after them.

Unless he winds up being dragged against his will...

 Wednesday, 16-Feb-2000 23:22:35


Good evening.
"The Ball of Wind is in a mountain. I suppose that's the closest we'll get 
to jungles around here, so I'll go after it. Who'll go with me?" asked the 
Until next time, remember:


Good evening.

Who else?
 Thursday, 17-Feb-2000 23:18:42


Good evening.
"Okay, why not?" asked Dale. "We had a blast last time."

"Honey, please don't say BLAST," said Foxglove, hissing a bit. The memory of 
losing her hearing was still a bit too fresh. "But if you go, I'll go as 

Satisfied, the Jaguar looked around.

"Anyone else for a mountain trip?"

"PIKA!!" Everyone whirled and saw everyone's favorite electric mouse at the 

"Pikachu?" asked Chip. "Where did *you* come from?"

"Probably from the same place Mole did," replied The J.A.M.

"Pikachu? Pika pi chu ka chu?" The Panther replied,

"Because my parents were mountaneers, for real. I guess I inherited their 
legs. Okay, then, let's go!"

The Feline, the Rodent, the Chiropterid, and the Pokémon thus walked out the 
door. . .
Until next time, remember:


Good evening.

Re: Who else?
 Monday, 21-Feb-2000 21:01:36

Attic Rat nudged Wiseguy, "You want in on this?"

"Sounds like a ball to me!"


"OK, I'm pretty good at getting around tight little places inside buildings, 
and you're pretty smart when you're not mouthing off, so where should we go 

"What are we looking for?"

"Dragon balls"

"Just wanted *you* to say it this time."

"Say what?"

"Never mind."

"So, where do we look?"

"Hey, neither of us has ever seen an episode of that Anime-whatzit show, 


"So, lets latch onto someone else's group."

"Good idea."


"But who?"

Wiseguy shook his head... and yelled: ***Who wants help lookin' fer their 

"Thanks for keeping that clean."

"You owe me."

Who else indeed?
 Monday, 21-Feb-2000 21:42:35

After recovering from his temporary hearing loss(Wiseguy had shouted 
directly into his ear), Chip said, "You two can go after the Ball of Fire. 
It's in a volcano, which is sure to have a lot of tight spaces. And if you 
don't want to be alone, you can take Shadow with you."

Shadow looked up from his fruit juice. "Me? But-" His protest was cut off as 
Wiseguy hoisted him over his shoulder. The three then left.

Gadget noted, "Golly, Chip, I guess just you and me are left."

Chip suddenly realized exactly what that meant. "Yeah, it's just you and me, 
off on an adventure together." Outwardly he was trying to stay cool, but 
inwardly he was going a mile a minute.

"So, which ball are we going after?" Gadget inquired.


Thought I'd bring some intrigue into the story. (This doesn't mean I'm a 
pro, though. I'm still neutral, which is the safest to be.)

So the situation so far:
Ball of Fire - 
Ball of Ice - 
Ball of Urban - Kat, Lawhiney, Shake-a Bake-a, Strider
Ball of Wind - The J.A.M., Dale, Foxglove, Pikachu
Ball of Darkness - AtticRat, Wiseguy, Shadow
Ball of Power - Kuwani, Chipper
Ball of Cheese - Monty, Zipper
Left at Coffeehouse:Chip, Gadget

Mister Kerr
Oops. The Darkness people should be on the Ball of Fire.
 Monday, 21-Feb-2000 21:44:13

Mister Kerr
Here's another fine mess you've got us into, Wiseguy!
 Tuesday, 22-Feb-2000 02:16:00

"Hey, Wiseguy."


"Neither of us has a clue here, right?"

"You got it in one, A.R."

I hope this Shadow guy knows how to find a ball of fire, and what to do with 
it when you do."

"I knew I shoulda stole those oven mitts when I was sneaking around the 
Sazerac's kitchen."

"...Hey, Shadow ol' buddy!...."

Re: Here's another fine mess you've got us into, Wiseguy!
 Tuesday, 22-Feb-2000 02:51:57

Shadow scratched his head nervously.  "Actually...I don't really know that 
much about the Dragonball series...(my author doesn't get cable, you 

"Ah," Attic Rat nodded in sympathy.  "But we know the ball is in a 

"Anyone have a map of the Dragon Planet?" Shadow wondered.  "Then we could 
find out where all the volcanos are..."  'And stay away from them,' he 
mentally amended, worried.

Wiseguy shrugged.  "Seems like everyone who knows anything about the Dragon 
Planet already ran off."

"No problem!" Attic Rat noted, pointing.  "There's a volcano!  Why don't we 
go check it out?"

"Hey, you two go ahead," said Shadow.  "I just remembered...I've got to go 
be in Julie's fanfic now--"

"She's written three sentences in the last month," said Wiseguy, grabbing 
Shadow by the collar.  "She can do without you for a few hours."

Shadow groaned and cursed his lazy author...

The way to Dragon's Rest
 Wednesday, 23-Feb-2000 18:56:04

One moment Lawhiney was leading Kat out the door by her ear, the next moment 
the mouse was hanging from said ear.

"Whoa!  What happened?!" demanded the delinquent mouse.

"Ooops!  Forgot about that.  The Coffeehouse automatically scales everybody 
to the same relative size.  And since we're no longer -in- the 

"..D'oh!  Everybody's at their normal size now." declared Triple-S.

Kat grabbed Lawhiney before she fell.  "Well, Whiney's trouble, no matter 
-what- size she is."

Lawhiney just grinned evily.

"Uh, which way do we go?" asked Shake'a Bake'a.

After getting over the shock of S.B. asking an -intelligent- question, Kat 
replied, "North."

Shake'a replied "Uh, okay. So which way is that?"

Kat pulled a compase out of her pocket and pointed.  "That way."

Triple-S coughed and commented, "Wouldn't it be a good idea to borrow a 
vehicle--or even a dragon?"

"It would beat walking." said Lawhiney.

"D'oh!  Why didn't we think of that when we were -in- the Cafe?" Kat asked 

A long and weary walk later...
 Thursday, 24-Feb-2000 02:30:23

Shadow, Attic Rat, and Wiseguy finally reached the base of the volcano.

"Woah!" Mountains are big!" Exclaimed Wiseguy.

"There goes your reputation." Replied Attic Rat.

Shadow found a hot spring, with bubbling mineral water, and used it for a 
foot bath.

"OK, mister I'm-smarter-than-you Attic Rat, how far do we have to walk to 
get to the top?"

"If we follow that trail, it might be somewhere around 10 miles to the 
summmit, but there's also some caves about two miles along the way."

Wiseguy looked skeptical.

Shadow just looked like his feet felt better.

Attic Rat gave in, pointing back over his shoulder he said, "A few yards 
back there's a sign we passed. It says this is  the Summit trail and it 
joins the path to the Mystery Caves. If we go around that corner we ought to 
find the information booth and buy a map."

The remainder of the balls
 Thursday, 24-Feb-2000 13:47:02

"Well," Gadget said, "I guess you and I will have to go and get one of the 
balls.  But who's gonna go get the other one?"

"We don't have anyone else here that can do it," Chip stated.  "And I can't 
think of anyone else that'd want to."

"Then we've got a problem."

Meanwhile. . .
 Thursday, 24-Feb-2000 23:12:18


Good evening.
Having been resized to their original proportions, Dale, Foxglove, and 
Pikachu rode on the Jaguar's shoulders and head. It was a completely new 
experience for them, for it was the first time they were in an actual warp, 
or a simulated one, at least.

They moved along with the predator, moving quickly and noiselessly among the 
shadows of the forest of TPL's planet. It was no jungle, but a forest was a 
forest, whether deciduous or tropical.

*And I thought Ash's rides were exciting,* thought the Electric Mouse.


The Feline then sat next to an oak. His three companions jumped off his 
shoulders and head.

"Zowie! That was some ride!!"

"I'll say!" added Foxglove. "We were moving so fast I lost track of our 
velocity! J.A.M., how far did we just travel?" The Panther looked up the 


Suddenly, the three saw The J.A.M. on top of the tree. He looked at his 
watch, looked back toward the Coffeehouse, and-


He was next to them again.

"About 10 kilometers," he replied. "If we rest now, we should reach the 
mountain by dawn."

"Pika pika?"

"Because he's nocturnal," replied the female Bat. "And so am I, come to 
think of it. I've hung around Dale so long I keep forgetting that." True. 
And the Jaguar was breathing a trifle heavily. He looked up and saw the 
mountain in the distance.

"Well, maybe by sunrise," he corrected. "I just hope we don't get any 
unsuspecting surprises on our way."

"Well, the dragons here seem quite friendly, so we shouldn't have any 
problems with them. Hey, how are we going to find that Ball, anyway?" asked 

"We'll solve that problem when we reach it. Right now we have to solve 
getting to it first. I wonder how the others are doing…"

Until next time, remember:


Good evening.

Dragon's Rest
 Saturday, 26-Feb-2000 11:33:02

The four borrowed one of TPL's hoverbikes and were once again huning for the 
Urban Dragonball.

Triple-S drove the bike, while Kat checked her compass an occassionally 
corrected their course from the rear seat.  Shake'a Bake'a was enjoying the 
ride from one of Triple-S's jacket pockets.  Lawhiney kept peeking out of 
Kat's shirt pocket, asking "Are we there yet?", and then ducking back down.

Lawhiney peeked out again and asked yet again, "Are we there yet?"

"Oh, Smurf up!" barked Kat  "We're still 15 miles away!"

15 miles later...

"Are we there yet?" Lawhiney asked.

"Yes!" Kat replied as Triple-S brought the 'bike to a halt near a strange, 
metallic building.

"Good!" replied the insipid islander. 

"This is as good a place as any to start looking."  commented Triple-S.  
"How are we going to find the dragonball without a detector?"

Kat shrugged.  "We'll just haveta keep our eyes open, I guess."

"Hey, there anything on the bike that" asked 
Shake'a Bake'a?"

"D'oh!" Kat slapped her forehead.  "Knowing TPL, there's probably all sorts 
of gadgets in this thing." 

The four began to search the hoverbike...

Back at the volcano:
 Saturday, 26-Feb-2000 15:32:02

After visiting the concession stand, information booth, and restroom, the 
three rodent researchers sat on a handy bench discussing their plans.

"Don't get ketchup on the map."

"Where's you get all that money, anyway?"

Shadow shrugged, "It's a long story, Wiseguy."

Attic Rat pointed to the map, "We can't check the caves, they're closed."

"Just a minute, that looks funny." Wiseguy rubbed a finger across the 
warning, the ink smeared.

"I'm guessing they haven't been closed very long, guys. Can anyone here 
guess *why* they might have been closed recently?"

Shadow, a streetwise sort himself, grinned. "A ball of fire suddenly showed 
up in the caves?"

"That might do it, yes."


-Continue to Part III-


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