Liz and Lucky are talking at Kelly's...

(Lucky sits at the counter, where he meets Elizabeth, who is putting on her apron.)

Lucky: Oh, miss? What's today's special?

Elizabeth: Sore feet a la Webber, and I just started my shift. What are you up to?

Lucky: I'm working too, can't you tell?

Elizabeth: No.

Lucky: Even as we speak, I have Nikolas' computer sniffing around cyberspace looking for leads on the model who may have been blackmailed like Emily.

Elizabeth: You know what? You and Nikolas have got to stop whoever's doing this to Emily, okay?

Lucky: We will... Hey, you a little on the edge?

Elizabeth: Yeah... I guess, I've just been thinking about how we never caught the creep who raped me, and all my anger is cross- circuiting with what's going on with Emily.. I'm sorry.

Lucky: No. No apology necessary.... ever. I mean it. We can get this guy. He didn't pull some random attack in the park. What he did takes planning, and leaves a trail.

Elizabeth: I hope so. Then it's feel like--, I don't know--, justice maybe?

Lucky: If there isn't, we'll make our own, right?

Elizabeth: Here's hoping. So, you're going to stick around here for a while?

Lucky: I have to go to the motorcycle shop. It's my first day.

Elizabeth: Oh, that's right. So did you run that whole overhaul, techno thing by them yet?

Lucky: No, but how could they possibly resist me?

Elizabeth: Beats me..... Anyway, good luck. Let me know how it turns out.

Lucky: Well, you'll be the first one to know... well, the second. I mean, I'm first because I'll be talking.. and then Jason---, never mind.

Elizabeth: Okay. Liz waves to him.

Lucky: Sorry... this--, it's a funny place to have a chair.

(Lucky walks back, but bumps into a chair. He stutters, while he walks to the door, but pulls instead of pushes. He looks back and smiles at Liz who laughs, then walks out the door.)

(Lucky goes and sees Jason, who offers him a place to stay.)

(Lucky sits at the counter, and Liz pours a pitcher of a drink, into a cup.)

Lucky: So the upshot is Jason and Mike are letting me run with my computer idea. I found a great place to live, and Jason advanced my my first two weeks.

Elizabeth: Sounds like something to celebrate.

Lucky: You gotta stop reading my mind. When do you get off?

Elizabeth: Oh, not for another three hours.

Lucky: Well, that was plan A, when's you're break?

Elizabeth: Twenty minutes.

Lucky: Perfect. All right, pick out a good table. I'll be back with pizza faster than you can say extra cheese.

Elizabeth: Here?

Lucky: Why not?

Elizabeth: Well, what about Ruby?

Lucky: She can have a slice too.

(Lucky starts to leave.)

Elizabeth: Lucky? You're the best.

Lucky: And you make me feel like I'm finally living up to my name.

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