Chemical Reaction
Soap Opera Weekly Magazine
Dated: January 26, 1999

Sunset Beach's Best Buddies Casey and Michael could be poster boys for male bonding. They work together, play together, and from the looks of their buff lifeguard bodies, probably pump iron together, too. Offscreen actors Timothy Adams and Jason George are just about as close as their characters, having developed a strong friendship since they were cast in their roles. They share a dressing room, a lot of laughs, and, as fate would have it, even a leading lady. Adam's real-life girlfriend, Sherri Saum (Vanessa) is George's on-screen love interest. To see how in sync these two guys really are, SOAP OPERA WEEKLY asked them the same set of questions, separately.

SOW: What Famous duo is most reminiscent of your characters?
JASON GEORGE: Somewhere between Abbott and Costello mixed with Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte from 48 Hours. Or Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder from Silver Streak, Stir-Crazy...just pick one.
TIMOTHY ADAMS: Batman and Robin.

SOW: What is the funniest thing about your co-star?
JG: He's this big, buff, strikingly handsome guy, but nobody but me knows that he's a spaz (as in spastic).
TA: He dances like a woman before, after and during a scene - whenever he gets a chance.

SOW: What's the biggest misconception about men?
JG: I cried at Steel Magnolias.
TA: We're insensitive.

SOW: What word would someone never use to describe you?
JG: Dumb.
TA: Conceited.

SOW: What word would someone never use to describe your co-star?
JG: Dull.
TA: Boring.

SOW: If you could go back in time and witness one historical event, what would it be?
JG: Martin Luther King's march on Washington.
TA: The birth of Christ.

SOW: If, like a product, your behavior came with a guarantee, what could you honestly guarantee about yourself?
JG: I want to say just simply: Satisfaction guaranteed.
TA: He takes a licking, but keeps on ticking.

SOW: If you could guest-star on any TV show, past or present, what would it be?
JG: Homicide: Life on the Street, and I'd be an intelligent murderer in the box with Andre Braugher.
TA: The Six Million-Dollar Man; I want to work with him.

SOW: Barring the obvious ... keys, cash, credit cards - what's the one thing you never leave home without?
JG: Lip balm.
TA: My sunglasses.

SOW: What's your favorite food/drink combination?
JG: Cream soda and a Philly cheese steak.
TA: Pizza and Diet Pepsi.

SOW: What televised sporting event is a must-see for you every year?
JG: The NBA Finals.
TA: The Super Bowl.

SOW: What topic do you and your co-star always disagree on?
JG: My love scenes with Sherri.
TA: That his codpiece - the little thing that superheroes wear over their genitalia to keep them protected - is bigger than mine.

SOW: If you could live someone else's life for a day, whose would it be?
JG: Denzel Washington, because he's a well respected actor, and every woman swoons when he walks into a room. Every guy I know thinks he's cool. Who doesn't like Denzel?
TA: I would have loved to have been Jesus for a day.

SOW: What's one item that you own that you really should throw away but probably never will?
JG: A pair of jeans that has rips in the knees, a rip in the crotch, a rip everywhere. It's an absolute piece of trash, but I still wear them when I need to feel absolutely, positively comfortable and am not leaving the house.
TA: A couple of nudie magazines.

SOW: What '90s catchphrase annoys you most?
JG: I actually love this saying, but if you can't use it right you just shouldn't use it: The hand - talk to the hand. You really have to say it right, with a certain attitude. A vibe has to come with it.
TA: Whatever, because it's overplayed. I've heard it too many times.

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