Here is the vault for all past Oz-Rants for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The newest episodes are toward the top! Enjoy! I might miss out on a few episodes, so that would explain the absences of a few of them!!!

All Men are Beasts/Beauty and the Beasts

This episode was one of the best so far. I absolutely loved it, and it had plenty of Oz! The wolf suit was much better than the first one, so that was a plus! Oz had such cute little quotes, I was just grinning the whole time. He's the perfect boyfriend! *g* Looking forward to more like it! ~SlayeretteWillow

I thought the wolf looked more like a monkey and I liked the Werewolf-ness in phases better. Other than that, it was great! There were so many great quotes! Where did they kiss in the credits go? They were wearing the same clothes at the beginning. We love the cold blooded jelly donut! ~Liligans

Dead Man's Party

This episode was awesome! Better than the first one, I thought. My only problem with it was that there wasn't enough Oz!! The first episode even had more! There were the occasional witty Oz comment, but other than that! Hopefully, next week there will be more! I thought it was just adorable when Oz vaulted himself over the handrail of the stairs to go tell Buffy how to defeat the demon..he's just so cute!! Can't wait till next week! ~SlayeretteWillow

Arrggh! Where is the Willow/oz kissage? I mean I know it is only the second episode of Season Three but already Xander and Cordy have made out twice, and Buffy cuddled with Angel in a dream,even though he is supposedly DEAD!! Come on Joss, let's go with the smootchies. That little clip in the opening sequence is not enough for me. ~Sick Girl


Oz was wonderful in the season opener. Everything he did was great. It was AWESOME that Seth was finally in the credits, where he deserved to be. And what cute clips of him, too!
When he threw the stake after the vampire, I was cracking up. It so seemed like he was going to make it to the vampire! Guess not! Then when he and Willow walked off holding hands..*swoon*
The sweetes part of the whole show was when Willow was attacked by the vampire. While Xander and Cordelia ran to save Willow, Oz raced past them and threw the vamp off Willow. How cute! ~SlayeretteWillow

he was such a cutie! i absolutely loved seeing his face in the opening credits.. yum! and i love how he protects willow.. aww.. if only that were me (sigh). anyway, he looked oh-so hot, and i can't wait to see the next episode! ~kissy

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