Liz telling Sarah about her rape...

(Elizabeth goes to work at Kelly's and Sarah comes in)

Sarah: Liz, I know something is wrong. You don't just get black and blue marks all over both your arms by falling off a stool.

Liz: Well, will you be quiet, you want the customers to hear you?

Sarah: Well, you wouldn't talk to me at home.

Liz: Oh, when you came slamming into the bathroom accusing me of steeling your Tin?

Sarah: Alright, I'm sorry, it was thoughtless, but that was before I saw our arms and started putting things together. You've been hauled up in your bed for two days now and everytime I'm around, you're asleep?!?

Liz: I had the flu!

Sarah: Well you obviously don't have it now so what are you covering?

Liz: Nothing, will you just leave me alone and let me work?

(Elizabeth walks away, but Sarah grabs her arm. Liz pulls away in pain).

Sarah: Oh, I'm sorry... Liz, please just tell me what hurt you. I know you told Lucky a story about meeting Chad Randall at the dance, but the two of you never showed up. I mean, did something happen with Chad?

Liz: No, nothing happened with anybody, now will you just butt out? Sarah, listen, you don't have to worry about me, I'm taking care of myself. I'm ok, I promise. I just need to be left alone.

(Walks away and begins to clean the tables. Lucky comes up to Sarah).

Sarah: Lucky...

Lucky: What's up?

Sarah: There is something wrong with my sister. Do you know anything about it?

Lucky: I've noticed she's been acting a little off, but it's probably just left over flu.

Sarah: Well I'm talking about the night of the dance. You left here to track her down and Gram said you brought her home. Where did you find her?

Lucky: Yeah, I ran into her and walked her home.

Sarah: Where did you run into her?

Lucky: I don't know, the juice bar.

Sarah: She has big black and blue bruises all over her. Do you know if somebody ruffed her up and who it might have been?

Lucky: I'm sorry, I can't help you.

Sarah: Never mind, Liz is gonna tell me.

(Lucky leaves. Luke stops Elizabeth as she walks past his table)

Luke: Liz...

Liz: Maybe I should be working.

Luke: Oh, yeah, well I just wanted to say that I um admire your courage.

Liz: Thanks.

(Walks, then suddenly drops her things and runs out of the restaurant. Sarah follows. Liz is sitting outside, crying)

Sarah: Liz, Lizzie, please tell me what's wrong. I promise I'll keep it a secret.

Liz: In the park... The night of the dance... Sarah, I was raped.

(Sarah hugs her)

Sarah: By who?

Liz: I don't know...

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