Batten Down The Hatches
By: William Keck
Soap Opera Digest Magazine
Dated: September 1998

SUNSET BEACH's Scandalous Sara - Shawn Batten - Disses Linda Tripp, Dismisses Bill Clinton And Dishes About The Real-Life Older Man She Goes Home

"I'm really eagar to become just plain old Sara Cummings, not Sara, the congressman's slut," laughs Shawn Batten (SUNSET BEACH's Sara), daytime's answer to Monica Lewinsky. Since taking over the role in May from the briefly seen Lauren Woodland, Batten has been enacting a replay of nation's real-life scandal politico, complete with black beret, taped confessions and dishonest affidavits. Though still the hot topic of gossip 'round water coolers, the extracurricular escapades of our commander in chief inspire only yawns from it's outspoken actress.

"I'm not even remotely attracted to the man," confesses the New Jersey native, who kicked off her acting career playing Mary Todd Lincoln in a junior high play. "People say, 'He's the most powerful in the world,' but I don't care. I still don't want to be with him. If he hit on me, I'd be really creeped out. I'd probably rush home, call my friends and say, 'Bill Clinton just hit on me. Isn't that gross?'"

Not surprisingly, Batten is looking forward to the storyline's conclusion. Yet with last week's shocking return of (the now-leggless) Linda Tripp-inspired Melinda Fall and Brian Patrick Clarke's debut as the much-discussed but never seen Clinton copycat, Congressman Blythe, it would seem that the show's not quite ready to call it quits. "Hopefully, Blythe's introduction is their way of wrapping things up so we won't have to talk about it anymore," muses Batten, anxious for the Sara/Casey romance to gain steam.

Not that Batten has any problem with her character's attraction to older men. Her real-life love is Toto band member Steve Lukather - who's 14 years her senior. Together for nine months. Batten and Lukather met at a John Fogerty concert. "It took about a month before we went out on a date," she smiles. "I thought he was a little old for me - plus he had kids. But he was very charming." So charming, in fact, that two months ago she moved in with the music man and his children, Tina 13 and Trevor, 11. "They're great, but honestly, I don't have any interest in being a mother to them in any capacity. Even if that were asked of me, I'd be like, 'Now way.' I'm actually planning on renting a studio so I'll have a place of my own. Everyone needs his or her own place to escape."

When she's not cozying up with Lukather, Batten can usually be found in the hulking arms of her on-screen love interest, Timothy Adams (Casey). "He's such a big - a solid figure," she says. "I feel like I've known him for a really long time. We find ourselves telling each other personal things that we normally don't talk to people about. Candid things, like, 'Have you ever done this particular things?' He's great looking, but as long as we've known each other, I've had a boyfriend and he's been with Sherri [Saum, Vanessa]. We became immediate friends because we had no other options. Though in scenes, I do try to see him through Sara's eyes."

Batten has yet to form that kind of close bond with her on-screen sister, Susan Ward (Meg). "It's a working relationship," the actress explains. "We haven't hung out, and I think that's simply because we've shared so few scenes together. First she was in the cabin, and then I was on the ship while she was in the quake. She and Joe, the guy she lives with, go away a lot on the weekends. Then all the girls on the show recently got together for a bachelorette party for Kam Heskin, and Susan couldn't go because Joe's family was in town. But Priscilla [Garita, Gabi] and I have become really good friends. She comes over to the house and hangs out with me and Steve."

Batten's say-it-as-she-sees-it nature is nothing new for former high school punker. Never one to conform, the wild child proudly sported spiked orange and pink hair throughout most of her high school years. "Then in senior year, I started dating a guy who was really into The Grateful Dead and Led Zeppelin, so I became a Deadhead," says Batten. "I didn't devote my life to it, but I did make it to 23 Dead shows."

The offbeat actresses life choices have often pited her against her more conservative-minded parents, David and Olga, with whom she maintains very close ties. "My mom is a born-again Christian," she explains. "While I'm not much of an organized-religion person, I can see it makes her very happy." Less thrilled is Mom about her daughters co-habitating with divorced musician, though meeting Lukather two months ago helped ease Olga's concerns. "Times have changed, but it's not something she really likes," confides Batten. "It was important to me that they meet before I moved in, so he flew out with me for the Emmys and got a chance to meet Mom and Dad. It's not like I move in with every guy I date. I've never done this before. By agreeing to move in with Steve, I'm saying that I intend to see this continue forward. Although my mom doesn't see a need for it, I don't think she believes I'm going to hell."

Despite not always seeing eye-to-eye, Mrs. Batten has always been her daughter's leading cheerleader, reciting a prayer before each of Batten's auditions. Olga's prayers were answered after Batten battled her way through several unsuccessful auditions for Aaron Spelling shows - including three different roles on 90210 (landing one as a police officer who pulled Steve over), two roles on LOVE BOAT: THE NEXT WAVE, a part on the new fall show CHARMED, and as BEACH's new Caitlin - though she's not sure about this last one. "I'm pretty sure they were testing Caitlins, but they were using a fake name."

Though a blink of an eye may have caused you to miss Batten's predecessor, Batten, is in fact, the second actress to play Sara. "I found out I had the part before the other girl even knew she was fired," she admits. Batten holds high hopes for her little Lewinsky copycat - that is, once the files on the current sex saga are closed. "I'd really like to see Sara find some happiness. On the boat, when Sara wrapped Casey's arm, she mentioned she was once pre-med, so I'm hoping she'll go back to medical school. We only have one doctor in Sunset Beach, and I'm sure Sara would make a very skilled doc."

Just ask Congressman Blythe.


Shawn Batten's real first name is Susan, but she had to go by her middle name professionally because the name Susan Batten was already taken by the actress who played Luna on OLTL. "I met her once at an audition for some pilot," explains Batten. "I think I scared her. I ran up to her and said, 'You have my name! I've been dying to meet you for so long.' She's much tinier than me, and I believe older." Interestingly, we think Shawn bears more than a passing resemblance to another former OLTL, Susan, as in Haskell (ex-Marty).

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