Lesley-Anne Down
Show: Sunset Beach
Character: Olivia Richards

Week of November 15, 1999 - Soap Opera Weekly

Alcoholism has shattered many lives on daytime, and Sunset Beach’s Olivia recently became the disease’s latest victim. The storyline – Annie’s use of a potion to return Olivia to her alcoholic ways – was humorous, but Lesley-Anne Down’s sensitive, finely honed performance as Olivia’s world crumbled around her was definitely no laughing matter.

As the potion took hold this week and Olivia struggled with her renewed craving for booze, Down really shone when her character’s painful, oft-forgotten past was dredged up. Alone, hovering over an array of bottles, Olivia contemplated what would happen if she fell off the wagon. Was drinking worth losing her family? Was she ready to lose everything? These were the questions that Down latched onto with gusto. Her eyes filling with tears, she danced from aching vulnerability to iron-clad strength in just a blink of her mascaraed eye.

Later, during a scene in which protagonist Annie taunted Olivia with a tumbler of vodka, Down talked directly to the glass. It was an enthralling moment, almost as hypnotic as Olivia’s gaze, that made viewers see that Olivia was caving – fast! Olivia’s resolve eventually did plummet, and Down suddenly switched gears: She grabbed a bottle of vodka, with a combination of heartbreak and fierce determination in her eyes, and took off to have that drink that would inevitably be her downfall. As Olivia succumbed to her weakness, Down made another superb acting choice by transforming her from classy sophisticate into lonely drunk in what seemed like one fell swoop. The control that Down had tempered Olivia with up until her fall from the wagon was jarringly replaced with manic emotional disarray. It was sobering to see an unraveling Olivia stumble over her slurred words with a crazed look in her eye, but Down’s stunning portrayal, could only be called, well, addictive.

By: Tony Calega

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