My Love

by Jamie Tarbell

Part 1: Xander

From the first time I saw her, I loved her. But, as time went by, there was a problem. It’s name? Angel. A name I’ve come to hate. Funny, how one person (Vampire! I keep having to remind myself of that!) can cause so much trouble. I mean, sure, when he was a good guy, I mean vampire, he helped Buffy a lot. But it was usually about telling her about impending doom and then disappearing for a few weeks. But, after he changed from Angel to Angelus, I had that many more reasons to hate him. And for what he did to her, to Buffy, I hope he rots in Hell for all eternity.

Looking back on the past 7 years, and everything that’s happened, sometimes I don’t believe what I’ve helped do. Sometimes I think it’s all a dream, and I’ll wake up any time. But if I do, will she still be there?

Ah, Buffy. The best bud a guy could ever ask for in a girl. She’s saved the world more than once. She’s even died trying to save the world(literally!). I couldn’t even enjoy the minutes I spent trying to revive her after the Master killed her. I was too scared to lose her. The only thing going through my head was, “Omigod! Buffy’s dying! I gotta save her!” This kept going through my head until she finally opened her eyes and started breathing again. I was so relieved to know that she was okay. Even though I had wanted to kiss her for so long, (actually, since the first time I saw her)I guess I was always too scared to. But, I was the only one there that could save her. Dead-boy had no breath. None of the other vamps were going to save the Slayer. So, it was up to me. I had no choice. Save Buffy, or watch her die. So, I saved her.

Then, Buffy went away to L.A. with her dad for the summer. That was THE most boring summer ever. I said that to Willow--

“In the few hours we spent together, we loved a lifetime’s worth.” “Terminator,” I said. “Right.” I said, imitating Charlton Heston, “It’s a madhouse. A mad--” “Planet of the Apes!” I said, “Can I finish please?” Oh, yeah,” Willow said. “--house!” I pointed to Willow, and she said, “Planet of the Apes.” “Good. Right. Me. Um...” Willow seemed like she was thinking hard. She finally thought of something. “Use the Force, Luke.” I asked, “Do I even have to dignify that with a guess?” “I couldn’t think of anything! It’s a dumb game anyway.

“Well, what else do you wanna do? We already played rock, paper, scissors. My hands cramped up.” “Well, yes, if you're always scissors of course your tendons are gonna strain...” “Y'know, I just gotta say that this has been the most boring summer ever.” “Yeah, but on the plus side no monsters or stuff.” She steps over to the wall and hops up to sit on it.” I’m just so restless! I'm actually looking forward to school startin' up again.” “Yeah, and that wouldn't have anything to do with a certain girl we both know who is a Vampire Slayer?” “Please, I'm so over her. Did she, uh, mention when she might be gettin' back? About which I do not care.” “I haven't heard from her. I got a couple postcards when she went to L.A., but then, like, nothing.” “Well, she's probably with her dad having a good time.” “And you don't care?” “Well, okay, there might be some interest. I'm a man. I have certain desires, certain needs...” “Uhhh! I don't wanna know.” “I got a movie for ya!” I tapped her nose with my ice cream. “Xander!” “You're Amish! You can't fight back... 'cause you're Amish! I mock you with my ice cream cone, Amish guy!” “Witness. My nose is cold.” “Let me get that for ya.” I leaned in like I was gonna lick her nose. “Xander!” “I'm sorry, I can't help myself. Your nose looks so tasty.” I wiped her nose off with my napkin, then I leaned in to kiss her. I don’t know why, I just did. I almost kissed her, andwhen I pulled back, and there was a big vamp there. I said, “Willow, go!” Ifought the vamp a little, then, suddenly, a hand grabs the vampire by the shoulder and pulls him off of me. It's a girl, and she punches the vampire in the face, knees him in the crotch and flips him over onto his back. She turns to Willow and me. “Hi, guys!” The vampire got up. Buffy turns her attention back to him and kicks him in the chest, sending him flying into a tree, where he gets impaled on a dead branch and bursts into ashes. She turns back to Willow and me. “Miss me?” “Buffy!” “Hey!” I hugged her hello. “Hey. Hey, Will!” Willow hugged her hello. I hugged her again. “Man, your timing really doesn't suck.” “When'd you get back?” “Uh, just now. Dad drove me down. And I figured you two losers would be getting into some kind of trouble.” “I think we had the upper hand. I-in a subtle way.” “Does either of you even have a cross? Very sloppy.” “Well, it's been a slow summer. I mean, that's the first vampire we've seen since you killed the Master.” “It's like they knew I was coming back.” We started to walk. “So, what about you? How was your summer? Did you slay anything?” Buffy said, “No. Uh, just hung out, partied some, shopping was also a major theme.” “Well, you haven't lost your touch. That vampire...” “I did kinda whale on him, didn't I?” I noticed something different about her. “I like your hair.” “So,how did you guys fare? Did you have any fun without me?” “No.” Willow said, “Yes!” “Uh, our summer was kinda yawnworthy. Our biggest excitement was burying the Master.” “That's right, you missed it. Right out by that tree.” “Giles buried the bones and we poured holy water, and we got to wear robes,” Willow said. “Very intense. You shoulda been,” I said. “Have you seen Giles?” Willow asked Buffy. “Why would I do that? I'll see him at school.” “Man, I'm really glad you're back,” I said. Buffy looked at the tree again, and said, “Me, too.”

I remember that day so well. Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if I had kissed Willow that day. Then, I look at what I have now, and I stop wondering. Because now, after all that time, I have her. Finally, she realized her true feelings for me. That day was one of the happiest days of my life.

“Xander?” I was only half-awake, after a night of looking stuff up for Giles. “Yeah, Buff?” “Can we go talk?” “Go? Somewhere? Talk?” After all, I was half-awake. You can’t expect me to actually believe I heard the love of my life right. “Yeah. Somewhere,” she looked around at the Scooby Gang, “..else.” “Sure. C’mon. Lead the way,” I said to her. I grabbed her hand as she walked by me. I was a little shocked when she lead me to an empty broom closet. I thought to myself, “Get a hold of yourself, Harris!” She sat down on a crate. I pulled another one over to face her, then I sat down. “Xander, I’ve been...thinking...since Angel...y’know.” “Buff--” “No. Let me finish.” I made a show of zipping my lips. She sort of smiled, but then went on. “And I realized something. Ever since the beginning of our friendship, you’ve always...been there for me...when I needed you. No matter how...PMS-y, or rude, or...possessed...or stubborn. And...I realized...oh, God...Xander, I ...I love you!”

If I was caught off-guard when she led me into this closet, imagine how shocked I was now! I’d been waiting for that moment for so know that the love of my life loved me back...omigod, I was practically walking on air! Now, how to tell her that I love her too, without sounding like an idiot?

“Um, Buff...I ..ugh..” Oh God! Why can’t I say what I want to? “Buff,” I saw that she was getting nervous now. “I have a little confession to make to. Ever since the first time I saw you, the first dayof sophomore year, I was on my skateboard, and I saw you, and I kind...forgot to look where I was going, and ran into a railing, and then, when I was in the library later that day, and heard about you...being the Slayer and stuff...I’ve loved you. I love you. At first, I loved you cuz of your looks. I’ll admit it, but was cuz of your personality...then your smarts, and then, finally...everything about you. You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you say those 3 little words. I never said anything...cuz of Angel, but now...” I noticed she was crying. “Please tell me you’re crying out of joy, and, something else?” “Oh, Xander, I was SO scared to tell you how I felt. Afraid of how strongly I felt for you. Of course these are tears of joy! My love of my life feels the same way! God, Xander, you don’t know how happy I am right now!” Then, she kissed me. I’d waited so long for this, and now it was finally happening! I kissed her back. We stayed that way...kissing and occasionally talking for about 10 more minutes. Then, kinda grudgingly, I said, “Hey, we’d better be gettin back. Besides...we do have some news for em.” “Yeah. Wonder what Giles’ll say?” “Dunno. C’mon, let’s go find out.”

We went back into the library, hand-in-hand. I guess the Scooby Gang could tell something was up. Giles, in typical Giles-fashion, stammered, “Uh, Wh-What, um, haha, um..” Willow translated, “What’s up, guys?” “Thank you, Willow,” Giles said. Buffy, slightly embarrassed by having all eyes on us, said, “Um...well, we have...something to tell you...and, gonna tell you. Xander?” “Uh, well, we’re a...couple now. Hey, that wasn’t hard at all. Much.”

That one little statement was met with some “Finally”s, “Omigod”s, “Wow”s, and I think I heard a “Wow, I can’t believe it. Finally!”, but I’m not sure.

That was 5 years ago. Buffy and I got married 2 and a half years ago, and she passed her slayer duties on to a new slayer. And guess what happened last month? Our twins, Seth Nicholas and Sarah Willow Harris, were born. I love them. They’re so adorable. Buffy and her mom insist that I’m a natural-born father.

So, I guess you could say I’m a lucky guy. Found my soul mate, got married, had kids, and I’m starting my dream career. I’m writing my first book, all about Buffy and her Scooby Gang. Maybe it’ll be a best seller. Who knows?

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