Michael Strickland
Soap Opera Weekly Magazine
Dated: January 1999

Recent fad I admit to trying: Pilates

Favorite actor: Sean Penn

Favorite actress: Lili Taylor

Favorite movie: Cinema Paradiso

Greatest fear: Being trapped in a video arcade with no quarters

How I want to spend New Year's Eve 1999: Alone with my girlfriend in the desert, soaking in a natural hot spring, listening to Sting

Favorite TV show: Law & Order

Favorite singer: Tori Amos

Film or theatrical role for the opposite sex I would most want to play: Maggie "The Cat" Pollitt in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

If I could keep one household appliance, it would be: A can opener - how would I make my tuna fish sandwiches?

Something you'd be surprised to know about me: I'm ambidexterous. (Can use with both right and left hand)

Currently reading: Still Life With Woodpecker, by Tom Robbins

Favorite book: Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

Favorite food: Sounds crazy, but I really dig spinach

Least favorite food: Green bell peppers

Favorite comfort food: Taco Bell's Santa Fe Chicken Gordita

Favorite song: Eleanor Rigby, by The Beatles

Favorite item of clothing: My leather jacket I've had since 10th grade

Greatest achievement: Landing my Sunset Beach role

I can imitate: Scooby-Doo

If I couldn't be an actor, I'd be: A professional tennis player

Cause I most believe in: Finding a cure for AIDS

If I had one wish: I'd buy the world a slushee

Most treasured posession: My Costco card

First thing I do when I wake up in the morning: Hit the snooze button

Last thing I do before I go to bed: Pray

Most embarrassing moment: Getting stood up for a dance and then went to the dance to see the girl with another guy

Best quality: I'm a nice guy

Worst quality: I'm a nice guy

Biggest regret: Stopped learning to play the piano

Something that makes me see red: Any form of prejudice

If I could live anywhere, it'd be: The Maldive Islands

Greatest love: Living life every day

Quality I like most in a mate: Passion for life

My hero: My dad

My epitaph: Did you see that?!

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