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The John Carter & Anna Del Amico Romance

Well guys, I hate to say it but Maria Bello (Anna DelAmico) is leaving the show too. I know, I just about cried! What am I going to do now? Ugh!! I'm sorry, but if they couldn't figure out what to do with her character all they had to do was ask any ER Fan! They'd tell you. CARTER!!! Need I SAY MORE? Here's what Reuters says...


While all ``ER'' eyes focus on the exit strategy of George Clooney, another star won't be coming back at all this fall. Maria Bello, who came aboard as a pediatric rival to Clooney, has ankled the show.

The reasons are multilayered. With Clooney's Doug Ross recommitting romantically to Julianna Marguiles' character nurse Hathaway, the door was shut on any chance for Bello to play doctor with him. And the show scribes just couldn't figure out what to do to grow her character.

This seems fine for all parties, because Bello signed on already having Clooney-like feature aspirations, and she'll concentrate on making films.

She's already completed a co-starring role alongside Mel Gibson in the Brian Helgeland-directed ``Payback'' and co-stars opposite Ben Stiller in ``Permanent Midnight.''

Warner Bros. confirmed her exit and said it was by mutual agreement of Bello and ``ER'' exec producers John Wells and Lydia Woodward.

Wells and WB have left open the chance they'll develop future projects with the actress.

As for Clooney, rumors have cropped up that the ``Out of Sight'' star will be out of sight halfway through the season. But Clooney says he's signed for the season and will do as the show's producers ask him. Sources close to the show say that he'll be a presence until season's end.(Also, he'll do guest appearances during the sixth season.)


If you're a Carter/Anna fan then you'll love this page... Check out Michelle's Carter/Anna Fan Fiction Page. It's great! If you like my page then you'll like hers! Go check it out!
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