Corner the Con Man

- ¬Ó ®a ¤Ï ¤d ²Õ Wong Ka Fan Tsin Tso   

Starring :

Au Yeung Chun Wah  Chan Fat Yung 
Wu Fung  Fu Ming Hin 
Ku Kui Kei   


 Tung (Ku Kui Kei) is upset when he is transferred from the Anti-Serious Crime and Triad Organization to the frivolous Anit-Swindler Unit. He is reluctant to cooperate with his new superior Kuk (Au Yeung Chun Wah). He changes his attitudes when his idol, Inspector Ho (Wan Yeung Ming), commits suicide. Conned by swindlers, Ho is in heavy debt. He has no way out but to kill himself. Tung therefore is determined to avenge for Ho. He becomes more involved with his work and even fell in love with one of his colleagues, Bo (Fu Ming Hin). 
 As the leader of the Anti-Swindler Unit, Kuk is well equipped with the knowledge of all kinds of tricks. However, he remains a sergeant as he does not take things seriously. His girlfriend Sam (Chan Fat Yung) is very worried. She wants him to strive for a higher position. Kuk is irritated. Then, Tung and Kuk eventually trace the cause of Ho's death... 



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