


      Whoops. Heh heh. Well, I had something to show you.

      I made a list of the names of 100 characters from Rescue Rangers - main characters, bit
      players, regulars, one-shots... some of everything from many episodes - but I dropped it. :/
      Now it’s all mixed up. I need the help of the Rangerphiles to straighten it out again. How
      many names can you find in the pile below?


      This puzzle is a traditional Find-a-Word. Names are listed from left-to-right, top-to-bottom,
      or diagonally from top-left-to-bottom-right. All spaces and punctuation have been removed,
      so "Desiree D’Allure" would be shown as "DESIREEDALLURE". No name is completely
      contained within another, so "Dale" would appear separately from "Ramdale".

      In order to make 100 names fit in the small box above, many of the names must be crossed.
      Check the letters around names you’ve already found, and see if you can spot another name

      I’ve seen some names spelled in more than one way (notably "Lahwhiney"). If you’re sure a
      particular name is somewhere in the puzzle, but can’t find it, try an alternate spelling.

      There’s more than 100 total characters in the series, so not all names are represented

      A list of all the names in the puzzle is posted below. If you prefer, look at the list while
      playing the puzzle above. The point of this is to have fun, so feel free to play with the puzzle
      in any way you like. 


Complete list of names.
      1 Aldrin Klordane
      2 All Hands
      3 Arnold Mousenegger
      4 Baby Thaddeus
      5 Barnacle Bill
      6 Bink
      7 Boots
      8 Bruiser
      9 Bubbles
      10 Bud
      11 Buffy Ratskiwatski
      12 Buzz
      13 Camembert Kate
      14 Canina La Fur
      15 Captain Finn
      16 Cassandra
      17 Cheddarhead Charlie
      18 Chief Marley
      19 Chip
      20 Chirp Sing
      21 Chow Ming
      22 Clyde Cosgrove
      23 Cruiser
      24 Dale
      25 Darby Spree
      26 Desiree D’Allure
      27 Detective Donald Drake
      28 Dim Sun
      29 Ditz
      30 El Emenopeo
      31 Elliott
      32 Erol
      33 Euripides
      34 Fat Cat
      35 Flash
      36 Foxglove
      37 Fry
      38 Gadget
      39 Harry
      40 Harriet
      41 Heinrich Von Sugarbottom
      42 Hiram
      43 Hu Yu
      44 Ignatz "Ratso" Ratskiwatski
      45 Irwina Allen
      46 Jack
      47 Kismet
      48 Koo-Koo
      49 Lahwhiney
      50 Lou
      51 Ma
      52 McDuff
      53 Mepps
      54 Midge
      55 Mole
      56 Monrovia
      57 Monterey Jack
      58 Mr. Dumpty
      59 Mr. Starfish
      60 Mrs. Booby
      61 Msieur Le Sewer
      62 Myron
      63 Nemo
      64 Nichols
      65 Nog
      66 Normie
      67 Officer Kirby
      68 Officer Muldoon
      69 Pepto Gizmo
      70 Percy
      71 Plato
      72 Pomona
      73 Pop Top
      74 Professor Norton Nimnul
      75 Queenie
      76 Ramdale
      77 Ratatouille
      78 Rat Capone
      79 Ribbit
      80 Sargeant Spinelli
      81 Sewernose De Bergerac
      82 Sir Colby
      83 Snout
      84 Sparky
      85 Sponge
      86 Spud
      87 Spunky
      88 Stan Blather
      89 Steggy
      90 Sugar Ray Lizard
      91 Su Lin
      92 Tammy
      93 Todd
      94 Tom
      95 Voltaire
      96 Wart
      97 Wexler
      98 Winifred
      99 Zipper
      100 Zsa Zsa Labrador


    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/Set/3907

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