
Healing Hands


Starring :

Lawrence Ng Kai Wa Ada Choi Siu Fan
Stephen Ma Chun Wai Nick Cheung Ka Fai
William So Wing Hong Bowie Lam Bo Yee
Flora Chan
Peter Fong:   The first thought that popped-upped in my head when I saw the opening theme of this serial... "Shit, those damn bastards of that videostore gave me a copy of Files Of Justice!!!!" Well, it wasn't that strange that I thought that. There are some similarities between FOJ and HH. For one they both didn't had a themesong, but an opening theme (only music that is) and they share a lot of actors too!! But there's more, they were both GREAT series.

What I liked about HH? Well, the story of HH is original, the plot is well-thought, the characters are UNIQUE and realistic (well, at least they were 3 dimensional), and the actors and actress were all GREAT, but what really impressed me was the way TVB managed to make the character’s personalities develop. You can clearly see them change during the ongoing of the story, influenced by their experiences. 

Another good thing is that there isn’t a real leading couple in this serie. Everyone is as important (although in the end, it concentrated more on Ada’s and Ng Kai Wa’s story) (however, a negative sideeffect is that it’s really hard to remember their names this way… it took me half the serie to finally know their names.
It must have been a real tough job to do tell the tales of the many characters in this serial in such little episodes. FOJ needed 5 parts, DIF, but HH only needed 40 so episodes to introduce, polish and finish each character’s story. However the end was not so satisfying. For the first time in TVB’s history, the viewers complained so much about the ending, that TVB was forced to show an alternative ending. Kinda ironic, because this ending episode also broke the records on TVB-viewer’s chart. (it attracted the most viewers in TVB’s history)

And just like FOJ and DIF, HH is about a group of people who happens to have the same job. This time they all work in the same hospital, but actually the scenes in the hospital is just an excuse to let the characters interact with each other. 
Writing a summary for this serie is not possible because of this. There are just too many scenes and sidestories in it. But you can basically summarize the whole serie like this “A group of people who knew each other for years, suddenly started to have special feelings for each other”. I must note that I find the triangle lovestory of Stephen Ma/Astrid Chan (?) and Nick Cheung the most interesting (it is the funniest story). Who could have expect that Nick would be so convincing playing THE ultimate GOOD guy after his work as THE ultimate BAD guy in Secret Of Hearts? Just another proof that his acting skills has improved a lot. (and is it coincidence that he’s getting a lot of leading acts in the upcoming TVB-series?)

Anyway, as a conclusion, there are little series that are as good as this one. At least there’s none that has this much impact to people. This serie would probably be voted as THE serie of the late 90’s. Side by side with Secret Of Hearts or DIF. It is your lost if you don’t watch this one. Don’t regret when your TVB-crazed son or daughter ask you about this serie and you don’t know how to answer.

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