Paul McDermott

Paul went to Good News Week (unoffical page)
Offical Good News Week homepage
(not as good as the unoffical page).
Good News Week was on weekly, Channel 2 8:00pm Fridays, where it will be in 1999 is any ones guess.
Two Good News Week books have been released, it is co-written by Paul and is worth the money and is a good read. Buy them from ABC Stores Australia wide.
or online
Also you can buy
Good News Week t-shirts
Good News Week Caps
Good News Week Video Unseen and Obscence (absolutely brilliant)
Paul McDermotts new single Shut Up/Kiss Me
PAUL McDERMOTT UNPLUGGED which is a CD of some of the best opening monologues from GNW. The CD also includes Paul McDermott singing Throw your arms around me, from the Good News Eve Special from 1997.
Paul McDermott hosted a tonight show style show when Roy and HG finish there current season of 10 episodes, it was aired from 13th of June 1998 (Queensland State Election Night)Saturday night at 9:30 pm. He will be assisted by Julie McCrossin and Mikey Robbins, his co-hosts off GNW, in this venture. The new program was called Good News Weekend, it was a show like Good News Week put concerned with popular culter instead of a current affair and featured the house band "The Gadflys" and the show was finsihed every week with a song by Paul McDermott.
Paul also wrote and performed in a stage production called MOSH in 1996.