, you're in the I LOVE OZ! Club now. You're probably wondering what you get from this. So far, I don't have much. If you have any ideas, please, let me know!

Alright, if you have a web page, here is something you can put up on it! This is the code:

<center><a href=""> <img src="//" alt="The I LOVE OZ! Club"></a></center>

And this is what it should look like!

The I LOVE OZ! Club

This cool one was made by Ozgirl/delf!!! If you don't have room for the other one, this one is a GREAT choice!!! Here's the code:

<center><a href=""> <img src="//" alt ="The I LOVE OZ! Club"></a></center>

And, here's what it should look like!!

Alright, that's all I have for now! Not too much, but hey, at least it's something!! Check back for updates!

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