Oz: Teenagers. It's a sobering mirror to look into, huh?

Oz: Hey, you know, I took it last year. I could help you get ready. There's this whole trick to antonyms, but this isn't the place.
Willow: Oz is the highest scoring person ever to fail to graduate.

Snyder: It's band candy.
Buffy: Let's hear it for the band, huh? Very generous.
Snyder: You will sell it to raise money for the marching band. They need new uniforms.
Xander: Yeah, those tall fuzzy hats aren't cheap, huh?
Oz: But they go with everything.

Willow: It'll be okay when we get to Giles.
Oz: Of course. I mean, even if he's sixteen, he's still Giles, right? He's probably a together guy?
Willow: Yeah. Well...
Oz: What?
Buffy: Giles at sixteen? Less together guy, more bad magic, hates the world, ticking time bomb guy.

Oz: Well, then I guess your mom's in a lot of trouble.

Principle Snyder (to Oz): You've got great hair.

Buffy: Something's weird.
Oz: Something's not?

Buffy: So where are all the vampires? The soup's on but no one's grabbing a spoon.
Oz: Something's happening. Someplace that's else.

Buffy: You guys get Xander and Cordelia. Go to the library and look it up.
Oz: Candy curses?
Willow: Disturbing second childhood. Got it."
Buffy: Rat boy and I are going to the source.

Principal Snyder: You look like four young people with too much time on your hands.
Oz: Not really.
Cordelia: Busy like a bee actually. Bee-like.

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