33. Twitch and I'll be washing grey matter off the walls.
34. Relax. he's probably held up in Whoville, experiencing the grinch for the first time.
35. To women. Hell hath no fury.
36. You pick up women on the computer?
37. Gee. I wonder who that could be.
38. Sometimes I think you and I are the only people around here that are sane. Which isn't saying much for me.
39. You've got that just eaten in the cafeteria look.
1. Guy: Takes a long time to build that kind of resume.
    Jarod: Well actually I typed it in 4 minutes.
2. Broots: You had a date?
    Miss Parker: That's when two people actually meet instead of typing to        each other on a computer keyboard.
3. Mr Raines: It's dangerous to deceive the Centre.
4. Sewer Worker: I've never seen someone so excited about excrement in my life.
5. Jarod: This is fascinating. Cake with frosting injected inside.
    Guy: Technically it's filling.
    Jarod: Whatever it is, it's tasty.
6. Broots: This is the icing on a very freaky cake.
7. Sydney: You were such a happy little girl. What happened to you?
    Miss Parker: I grew up Sydney. So should you.
8. Broots: I think I'm going to hurl.
9. Jarod: Sorry for the false alarm, but it was for a good cause.
  Guy: Your leg is broken!
    Jarod: I eat alot of icecream. Calcium, it's good for you.
10. Sydney: Don't you see? I became the monster.
11. Jarod: They say it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Do you believe this?
Miss Parker: If you're lonely call a 900 number.
12. Mr Raines: You have my complete and total loyalty.
13. Broots: Man, this is turning into night of the living dead.
14. Guy: Is the pope catholic?
      Jarod: I believe that's mandatory.
15. Student: He told us that roaches would be the only living thing after a biological holocaust. Them and some woman named Parker.
16. Jarod: Pretty isn't it?
      Miss Parker: Pretty?
      Jarod: The music.
      Miss Parker: As usual Jarod there is no music at the end of one of your games.
17. Sydney: Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
18. Doctor: Were you a triage surgeon too?
      Jarod: Only until I became a rodeo clown.
19. Lady: Are you a doctor?
      Jarod: I am today.
20. Sydney: I fantasise about killing...killing him.
21. Miss Parker: You're looking refreshed.
      Sydney: New underpants will do that to you.
22. Miss Parker: I will get you.