Chemical Reaction
Edited By: Lesleyann Medeiros
Soap Opera Weekly Magazine
Dated: September 14, 1999

Carmen and Gabi – Real Friends

As Carmen and Gabi on Sunset Beach, Margarita Cordova and Priscilla Garita are constantly hurling insults at each other. In fact, they can’t see eye-to-eye about anything. In real life, however, the two women have many similarities. They even go so far as to say there really isn’t anything they disagree about! To put that theory to the test, SOAP OPERA WEEKLY posed the same questions to them, separately.

What Famous duo do you feel is most reminiscent of your characters?
Margarita Cordova: Sylvester and Tweety
Priscilla Garita: Tom and Jerry

What is the funniest thing about your co-star?
MC: Her personality.
PG: When we are rehearsing and she addresses me as "Gobi." She’ll play with me and give me little digs to get me riled. It works; by the time we film, I am annoyed and in character!

What do you remember about your first scenes together?
MC: They were fun.
PG: Her presence was very powerful, and she had very piercing eyes.

What subject do you know best?
MC: Flamenco dancing.
PG: Psychology.

What subject does your co-star knew best?
MC: Language. Since she’s Costa Rican and I’m Mexican, we always compare the subtle differences of Spanish words between the cultures..
PG: Spanish.

What word would someone never use to describe you?

What word would someone never use to describe your co-star?
PG: Evil.

If the world ended tomorrow, what would you regret not having done?
MC: Being a ballet dancer.
PG: Traveling more.

If you could live someone else’s life for a day, whose would it be?
MC: Mother Theresa.
PG: Marlon Brando.

What’s one item that you own that you know you should throw away but probably never will?
MC: My house slippers.
PG: Old T-shirts from camp and cheerleading.

What three people in history would you most like to have a conversation with?
MC: Mother Theresa, Albert Schweitzer and Carmen Amaya.
PG: Mother Theresa, Adolf Hitler and Kurt Cobain.

What is your home’s best conversation piece?
MC: The manton; a traditional Spanish shawl that is hanging on the wall.
PG: The artwork, drawings of angels by my friend Allison.

If you were an entry in the dictionary, under what word would people find you?
MC: Spanish.
PG: Sassy.

Barring the obvious – keys, credit cards, cash – what’s the one thing you never leave home without?
MC: My sunglasses.
PG: My sunglasses.

If your life story were to be made into a movie, what would it be called?
MC: "Fandangos in Space"
PG: "She’s Family".

Who would you want to play you?
MC: Geena Davis.
PG: Natalie Portman.

In your opinion, what is the biggest different between men and woman?
MC: Men have no boobs.
PG: Communication.

What topic do you and your co-star always disagree upon?
MC: Nothing.
PG: Nothing.

If you could change or eliminate one wedding tradition, which one would you choose?
MC: The necessity to invite so many people.
PG: The part in the traditional vows where the woman promises to obey.

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