Wonder Years

by Lori and Julie

Part 1

The first time Sonny Corinthos ever really noticed Brenda Barrett was in
fourth period English class.  He'd always known who she was.  His friend
Mark's sister's best friend.  But he'd never noticed her before.  Of
course it might have something to do with the fact that she was three
years younger than he was and up until that point she'd always been a
little heavy.  But looking at her now he realized how stunning she was.
She, Lois, and some girl were giggling in a corner.  He wondered what
they were doing in a senior English class until he remembered that this
year this particular English class was open to all students.  He decided
to go over and say hi.  He walked over to them.

"Hi Lois."

"Hi Sonny. What are you doing here?"

"This is my English class."


"Yeah. So mind if I sit down?"

"Sure.  Oh Sonny this is Amanda Jackson and you remember Brenda don't

"Sure.  Hi Brenda. Nice to meet you Amanda."

"You too."

"Hi Sonny."  She turned to Lois. "Can I get a ride home with you and
Mark today?  Julia has early out and she doesn't want to come back for

"He can't.  We have to go out to Pop's store right after school.  Sorry

"Darn.  Guess it's the bus for me."

"I can give you a ride." Sonny said.

"Really? That'd be great Sonny. It's not out of your way, is it?"

"Bren, you live two doors away."

"Oh yeah."  She giggled.  He smiled at her.

"Brenda don't forget you're sleeping over tonight." Lois piped up.

"I won't.  How could I?  You've reminded me five times since you picked
me up this morning."

"Well I know your memory."  The bell rang and class began.  All during
class Sonny kept giving Brenda little looks.  He loved the way her hair
fell across her shoulder.  A few strands  obscured the view of her face
and Sonny had to restrain himself from lifting a hand to push them away.
All during the day he kept thinking of her.  He'd never felt like this
before.  It was almost scary…….



Sonny waited for Brenda by the front doors after school. He didn't know 
what his deal was. She was just a girl. He had dated lots before and 
never felt like this. He was pondering this when she walked up to him. 

"So ya ready?" He turned to look at her. The sun was reflecting off her 
hair and she was smiling. Man, she had a great smile. What are you
thinking, she's a kid.

"Yeah, let's go."

They were silent on most of the drive. Sonny kept stealing little looks
here and there. She was staring out the window. He felt like he could
look at her forever. Then he was pulling into her driveway. 

"Thanks for the ride Sonny. So I guess I'll see ya in class on Monday?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."

Then she walked up her drive. Sonny sat in his car for a minute. He had 
memorized her face already. He loved to watch her walk, talk, do
anything! He loved everything about her. But, she had shown no interest
in him at all. She had hardly said one word to him. But he was so
nervous  he was afraid he would say something stupid, so he said nothing
too.  Sonny backed out of the drive. "Brenda Barrett Corinthos. I like
it."   with that he went home.


Brenda watched him pull out of the drive. He was so hot. She could
hardly breath on the ride home. He had been so close she could smell his
cologne. G*D he was sexy. Everything about him. His dimples, his smile, 
those pecs that strained in his shirt. Wow. But he wasn't interested in
her. He hadn't even attempted to talk to her." Brenda Barrett Corinthos.
I like the way that sounds." She smiled and went upstairs to get ready 
for a night with the Cerullos and dreams of Sonny Corinthos.

Chap 3

"Lois that is ridiculous.  He does not have a crush on me."

"Oh yeah?  Then why'd he give you a ride home?" Lois smiled knowingly at
her best friend.

"To be nice? Let's remember he's known me my entire life.  For God's
sake he used to date Julia."

"Let's also remember that that particular relationship didn't end on the
best of terms.  Although Julia could have done worse than Billy."

"I still remember the look on his face when Sonny decked him.  It was
priceless."  Lois and Brenda giggled.  It was later that night.  The
girls had had dinner with Lois's family minus Louie and Frannie, who
were at friend's houses for the night, and were now up in Lois's room
talking and listening to music in the pajamas.

"Alright so Sonny doesn't have a crush on you.  What about you?"

"I don't have a crush on me either."


"He's cute."

"Just cute?"

"Alright more than cute.  He's sexy as hell.  I could barely breathe
this afternoon when I was in his car.  I nearly hyperventilated."

"I knew it."

"But get serious.  I'm probably still that same little kid I always was
to him."

"B, have you checked yourself out in a mirror lately?  Little kid are
not the words to describe you anymore."

"Whatever. Look I'm tired.  You want to go to sleep?"

"Sure."  Lois turned off the light and Brenda crawled into her sleeping
bag.  Both girls were asleep in a matter of minutes.


Sonny stumbled up the back stairs of the Cerullo's house.  Damn Deke.
How was he going to explain a black eye to his friends on Monday?  He
fished out the key Mark had given him a while ago and let himself into
the Cerullo's kitchen.  He flipped on the lights, found some napkins,
put some ice into them.  Then he sat at the kitchen table with the ice
pressed to his eye.  A few minutes later he heard  voice.

"Sonny?"  He turned towards the kitchen door and saw Brenda.

"Brenda. Uh hi."

"Are you okay?  What happened to your eye?" She asked walking towards

"I'm fine.  I got into a fight."

"With who?"  But Brenda knew the answer.  Anyone  living on their block
had heard the rumors about Deke which were backed up by the bruises
Adella and Sonny so often had.  What was the saying her mother used?  Oh
yeah. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

"Just some guy."  Brenda nodded.

"Ya know Gloria has some kind of cream that'll make the swelling go down
faster.  I saw her use it on Louie after he got into a fight one time. 
I know where it is. Do you  want some?"

"Yeah that'd be great."

"Okay."  She went over to the cupboard where Gloria kept the first aid
kit and took it out.  She ran a washcloth under warm water and then she
put a couple of dabs of the cream on it and rubbed it in.  The she
turned back around to face Sonny.  He took the ice pack away.  She took
his chin in her hand and tilted his head up so she could see his eye
better.  Whoever had hit him a good right cross.

"This might sting a little."  She gently rubbed the washcloth on his
skin.  He cringed a little but said nothing.  After making sure she'd
gotten the entire are she rinsed out the washcloth and put the first aid
kit back.  Then she turned back around to face Sonny. He'd taken off his
jacket and was sitting in the chair with his back to her.

Sonny's mind was racing.  What was he supposed to say now?  Thanks for
taking care of me?  It was hopeless.  He was hopeless.



"I'm gonna go up now.  Are you gonna be okay?"  He turned around. 

"Yeah I'll be fine.  Thanks for everything."  She smiled at him and he
felt his insides turn to mush.  He had to remind himself to breathe.

"No problem.  G'night."

"Night."  He watched her leave and suddenly started to realize she was
no kid.


The next morning:

"Lois is Mark out of the shower yet?" Brenda whined. 

"Yeah go ahead, he just got out."

Brenda ran down the hall to the kids bathroom. She jumped in the shower
and started to sing.


  "Good morning Sonny." Gloria said as she woke him up off the couch.

  "Morning. What time is it?"

"Almost ten."

Sonny bolted off the couch. "Great. I'm suppose to be at work in ten
minutes and I still need to shave."

"Well, Mark's in the shower, just go use the sink in there."


Sonny ran up the stairs.

Brenda had just got out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around her
when the door flew open. 

"Sonny!" She was so shocked she forgot she was only wearing a towel. But
Sonny didn't. He just stared at her. She stood there, her long hair wet
against her back only wearing a towel. Sonny couldn't breath. She was
the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on.  He looked at her and
fought the impulse to kiss her. 

"Sonny, haven't you ever heard of knocking? What gives you the right to
just barge in here. What if I had been in the shower still?"

I would have joined you. No man, get a hold of yourself. She's still a
baby. No baby I ever saw had a body like that. Uh, what is she doing to
me? I'm losing it. 

"Sonny? Did you hear me? Are you going to stand there all day?" Still
Sonny said nothing. Brenda just stared at him. Then out of nowhere, he
grabbed her and kissed her. He kissed her hard. Then just as suddenly he
let go. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I shouldn't have done that,
you're  still a kid."  He regretted that as soon as he said it.

"A kid. Right. Sorry I got in your way. The bathroom's all yours." She
grabbed her stuff and raced out of the bathroom. Once inside Lois's
room, she sat on the bed and cried. She loved the way he had kissed her,
she wanted him more than anything in her life, but he still thought she
was a kid. 


"What are you some kind of insensitive jerk? You kiss and then call her
a kid? Now she hates you! You idiot!"  Sonny stared at himself in the
mirror. He kept thinking of her in that towel and of kissing her. He
wanted her more than anything. But he was older, more experienced in
that area. He didn't know what to do now. But he knew that he wanted
Brenda Barrett in his life. But did she want him in hers?


When Brenda was dressed she headed downstairs.  At the bottom of the
stairs she nearly collided with Lois's sister Frannie.

"Whoops! Sorry Frannie."

"No harm done. How's it going Bren?"

"It goes." Brenda said rolling her eyes.

"Oh ominous."

"See Ya later." 

"Bye."  Brenda went into the kitchen and saw Mark and Sonny at the
table. Perfect she thought to herself. Just perfect. 

"Morning Mark. Ya know you really should have your father fix the lock
on the bathroom door.  If someone didn't know any better they could
create a really embarrassing situation by just walking in."

"Good point Bren.  I'll talk to him later." Brenda sat down at the table
across from Sonny.  "So what are you and Lo doing today?"

"She wants to go roller-skating with a group of people."

"Correct me if I'm wrong here Bren, but the last time you went
roller-skating didn't you end up with a split lip?"

"Can it Mark unless you want your eye to look like Sonny's."  Mark made
a face.  He knew from experience that Brenda had a better left hook than
most of the guys at school.  He looked over at Sonny then but he didn't
seem to be listening. He was too busy staring into space.  "Hey Mark?"

"Yeah?" He said looking back at her.

"Who was that guy you were talking to yesterday at lunch? I don't think
I've seen him before."

"Alex Garcia."

"He's cute." Brenda watched Sonny out of the corner of her eye.  He was
staring at her.

"Forget it Brenda Leigh."


"One you are too young for him and two as good as your left hook is,
Lois's right cross is better and if I tried fixing you up with Alex
she'd use it, repeatedly."

"Maaarkkkk, c'mon.  I can do so much more damage to you and you know

"Can I say something here?"

"Yes." Mark said at the same time Brenda said


"Well I'm going to anyway.  I talked to Alex yesterday and I gotta say
he's really not your type."

"What do you know about my type?"

A lot more than you think Sweetie, Sonny thought to himself.  "C'mon
Bren, we've known each other most of our lives.  I think I can tell if a
guy's your type or not."

"Well thank you Dear Abby."  Mark laughed and Sonny shot him a look and
he quickly quieted.  Then he looked back at Brenda.  For a second he saw
her in the towel she'd been wearing upstairs.  He silently wished Mark
wasn't there at the moment.  Because if he wasn't he'd continue that
kiss and it wouldn't have stopped there.  "I have to go.  Mark tell Lo
to call me later. See you tonight."

"Are you staying here again tonight?"

"Yeah. My parents are going out and Julia's got a date."

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"That guy Jasper something. I don't like him.  He's to pure.  Which
makes him perfect for Julia.  Bye!" Brenda left.

"I gotta go too. Later man." Sonny split.  He got outside just as Brenda
reached her front door. He was about to say something when she turned
around.  She stared at him for a minute and then went inside shutting
the door behind her.  In that instant Sonny knew he'd be sleeping at the
Cerullo's that night too.


At home, Brenda was frantically trying to decide what to wear tonight.
She had a sneaking suspicion that she would see Sonny tonight, and she
had NO intention of looking like a kid. Her phone rang.


"Hiya Bren. Are Ya coming over or what?"

"Lo, what if we went dancing instead? I mean it might be fun to get
dressed up and go out."

"Yeah, I suppose. OK sure. But can Ya hurry up. i want to get away from
my brothers."

"I'll be there in a few."


Sonny strolled into the Cerullo kitchen an nearly ran into Lois. 

"Hey there Lois, watch it. where's the fire?"

"Oh nothing, I just gotta change since BRENDA decided she wanted to go
dancing instead of skatin'."

"Dancing huh? Where's mark?"

"He's upstairs."

"Hey mark. What did you want to do tonight?"

"Cruise for chics. I mean you attract them like no guy I've ever seen
before. i figure your affect has got to rub off on me someday."

"Funny. Listen i know a great place to pick up chics." 


Lois let Brenda in the kitchen door. 

"Look at you! You are going make every guy in that place drop dead."

Brenda was wearing a short black skirt with a tight lavender top. She
had black strappy shoes and her hair was down. 

"thanks! Are you ready to go?"

Just then Sonny and Mark came through the door. Sonny was wearing black
jeans, a black tight T-shirt and a light yellow-brown suede jacket.
Brenda never saw anyone that looked as good as he did. Sonny looked
Brenda up and down. He didn't think he should be thinking what he was,
but he couldn't help it. He wanted her. He didn't know what to do with
what he was feeling towards her. It was more than a crush. He had
Figured that out in the car yesterday. But it was more than just wanting
her too. 

"So are we all agreed?"

"What?" Sonny had missed the whole conversation.

Mark looked at Sonny. "You and I are going to drop the kiddies off at
the club and then we are going to look for women." Sonny nodded his
head. "sure, that's fine with me." I have my women he thought as he
stared at Brenda. 

Chap 7

Sonny was trying very hard not to want to punch out Joey Castle.  The
guy was hanging all over Brenda as they danced together across the
club.  He couldn't believe that Brenda and Lois had picked the same club
to go dancing at that he had thought of.

"Sonny? Sonny are you listening to me?"  Betty Anne Clanton said.  He
looked at her blankly.  Truth be told he couldn't remember anything she
said in the last five minutes.

"Sure.  You were saying?"  Betty Anne started rambling again and Sonny
looked back at Brenda. Now she was dancing with Alex Garcia.  Slow
dancing.  He wondered what it felt like to be that close to her.


Brenda stole a look over at Sonny.  Yep he was still watching. Good. 
She smiled up at Alex.  He was pretty cute and a good dancer.  As a
distraction he'd do. She stole a little look at Lois. She was flirting
with some guy.  What was his name again? Oh yeah. Ned something or
other.  His family had come from Oyster Bay. Bunch of rich snobs she
thought disdainfully.  Julia was dancing with that guy Jasper.  He had
the funniest accent but he was clean cut and pure and that's exactly
what her sister wanted.  Just one of the many reasons she and Sonny
hadn't lasted.  Speaking of Sonny..... she looked over at him again.  He
was trying to make it look like he wasn't watching even though he was. 
Just then Mark came up to them.

"Excuse me. Can I cut in?"

"Sure. Sorry Alex."

"No problem."  He smiled and walked away.

"What's up Mark?"

"I thought I told you to stay away from him."

"What is the big deal?  We were just dancing."

"I don't trust him. There's something about him I don't like."

"Mark when are you going to get over this compulsive need to protect

"When you're about ninety.  It's almost eleven and I promised Ma I'd be
home quarter after at the latest.  So I am going to go collect Lois
Marie while you go get Sonny."

"Alright.  See you at the car in about five minutes."

"Great. And Brenda no giving out your phone number."

"I never give out my phone number. I give out Lo's." Brenda walked away
before Mark could reply.  Sonny was still talking to that toad Betty
Anne when she got to them.  "Sonny?"


"We're leaving. So if you want a ride home c'mon."

"Okay. I'll see ya later Betty Anne."

"Bye Sonny. Call me."  Brenda rolled her eyes and walked through the
club out to the car.  Lois and Mark were waiting in the front seat.

"You and Sonny get the back seat Bren."  As Brenda was about to open the
door, Sonny reached down and did it for her.

"After you."

"Thank you."  She got in and slid over to sit behind Mark. After Sonny
got in Mark took off for home. Neither Mark nor Lois noticed that their
friends were having breathing problems.

Chap 8-


Brenda came down the stairs quietly.  She had woken up thirsty and
decided to come downstairs for something to drink. As she walked across
the living room a voice stopped her.

"Who's there?"  It was Sonny.

"It's Brenda."

"What are you doing down here?"

"I was thirsty. What's your excuse?"

"Mark's floor is to hard."

"Couch is softer, huh?"


"Do you want something to drink?"


"Be right back."  She went into the kitchen and Sonny sat up on the
couch.  What was he doing?  He was getting in deeper and deeper with a
girl three years younger than he was.  He remembered this morning.  He
wondered what she looked like under that towel.  He didn't even notice
that she came back in until she was standing before him with two glasses
of water.

"Thank you." He said taking one.  He looked up at her.  God even in semi
darkness she was beautiful.  He set the glass of water aside. Then he
took her glass and did the same. Then ever so slowly he placed his hands
on her hips and she put her hands on his shoulders.  His hands traveled
down to the back of her knees and one at a time he brought her knees to
rest on either side of one of his legs.

             What would you think if I told you 
               I always wanted to hold you
             I don't know what we're afraid of 
           Nothing would change if we made love

He looked up at her.  She smiled and bent her head down to kiss him. He
tried to pull away but stopped when she heard her whisper.  "Don't fight
me Sonny. You know this is what you want." She was right.  This is what
he wanted.  Her.  He reached up to take her face in his hands and
deepened the kiss.  When they broke the kiss he started to part her
pajama top starting at the bottom.  Once it was off he trailed kisses
from her stomach to the base of her neck.  God she tasted so sweet.

          So I'll be your friend and I'll be your lover
            Cause I know in our hearts we agree
            We don't have to be one or the other
           Oh No We could be both to each other

             Yes it's a chance that we're taking
          And somebody's heart could be breaking
             But we can't stop what's inside us
            Our love for each other will guide us

Brenda bent her head down to kiss his lips again and this time he didn't
pull away.  As she kissed him she unbuttoned his shirt and then she
pushed it off his shoulders.  God just the feel of him made her burn
inside. She bent her head farther down to kiss his neck.

       So I'll be your friend and I'll be your lover
            Cause I know in our hearts we agree
            We don't have to be one or the other
           Oh No We could be both to each other

       I've been through you, You been through me
           Sometimes a friend is the hardest to see
         We always know when it's laid on the line
              Nobody else is as easy to find

Sonny started to work her pants off as she did the same thing to him. 
Then he put an arm around her waist and a hand behind her head and laid
her down on the couch and without another thought to how young she was
or that this was wrong he made love to her.

        So I'll be your friend and I'll be your lover
            Cause I know in our hearts we agree
            We don't have to be one or the other
           Oh No We could be both to each other


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