Ch.9-by Julie

Lois and Brenda walked through the door of Brenda's penthouse. Ned 
followed closely behind carrying shopping bags and groceries. The past 
week had been great for Brenda. Having Ned and Lois there was exactly 
what she needed. They had gotten her three story penthouse completely 
furnished and had even picked out which room was to be the nursery. Lois 
and Brenda had spent the last two days shopping and checking out the NY 
musicians. They had seen several they liked and were on the brink of 
signing one. Things couldn't be going any better. The only problem was 
that she couldn't stop thinking of Sonny, or more accurately of his 
betrayal. She saw his face in every guy that walked by. Having this 
baby, was becoming more of a problem than she had anticipated. It wasn't 
that she didn't want it, she did, more and more every day, it was the 
connection to Sonny that she didn't want. She wanted to be free of him, 
and having his child would mean that they would always be connected.

''Hey, Bren, what do you want to do about dinna'?'' Lois and Ned were 
leaving tomorrow. Brenda was going to miss them a lot. but NYC was only 
a 1/2 hour by plane.

''Let's go out. Somewhere real fancy. It's my treat to you guys for 
being so great the past week.''

''Bren, we love you. The last two weeks have been hell for you. I mean 
first you and Sonny break up, then you find out you're pregnant, then 
you find Sonny and HER in bed, and then you moved to a new place alone. 
Girlfriend, I'd say you had a pretty horrific two weeks. Nedley and I 
are just glad that we could be there for you.''

''Lois is right, Bren, you've had it pretty rough. But, I think a night 
out on the town would be great.''

''Where da ya wanna go? I've heard of a great place called Jekyll and 
Hyde's. The food's suppose ta be excellent and a lot of movie stars go 

''Really? Wow, I think that sounds great Lois!! So let's change and 
go!'' Brenda ran up the stairs going all the way to the third floor 
where the bedrooms were. 

Lois turned to look at Ned. ''Ned, this is killin' her. I don't know how 
much more she can take.''

''I know Lois. I'm worried too. But what can we do? I mean she's not 
about to move back to PC, well at least not as long as Sonny and Lily 
are there.''

''I know. But I hate the fact that the two of them ran Bren outta town. 
I mean it was Brenda's home way before it was ever Lily's. I swear the 
next time I see that little bitch I'm gonna scratch her eyes out!!''

"Well as much as I support you in that area it won't solve anything and 
it won't help Brenda out.''

"Maybe not, but it sure would make me feel a whole lot betta'' 

''Lois Marie, I love it when you get feisty. C'mon, let's get ready 
before we're late.''


Stone and Robin walked into Luke's. 

Luke looked up from the bar. ''Hey, beautiful, jr. Either of you kids 
seen Sonny today?''

Stone and Robin just looked at each other. 

''Yeah he left early this morning.''

''Where'd he go? He was suppose to do the books.''

''He took Lily to NYC.'' the look on Stone's face was hardly one of 

''Why'd he do that? I thought he was still trying to track down 

"He is. But he thought it would be nice to show Lily his appreciation 
for being a good friend the past two weeks. I don't think it's anything 
serious. At least not on Sonny's part.''

''Well, all I know jr., is that I would hate to be the one to tell Miss 
Barrett about their little trip. That is if she even cares anymore.''


Lily and Sonny had spent the whole day in NYC. They saw all the sites 
and even did a little shopping. It was getting late and Sonny was 
getting hungry. All day he had a funny feeling. It was like something 
was trying to tell him that today was going to be special.

Lily was completely enjoying the day. It had been 1 1/2 weeks since they 
made love. They had spent every day together, although, most of the time 
it was spent listening to him whine about Brenda. Oh, well. Today was 
different. She could hardly believe it when he had suggested going to 
NYC together. She thought that it was his way of telling her he wanted 
to be more than friends, but instead he had requested separate suites. 
But just the fact that he was making any effort to be alone with her was 

''Hey, Lily, where to you want to go for dinner?''

''How about Jekyll and Hyde's? I hear you can see a lot of celebrities 

''Fine with me. Let's go.''

Chapter 10- by me

''So, what do you think?''

''That they're stubborn and neither one of them is going to admit that 
they're miserable without the other.''

''I'm with you baby.'' Robin and Stone sat in the back room of Luke's 
looking at one another moodily. 

''I hate this so much. Sonny's being stubborn and prideful and Brenda's 
being stubborn and wounded. They both love each other like crazy and 
neither one of them is willing to admit it.''

''You know whose fault this is don'tcha?''



''I always thought that she was this sweet girl but now I see that she 
is everything Brenda said she was and more. You know I wouldn't be 
surprised if she found out Bren was pregnant before she told Sonny and 
sabotaged the whole night.''

''I can't believe Bren's gonna be a mother.''

''You? She's still in shock. But she's also totally happy about it, ya 
know? She told me the other day that Ned got her a baby name book and 
nearly bought out the Disney Store.''


''Yeah, you know how they are. Bren's his little sister and he loves her 
like crazy. He'd do anything for her and Lois.''

''And they make sure he does.''

''That's right.'' Robin giggled.

''Speaking of Bren, have we gotten any e-mail from littlegirl_lost?''

''I haven't checked yet today. But I will now.'' Robin booted up the 
laptop and got online. She checked her RocketMail. ''Nothing.''

''To bad. I wonder what she's doing.''

''She, Lois, and Ned are probably having a ball.''


Ned walked into Jekyll and Hyde's with Lois on one arm and Brenda on the 
other. The maitre d' walked up and asked how many.

''Three please.''

''Smoking or non?''


''Right this way.'' The maitre d' led them to a corner table and asked 
for their drink orders.


''Make it two.''

''Three please.''

''Three sodas. You got it.''

''You guys are really sweet but you don't have to be sober just because 
I am.''

''You think I want a hangover tomorrow on that plane ride home? 
Girlfriend please.''

''Ned what's your excuse?''

''I didn't want to look like a drunk ordering a glass of wine.'' The 
three friends burst out laughing. Then all of sudden Lois wasn't 
laughing anymore. She was looking towards the entrance.

''Lo, what's wrong?' Brenda started to turn around and before Lo could 
stop her she saw Sonny and Lily being led to a table a few feet away.

Part 11

Brenda turned back around quickly. She fought for air. She felt like 
someone had kicked her in the stomach.

''Ned get me outta here.''

''Can you walk?''

''I can try.''

''Lo, get her purse.'' Ned stood up and helped Brenda up. She leaned 
against him and they walked out as fast as they could with Lois behind 


Lily watched Brenda walk out with a smile on her face. Sonny hadn't 
noticed them since his back was to them. Not feeling well Bren? She 
congratulated herself on a job well done.

''What's so funny?'' Lily was startled out of her thoughts.

''What? Oh nothing. I was just looking around and you know I think I saw 
that soap star. What's his name? James DiPava. He's on One Life To 

''That's cool. So what looks good to you?'' 

''The clams look pretty good.'' And so do you. She added silently.


''I hate him. I can't believe him.''


''You know up until now I thought maybe it was all a big 
misunderstanding. That maybe just maybe him sleeping with her was all 
this colossal mistake. God I am such an idiot.''

''No you're not. You were in love.'' The two girlfriends had sent Ned 
out for pizza, gotten into their pajamas, and camped out on the balcony 
in lounge chairs.

''How long do you think he was sleeping with her? Just waiting for me to 
find out that he was in some bad stuff so I'd split and they could be 

''Bren, that's ridiculous.''

''I don't think so. I wonder how many times he went from my bed to hers 
or God forbid vice versa.''

''Bren, you're making yourself upset and that's not good for the baby. 
So chill out and that is an order.''

"What if I don't follow orders?''

"Then I am putting you on that plane with us tomorrow and having Alan 
and Dr. Meadows check you out.''

''Alright, I'll chill out.''

''Thank you.''

''I loved him Lo, God help me I did.''

''I know honey. I know.



Brenda stood on her balcony and looked at the, for once, silent city. 
She started to think back......

~I bruise you, you bruise me
We both bruise to easily
Too easily to let it show
I love you and that's all I know ~

The night of the shower when she had sat up in bed shaking so badly she 
didn't think she'd ever stop. She had started to get out of bed when 
Sonny had sat up next to her, put his arms around her and forced her to 
relax into them as he cradled her. It had taken her a minute to realize 
he was shaking too.....

~ All my plans are falling through
All my plans depend on you, 
Depend on you to help them grow
I love you and that's all I know ~

A few blocks away Sonny stepped out onto the balcony of his hotel room. 
He could still feel Brenda. The feeling had been strongest at the 
restaurant tonight. He looked up at the night sky and said a silent 
prayer that one day she'd forgive him for betraying her. He wished he 
could let her know that he loved her. It hurt so much not to be with 

~ When the singers gone like the sun goes down
It's a fine line between the darkness and the dawn
They say in the darkest hour there's a light beyond

But the ending always comes at last
Endings always come to fast
They come to fast but they pass to slow

When the singers gone like sun go down
It's a fine line between the darkness and the dawn
They say in the darkest night there's a light beyond

But the ending always comes at last
Endings always come to fast
They come to fast but they pass to slow

I love you and that's all I know 
That's all I know
All I know
And that's all I know ~

Brenda fought back tears as more memories came up. Soon she crying so 
hard she had to sit down. Then she looked up at the sky.

''I love you Sonny. God help me.'' she whispered to the stars


Brenda had been living in NYC for 2 1/2 months. She was now 3 1/2 months 
pregnant and she was starting to show. She was surprised, but she 
actually liked the fact that you could tell. She had converted the 
bottom floor of her penthouse into a boutique called Barrett Fashions. 
It was very elegantly decorated. It had a little indoor cafe/lounge 
where her customers could relax and enjoy a cappuccino and a croissant. 
It had only been open for two weeks, but it was already becoming one of 
the most popular places in the city. Celebrities from all over came to 
shop there, mostly because Brenda gave them her personal attention. She 
was enjoying herself and found that she had a real flare for business. 

The remaining two floors belonged to Brenda. The second had her living 
room, formal dining room a state of the art kitchen, family room and her 
study. Her study was were she had her L&B office. She was handling the 
two new artists her and Lois had signed. Between L&B, the Boutique and 
preparing for the baby she was so busy she had no time to think. But 
every night as she laid in bed she thought of him. He haunted her 

She talked to Lois and Robin everyday. She missed PC and everyone in it. 
But she knew she could never go back. Brenda was working on the nursery 
when the phone rang. 


''Bren, hey! How are you?'' Robin had missed her big sister terribly. 
She hated Lily and was having a hard time not hating Sonny for what they 
did to her.

''Robin!! It's so good to hear from you! What's up?''

''Well, Stone and I were talking and well, we miss you. So, how would 
you like a couple of house guests for a week?''

''Are you kidding? I would love it! How soon can you guys get here?''

''We thought you would say yes, so we're booked on a flight tomorrow 
morning. We'll get into JFK at 10:00am.''

"O.K. I'll meet you guys at the airport. I can't wait to see you!!''

''Me either. Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow! Love you! Bye!''

''Love you, too!'' As Brenda hung up the phone she smiled. She had a 
feeling that seeing Stone and Robin was just what she needed. She just 
hoped that they didn't mention Sonny. And especially Lily.


Lily looked at the stick. Blue. It was definitely blue. She gently 
placed it half hidden in the garbage can of her bathroom. Now all she 
had to do was some how get Sonny to go in there. A knock on the door 
startled her and she quickly took one last look at the garbage can. it 
couldn't look like she had purposely put it there. Nope it looked 

''Hi Sonny!'' She greeted him with a warm smile. He had made no attempt 
at being anything more than friends. In fact the one time she had kissed 
him, he told her he still loved Brenda and couldn't be with another 
woman right now.

"Hey. Listen I brought over dinner. I hope you don't mind.'' He went 
over to the table and set the bags down.

''No of course not. So, what are we having?''

''Spaghetti O.K.?''

''That's great. I'll get the wine.''

They sat down to eat. They ate and talked. They had become close friends 
over the past few months. Well, the truth was that not to many people 
were very friendly to them these days. In fact Stone, Luke and Mike were 
the only ones who really even talked to Sonny. And Lily? Well, the only 
friend she had was Sonny. As they finished their dinner, Lily saw her 
chance. He was still drinking his wine. 

''Here why don't you take our glasses over to the couch and I'll clean 
up here.''

''O.K.'' As Sonny got up Lily accidentally bumped into him, spilling his 
wine on his shirt.

''Oh, Sonny I'm so sorry. Why don't you go wash it off in the 

''Good idea''

Lily smiled as Sonny walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later Sonny 
came out. He looked pale and flushed. In his hand was the blue stick.

''Lily, are you pregnant?'

Chapter 13~by me

"She did it on purpose. I don't care what Sonny says. The little bitch 
got pregnant on purpose.''

"Robin will you be quiet? People are starting to stare.'' Stone smiled 
nervously at the woman sitting a few tables away, who was sending him 
death glares as she tried to quiet her crying baby.

"I'm sorry. I just can't believe this. Did you see the look on Sonny's 
face? He looked so defeated.''

"I'd be defeated too at the thought of making an honest woman out of 
that thing.''

"You don't think it'll really come to that, do you?''

"I don't know Robin. I just don't know.''


"What's up partner?''

"What do you mean?''

"I mean you've been staring at that drink in front of you for the last 
ten minutes like you expect it to tell you the answers to life's 

"I wish.''

''You wanna talk about it?''

''Talk about what? The bed that feels to big, the half empty closet, the 
apartment that echoes, or the robe that still smells like her?''

''That bad huh?''

''Worse. Did I tell you Lois gave me a letter from her?''

''What'd it say?''

''That she wanted me to give Lo the rest of her stuff.''

''Anything else?''

''No. It was so cold and impersonal. You'd think we barely knew each 

''Maybe that's the way she wants it.''

''I can't, I won't believe that.''

''Why not?''

''Because I know her. She's stubborn and she's hurt. And when she's hurt 
her first instinct is to split. She's been doing it since she was a 

''Why change now right?''


''I've got something to tell you. Something important.''

''Good or bad?''

"Pretty bad.''

''What else is new? Go for it.''

''I heard Robin and Lois talking the other day and it seems Brenda told 
the lovely Mrs. Ashton that she thinks you were sleeping with Lily 
before the two of you broke up.''

''Perfect. This day just keeps getting better and better. Anything 

''Nope.'' Luke said ignoring the part of him that was screaming at him 
to tell Sonny what else he had heard: Bren was pregnant.

Ch.14-by Julie

Brenda sat down on the sofa. She had never been so tired in her life. 
She ran a hand slowly over her growing stomach. That was the one thing 
that was right in her life. She had never really wanted kids before. She 
never thought she was that domestic, but now all she thought about was 
her baby. 

''Hey, little one. How ya doing today? Mommy's so tired, but ya know 
what? Uncle Stone and Aunt Robin are coming tomorrow. Mommy misses them 
so much. I miss everyone in PC. But I miss your Daddy most of all.''

Brenda got up and walked out on the veranda that overlooked the city. It 
always looked so beautiful at night with the lights twinkling. She 
looked up at the sky. It for once was clear. That rarely happened in 
NYC. The stars were out in full force. Brenda curled up with a blanket 
on a lounge chair and just watched the stars.

''When you get bigger I'll teach you about the stars. Oh, look. It's a 
shooting star. We have to make a wish. What should we wish for little 
one?'' Brenda sat there for a minute. she had everything she wanted. Two 
successful businesses, a huge house, a baby on the way, everything but 

''I wish that your daddy could be a part of your life someday, angel. A 
part of both of ours.''


Sonny had sat at the bar for a long time thinking about what Luke had 
said. His words burned into his memory. ''...she thinks that you were 
sleeping with Lily before you two broke up...''

''G*d, Brenda. Did I hurt you so much that you would really think that 
of me?''

''Well, I think her reaction is pretty tame compared to what you 
would've done.''

Sonny turned around only to find Lois glaring at him. She had grown 
extremely protective of Brenda over the past two months. In fact things 
between the two Bensonhurst friends were very touchy.

''Lois, I didn't realize I had asked for your opinion.'' 

''Well, then don't ask yourself stupid questions out loud, if ya don't 
like the answers ya get.'' she sat down on the stool next to him. 

''Sorry, Lois. It's just that I miss her. So much.''

''Well, ya only got one person to blame for that.'' 

''I know, I know. So I take it you came to say goodbye to Stone before 
he leaves?''

''Not really. I actually came to see you. Here.'' she handed him a small 
brown bag.

''What's this?''

''Open it.''

Sonny opened the bag. His heart sank when he saw what was in it.


Later that night Sonny looked out the window of his apartment. He 
couldn't believe what Lois had brought him. Just then he saw a shooting 

''Please come back to me Bren. I know you still love me as much as I 
love you. I'll make it up to you I swear. Just please let me be in your 


Sonny looked down at the necklace that Lois had given him. It was the 
one he had given Bren on Valentine's Day. She had returned it all. 
Everything he had ever given her. But there was still one thing she 
hadn't returned: His heart. But then she couldn't return that. She'd 
always have it.

~ Thought we'd always be together
I was so sure our love would last
Here I am all alone wondering what went wrong
Did we ever have a chance? ~

Brenda tugged the blanket around her. It was getting cooler. She 
shouldn't be surprised. It was almost November. She leaned back in the 
chair. Lois must've given him the necklace by now. It had hurt to part 
with it. It was one of the only things she had left of Sonny. Except for 
the baby. She placed her hand on her stomach. She'd always have that.

~ It's hard to see this world without you
A lonely place without romance
Here I am on my own wondering where you are
Did we ever have a chance? ~

Sonny went over to the shelf and picked up a picture of them at Ned and 
Lois's wedding. He remembered watching her walk down the aisle and 
picturing the way she'd look on their wedding day. Now he might never 
see that day. 

~ What was it we promised to each other?
What were the words we said?
Here I am all alone wondering what went wrong
Did we ever have a chance? ~

Brenda got up from her chair and went back inside. She was tired and she 
had a busy day tomorrow. She couldn't wait to see Stone and Robin. She 
looked down at her hands just then. It still felt a little weird not 
seeing the ring Sonny had given her for her birthday. But she had given 
that back too.

~ Thought we'd always be together
I was so sure our love would last
Here I am all alone wondering where you are
Did we ever have a chance? ~

Sonny looked out the window again. He hated the thought of going to bed 
these days. The bed felt too big without her. Last night he could have 
sworn he felt her arms around him. He looked up at the stars and felt 
tears in his eyes. It wasn't that long ago she was standing there with 
him. "I'm sorry Brenda. God Baby I'm so sorry."


Brenda looked at the clock. It was almost time for her to meet Stone and 
Robin at the airport. She looked at herself one last time. She looked 
great. If you didn't know her, you couldn't tell she was almost four 
months pregnant. But she could. She smiled and grabbed her keys.


"Well I don't think we should say anything."

"Stone, Brenda's going to find out sooner or later. Especially if he 
marry's her."

"Please, Robin. I just ate lunch. The thought of Sonny actually marrying 
her makes me ill."

"Me, too. But that doesn't change the fact that we have to tell her that 
she's pregnant."

"Well, couldn't we like tell as we're leaving? That way we could run 
onto the plane." 

"Very funny Stone."

"Who's joking? I don't want to tell her. You've never lived with Brenda. 
You don't know the extent of her temper. I do."

"We need to tell Brenda about-

"Tell Brenda about what?" 

Robin and Stone both just stared at their friend. Not sure what to say 
or do next.


Sonny opened the door to find Lily smiling. Just what I need, he 

"Lily, what are you doing here?"

"I thought I would bring you some of Ruby's muffins. I've noticed that 
you're losing weight."

"I'm fine. Don't you have to be at school?"

"I took a personal day. Sonny there's something we need to discuss."


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