Attention to everyone! If you emailed Artemis to join the club, but you don't find your name on the member's list page, please email me and let me know, and I will add you! Thanks!

Attention: I have little to no time on the internet lately, so will not be able to update that often! So if it takes a while for me to get back to you, be patient! Thanks for your understanding!

Hi there! So, you'd like to join the club? Great! It's not that hard to join, so just send me an email with the title "I LOVE OZ! Club". If you use AOL and don't accept email from hotmail addresses, make sure to let me know in your email so I can get back to you from my other email address! Make sure to include the following info:

~The name you'd like to be known as
~Your email address
~Why you want to join the club
~Your favorite thing about Oz or Seth Green

Also, could you please let me know if it's okay if I put up your favorite thing about Oz or Seth Green on a webpage I'm making? I don't want anyone to get mad if I put their reasons up! That's all you have to do! I'll send you an email back and let you know you're in.

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