Diary of Jacob Young-entry

Okay, I did not write this. I do not take any credit for it. I recieved it on one of the mailing lists I belong too. I believe it was posted on a message board. If you wrote it, or know who did, e-mail me and I'll give credit. I think it was someone named Sarah. .

It's really, really funny.


September 1, 1999

Interesting evening. Met man called something Luza and woman named Brenda Witch at EA (Egotists Anonymous) meeting at Skybar. Both work for General Hospital; also apparently longtime EA members.
Can't remember what either said, but have card. Will not need of course as am very handsome and loaded with talent and will no doubt make it on bigscreen very soon.

October 1,1999

Ran into Luza/Witch duo at EA meeting again. Was canceled as usual as no one would listen to anyone else. Luza/Witch especially unfriendly to each other, kept fighting over creative control of conversation. Asked if was interested in role of Lucky Something on GH. Told them was weighing numerous prime-time offers. Said Lucky was son of Luke and Laura;seemed to think I should know who Luke and Laura are.
Had hair cut, frosted and spiked.

December 1, 1999

EA meeting postponed as Skybar not large enough to hold all LA Egotists. Saw Luza/Witch team, ignored me.
Will show them.

January 4, 2000

11:00am - Showed up at GH set, dressed in character - tight jeans, tight shirt, spiked hair.

11:01am - burned by cigar tossed by someone named Tony Geary, then ejected from lot. Will persevere and prove am right person to play Lucky Senator.

January 5, 2000

10:30am - Was told to show up early, as might impress TPTB. Not sure what stands for - The People That Belong (to SAG), perhaps. Seems others have arrived earlier, however.

10:31am - Am ejected from lot again. TG person stares at and scares me.

January 6, 2000

9:30am - Surely must be first person on lot. Oh, no - is TG coming at me, cigar blazing. Run and hide under car, messing up perfect spiky do.
Must go home, as can't be seen without perfect hair.

January 7, 2000

8:00am - Can't possibly get up this early every day. Am sure when hired will set own schedule, arrange taping time according to workout and hair needs, with time off to audition for bigscreen breakthrough.

8:15am - recognized by Bob Luza, and let on lot. Says am perfect for part, will be ''huge.'' Couldn't agree more.
Told to put on plaid shirt and jeans and to lie down on bed. Unlike most auditions, where usually asked to take off clothes before lying on bed.
Camera shoots from various angles. Told to sit behind desk and put feet up. Again, several angles shot. Bizarre set of shots involving arms, legs, back of head and chessboard.
Apparently Lucky Spinster is some sort of Wizard-of-Oz-like creature, never seen.
Am given long history of the Spinster family and told should read before screen-test. Left file at Starbucks. Will not need as am obviously only choice for role- have wonderful, spiky hair, perfect teeth and body. That Joshua Jackson kid was skinny, puffed-up no-talent. Not as if he won Emmys or anything whereas I was nominated at least four times. Maybe not four, as was not on B&B that long, but still. Would have been had stayed and done job.

4:00pm - Send out notice to Soapstarworld.com that have been hired to play Lucky Spinster. Am sure is okay, as am bound to get part.
Who else could they get?

5:00pm - Article appears on soapworld site -obviously have no fact checker as referred to character as Lucky Spencer and to old Lucky as three-time Emmy winner Jonathan Jackson. Have never heard of him.

January 8, 2000

Bizarre retraction of soapstar world story - something about not really having contract. Am not sure of details. Have appointment to get hair frosted, cut and spiked. Will go to GH after that.

January 28, 2000

Still no word from GH - reading script for Saved By The Bell: The Post-College Years. Think is great opportunity. Seems ex-Lucky, Jeremy Jackson's brother appeared on show. Am better than both Jacksons. Have perfect spiky hair and have been nominated for an Emmy. Should stop telling people am playing Lucky Spinster, according to agent. Apparently displeases fans -whoever they are.

January 30, 2000

Hurrah - have inexplicably been hired to play Lucky Spencer on GH - think maybe is new character, as different from Lucky Spinster role originally sought.
Strange list of rules includes avoiding talking to Tony Geary unless spoken to first, never referring to self or character as ''Cowboy.''
Must not use gel in hair - surely can't be serious- as is all reserved for an Ingrid Radishmaker.
Wonder if she's hot.
Can't wait to start so can leave show when get big primetime/movie roles.
Forgot to read scripts/character history. Will not be important, as am good ad-libber. TG will never be able to keep up with me.

February 4, 2000

First Day On Job - Hurrah!

9:00am - am late for first call, but is okay as am new kid on set. Atmosphere eerie mix of hostility, amazement and tension. That Jonathan Richmond must have been real pain. Will win all over with perfect spiky hair and irresistible charm.

9:10am - am ejected from set after asking tall, balding, earringed man to get me coffee. Muttered something about Luke Spinster as was tossing me onto pavement.
Surely is mix-up and will be back on set soon.

February 29, 2000

Start first day on SBTB: TP-CY. Am so excited hair is standing up straight on own.
Is definitely big break, much bigger than other role that Jonathan Jackson got. Will be seen by many more people as Screech's younger brother than as Lucky Spinster or Anakin Skywalker. No one goes to those Star Trek movies anymore.

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