Progress Journal

Inspired by many pages that kept their visitors up to date on new features, I'll keep this nice little progress journal to let you know how the site is coming along. Newest entries at the top.

June 9th, 1998 Added a "Links" section today. Finally made that "Kenny In Scrubs" Image and added it to my image gallery. Might update the Revenge section next week.

May 17th, 1998: What a weekend! First, I win my first site award, and from a magazine! Second, I got my hands on a Kenny doll (25 bucks at Spencers....damn). Third, I gave my site a major face lift! I added to the revenge section, a list of "Funny and Ironic Ways" for characters other than Kenny to die. Lastly, I changed the MIDI on my main page. It now plays "You Won't See Me" by The Beatles. I will change my MIDI files every two months.
May 2nd, 1998: Hope you Kenny fans liked the second part of "Cartman's Mom Is A Dirty Slut". As I said before, we all knew the little perv was a hero! Check my "Images" section for a GIF of Kenny in scrubs! Some viewers found Kenny easier to understand...

April 16th, 1998: Only a week until we are supposed to find out the father of Eric "big-boned" Cartman. I'm being careful this time, and I'm ready if its another joke. Actually, I don't care who the fat a**'s dad is, who wants to spoil the current fun of the show? Hes a fatherless b*st*rd who's mother is a dirty slut, isn't that enough for eveyone?
April 4th, 1998: YES! I actually thought of something original!! Visit the horoscope section, and have a laugh at what the "stars" over South Park have to say about you!
March 28th, 1998: Sorry 'bout the lack of updates, real depressed for some reason, so I kept out of sight. I'm feeling wonderful now....its 80 degrees here! I did some gardening at my church, so I have this good feeling. I added that special Easter GIF of Kenny with an eggshell on his head, but thats about it.
March 21st, 1998: Putting most of my energy on "A Park Days Night" this weekend. Scripts about halfway done. I might add I slighty unoriginal GIF to the Image gallery, this one is NOT of Kenny. You'll notice I took down the Booster Club, well I decided that it was too much trouble, but I will put my banner up for linking purposes soon.
March 14th, 1998: Might stop production of the Pink Eye section and concentrate on A Park Days Night. I added a page so you can see the Heavenly South Park Award. Planning on adding pictures to the "Revenge" section.
March 10th, 1998: To go along with my future Pink Eye section, I'm following the crowd that mixes SP characters with characters from other movies/TV Shows. So get ready for "A Park Days Night" which combines the famous Beatles movie "A Hard Days Night" with South Park. Stan as Paul McCartney, Cartman as John Lennon, Kyle as George Harrison and our pal Kenny as Ringo Starr. It will be a very long script, but if you're both a Beatlefan and a South Park addict, this ones going to be cool. As usual Mike Morier will be doing the graphics, thanks Mike!
March 9th, 1998: Working on special section dedicated to "Pink Eye". I need some good ideas. Also, I would like to announce that next Saturday, March 14th, 1998, I will introduce the "Heavenly South Park Site" award. The reason I'm doing this Is I've seen some of the SP site awards out there and they are'nt to pretty. You can't really apply for this award, I really prefer to find sites on my own, but perhaps if you leave a link in the guestbook I'll be inclined to visit your site. Thats all for today.
March 4th, 1998: Took down section because I was getting cruel flames. Plus added nice message board a day or so ago.
March 1st, 1998: Added 2 animated GIFs to the Image section. Get a lot of e-mails of people thinking I'm Trey or Matt, of course mostly little kids (why are little kids watching this show?). Not much done today.

February 26th, 1998: Saw Cliffhanger last night. That Kenny death was really vicious. Of course I knew he was a goner when I saw him trying to start up the go-kart (sigh). We're all in suspense over the 2nd part of that funny as he-- episode last night! As for this site I am working on new (and hopefully improved) original GIFs of ALL the characters, seeing as its hard to think of new ideas for Kenny. I promise an original script soon, and I am taking down the contest! I say, if we can't have real scripts on our pages, why not make our own? Get set for my attempt at a script: Penny. Come back soon to see it!

February 25th, 1998: The site has been up for over a month and has gone through quite a metamorphisis. At first it was very small and similar to many SP sites out there, but we have expanded and around a week and a half ago I submitted my site to YAHOO! to be listed. This past weekend I set up my counter and on Sunday night YAHOO! listed my page and this site got some heavy traffic! My counter was at 1097 by Tuesday afternoon! My guestbook had 11 visitors on Monday afternoon. As of this date I am thinking of taking down my contest. The reason is that I have only recieved 2 serious entries and I don't like getting rude e-mails. If I do take it down I will replace it with the finished script and just allow everyone to read the one I composed. I am hesitant to put up a links section, but I'll think about it.