20 Questions With:
Sam Behrens

Soap Opera News Magazine
Dated: February 16, 1999

SUNSET BEACH's Sam Behrens (Gregory) answers some pretty tough questions
and gives us a little peek into his personality

Character: Gregory Richards
Birthday: July 24
Hometown: Brooklyn, N.Y.
Love Status: Married to actress Sheri Belafonte (Hotel)

Besides Gregory, who's the TV character you'd most like to play? The role that Sam Waterston has on Law & Order.

Will we ever forget the name Monica Lewinsky? Who?

Does playing Gregory make you feel richer or more powerful? He doesn't rub off on me at all. I'm sure Shari is happy about that too.

Are you a god or cat guy? I have four dogs. I don't hate cats, I just like dogs more.

Is there a Heaven on Earth? Sure there is. Life is what you make it.

Favorite junk food? That would have to be McDonald's. I eat it every once in a while. I watch what I eat but splurge when I want to. It's your last meal.

Your choice is cold pizza, cold cuts, or Cold Duck? Cold cuts. I can't imagine cold pizza - never had it.

Favorite vacation spot? Hawaii. You can still find remote places there. And I love to golf. Plenty of golf.

Is the beach a place to beg our or a place to party? I hate the beach! I avoid the beach as much as I can. I don't like the sand and I don't like hot, sweaty, weather. It's why I'm never on location. They know that about me.

Would you rather arrive on time or in style? I always want to be on time. Shari wants to arrive in style.

Why is Chinese food better in New York than L.A.? Good question. I think a lot of the food in New York is better because of the water. Big difference.

You're stuck on a desert island. Do you pick comic Adam Sandler, computer mogul Bill Gates or actress Pamela Anderson Lee to hang with? How long am I on the island for? That's tough. I don't go nuts for Pamela Lee. I'd probably get along best with Sandler, although that's not my kind of humor.

Which would you prefer for people to say about you: Sam is smart, Sam is funny, Sam is sexy? I love them all. They're all accurate. Seriously, as long as people are saying good things, I don't care what they are.

What would be harder to give up, your sense of humor or chocolate? The humor. Sense of humor is the elixir of life.

Who is more likely to have chapped lips in a kissing scene, you or Sarah Buxton [Annie]? You're not getting me to answer that. I can't win either way! No way.

Did you send Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman a wedding present? They were married like 10 days. That was about the length of my second marriage. [Laughs] Actually, it was two years, but it took us about 10 days to realize it was a mistake.

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