Ch. 61

6 months later~~~~

Christmas had come and gone without Jason.  It was hard on Brenda and
Stone but Sonny had done everything he could to make his first Christmas
with his son a good one, and it was.  Stone still had no idea who Sonny
really was, but that was the way that Brenda wanted it.  Sonia was now 6
1/2 months old and was crawling around, while Bailey was going through
the terrible two's.  Stone was almost 4 years old and had become very
close to his "Uncle Sonny".  Sonny was at the penthouse everyday and
helped Brenda with the kids as she went back to work.  She was still
very distant but was slowly opening up to Sonny.

"Hello? Guys I'm home!" Brenda set her purse and briefcase down.  

"Mommy!! You're home!! I missed you!!!"

Brenda scooped up her son. "I missed you too sweetie!! Where is

"Bailey and Sonia are in the kitchen with Uncle Sonny. He's trying to
make dinner, but SOnia and Bailey keep knocking stuff over. It's really

"Well, I think that we better go rescue him."

Brenda walked into the kitchen to find Sonny and her dauhgters covered
with pasta and clam sauce. There was food everywhere. She started to

"YOu think this is funny?"  Sonny asked as he picked up little Sonia and
wlked over to Brenda.

"Well, yeah I do.  I mean you Never let me in your kitchen, ESPECIALLY
when you were cooking because you said I was dangerous in the kitchen,
but you let my daughters in here? Besides look at you three. You're all
a mess!!"

"WEll, I thought that I would try to teach my girls how to cook, so they
won't starve tyring to eat their mother's cooking."

"Haha, very funny. Listen I got an idea, why don't we get you guys
cleaned up and then I will take you all out to dinner, my treat."

"Sounds like a plan."


Sonny walked through the door of the Outback holding Stone's hand and
Bailey in his arms, while Brenda had Sonia. They were seated and started
telling each other about their day, when their waitress came up.

"Hi, my name is Sharri and I'll be your waitress tonight."

"Hi, are you new here?" Brenda asked as she saw the look of terror on
the young girls face.

"Yeah, this is my first night, in fact you are my first customers."

"Well, we'll make it easy for you." Sonny said with a dimpled smile that
made Sharri blush.

They ordered dinner and had a great time. They talked and laughed, and
for the first time in months, Sonny thought that Brenda was finally
coming out of her depression.

"Can I get you anything else?"

"No, Sharri. You did a great job tonight and i'll make sure to tell Mac,

"Thank you. And can I just say that you two have the cutest kids i have
ever seen. And it's obvious how much you love them and each other. I
hope that I can be as lucky as you two are when I get married. Well,
good night!"

Brenda and Sonny just sat there in silence. Neither knew what to say.  


the drive home was quiet. The kids had all fallen asleep and Brenda was
still reeling from what Sharri had said. Was it so obvious that her old
feelings for Sonny were coming back? Did he notice and just not care
anymore? Did he not love her, the way she loved him? She still mourned
for Jason, but the last 6 months had shown her another side to Sonny
that she had fallen in love with.  He was a wonderful father to the
girls and he loved Stone more than anything.  He hadn't pushed her to
tell Stone that he was his father since Jason died. She did love him,
she knew that, but she was scared. She had lost Sonny before, and Jax,
and Jason. And everytime she looved someone they left.  Could she really
go through that again?


Sonny glanced over to Brenda sitting in the passenger's seat.  She
seemed sad. She was probably thinking about Jason again.  She missed him
alot. so did he. But he loved her more now than ever before.  He had
never thought about Brenda and him having kids before, he didn't think
she was the type. But seeing her with her children, well, she was a
natural.  He glanced in the backseatand saw the three children that he
loved more than anything. His son and his dauhgters. That's how he saw
them, as his. His and Brenda's.  he knew that they were meant to be a
family, but he didn't want to push Brenda and scare her away.  


Brenda came down the stairs after tucking in the kids.

"Well their all asleep. Bailey and stone send you hugs."

"Well I guess i better get going, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sonny wait. I think there's something we need to discuss. Something
that you've been wanting to talk about for along time."

Ch 62

Sonny looked at Brenda, a little apprehensively.  He was scared.  Was 
this it?  Was she going to tell him she didn't want to see him anymore?  
That he couldn't see Stone or the girls anymore?

"Why don't you sit down?"  She said motioning to the couch.  He nodded 
and sat down on the couch.  "Sonny you have been a wonderful friend and 
father to me and the girls and Stone and I want you to know how much I 
appreciate it."

"It's nothing you and Jason didn't do for me when Lily died."

"Yeah I know.  Anyway you haven't pushed me to start a relationship with 
you other than a friendship one and I really do appreciate it."

"Bren, where's this going?"

"Sonny I want- I think we should-  What I'm trying to say is that I'd 
like to give us another try.  That is if you still want to.  Do you?"

Ch. 63

Sonny stared at Brenda.

"You want to get back together?"

"Well, yeah, I mean if that's ok, with you.."


"What do you mean why?" 

Brenda was a little bit scared now, maybe he didn't want to get back
together with her, maybe he just wanted to be friends.

"Brenda, I know how hard it was for you to lose jason, and I know that
you're lonely, but I can't be some rebound romance for you.  Those kids
mean to damn much to me, to play with thier heads nad thier emotions."

"Sonny, I love those kids too! i don't want to hurt them either, but
jason was right. We DO belong together.  These past few months I've
gotten to see you as a father and a friend. Sonny don't you see, we're
friends now, good ones.  We both understnad each other better than
before. We never had that. Now we're equals.  Besides you're out of the
mob and that was one of our biggest problems.  You and I have learned to
be honest with each other and i really believe that this time we can 
make it work. Don't you?"

"Brenda, sweetheart, there is nothing more I want than to be a family
with you and those kids. But I have to know that this is what YOU want.
Not what you think would be best for the kids or what Jason would want,
but what you want."

"Sonny, yes I know that you are gonna make a wonderful father to Stone
and the girls, and yes Jason believed that we belong to each other, but
so do I.  I never stopped loving you Sonny.  I was afraid when you came
back.  You are the one person in htis world that could hurt me and you
have, anbd i was afraid to let you get close again.  After you left, and
I found out i was pregnant Jax was my closest friend, but then he died
and I was alone again. But then Bailey was conceived and Jaon and I got
married and the whole thing snowballed and finally we were in love.  I
will always love Jason, but what you and i have is so differant from any
kind of love I've had before. With Jax it was just friendship, and with
Jason it was love all right, but with you it was a connection to the
soul, what you and i share can never be broken, no matter who else we

"SO I take it you've given this some thought, then."


"Then here's my answer. yes. I love you Brendas Barrett, I always have,
and I love those kids and I want us to be a family more than anything."

"So you're saying you want us to try again?"


Sonny genlty brought Brenda's face close to his and kissed her for the
first time in almost 5 years. She felt so soft and tasted so sweet.  He
couldn't get enough of her.

Brenda was kissing Sonny hard.  It had been so long.  She still felt
that electricity between them. Her hands roamed his back and his arms,
feeling their way around, remembering his body.  

Soon they found themselves falling onto the couch, kissing and caressing
eaach other.  The kisses were getting hotter and harder.  Sonny was
unbuttoning Brenda's shirt, accidently ripping the last button off.
Brenda had taken Sonny's shirt off along time ago, and now her shirt
joined his on the growing pile of clothes.  Sonny was kissing her neck
and her shoulders and the top of her chest. Soon her bra joined the
pile, and she was working his pants off.  It had been so long since they
had been together and it had been almost 5 years since 
Sonny had been with anyone.  He didn't know how much longer he could

Brenda got his pants off and Sonny almost had hers gone too, when Brenda
pushed him back and sat up.

"What's the matter?"

"Sonny, i'm sorry but I can't do this."

Brenda reached for her shirt and put it on as Sonny sat on the couch in
his boxers hurt and confused.

Ch 64

"Bren, what’s wrong?  Did I do something?"

"No you didn’t do anything.  I’m just- I want this to be right, ya know?  
I don’t want to rush into anything.  Can you understand that?"

"I guess.  It’s just that I want you so much."

"Trust me when I say I want you too but I just want this to be perfect."

"Perfect is something you and I never got around to."

"I have to disagree with you there.  We got pretty close to perfect a 
few times."

"Name one."

"The night before the wire."

"Yeah that was pretty damn perfect.  Too bad it was a goodbye of sorts."  
By this time Sonny and Brenda had gotten dressed and were just sitting 
on the couch.

"For a long time that was the only thing I had to go on.  Well that and 
all the other times we were together."

"Living through memories.  Me too.  So what do you want to do now?"

"I think you and I should say goodnight and then I am going upstairs to 
take a cold shower."

"Good idea.  I think I’ll do the same."  They rose together and walked 
to the door.  "Night Bren."

"Night Sonny.  Sweet dreams."

"If I sleep at all."  He kissed her gently and then he left.  Brenda 
closed the door after him and then she leaned against it.  She looked 
down at her wedding ring.  She bit her lip and then she slowly she 
twisted it off.  Then she took off the chain she wore around her neck 
and added her ring to it.  Her and Jason’s wedding rings clanged 
together.   She walked back into Jason’s study and sat down at the desk.  
She picked up the picture of them at Luke’s in the leather jackets.

"You said once that if one of us lost the other earlier than we expected 
we should try and find someone else to share our life with.  I agreed 
but deep in my heart I never expected to lose you after such a short 
time.  I have been trying so hard not to lose the memory of you.  The 
way your cologne smelled, the way your breath felt against my neck, the 
way you were so gentle with Stone and Bailey, but most of all just the 
way you were.  How you could be so ruthless and hard when you were 
making a deal or talking to some reporter and then turn around and be so 
loving when you were with me or the kids or one of your friends.  You 
said I taught you how to love again but the truth is we taught each 
other.  You let me go that day in the hospital when you me kissed for 
the last time and I have let you go in little ways since that day.  But 
now I have to really let you go.  You are always going to be in my heart 
and you are always gonna be a part of me.  I want you to know that not a 
day will go that I won’t think of  you.  When I look in Bailey’s eyes or 
see Sonya smile I’ll feel your presence, but I’m gonna do what you 
wanted me to do and what I need to do.  I’m gonna move on and I’m gonna 
give Sonny another chance.  You’re right he won’t screw up this time."  
She turned the picture over and opened the back.  She placed the rings 
to her lips and kissed them once more before she put them in the frame 
and closed it back up.  She put the picture back on the desk and smiled 
at it.  "I love you Morgan."  Then she went to bed.  

Ch. 65

Brenda opened the door the next morning to a bouqet of flowers and

"Thank you." He smiled and kissed her gently.

"I think I should be the one thanking you. You're giving us a second

"Sonny, I was thinking last night, and I think that we should take
things slow. I mean we're friends now but I think if we're gonna make
this work, we need to sort some things out.  There's somethings we need
to discuss."


"Like Stone, and how we're going to tell him that your his father?"


Mike walked into Luke's with a smile on his face.

"Good morning Luke!!"

"Well, Mike, what's got you in such a good mood?"

"The fact that i ran into Michael this morning as he was on his way to

"So? Corinhtos has been hanging out there alot."

"yeah, but I think that things have changed between them."

"Really? So you think their gonna give it another try?"



"Brenda, we don't have to tell Stone right away.  We can wait until he
gets used to the idea of us being involved, then we can tell him."

"No Sonny, i think that we can tell him now. He's crazy about you and
he's going to be so happy to find out that your he's father. So I think
that we should tell him. Tonight."

Ch 66



"Are you sure?  I mean this is a really big step and I want you to be 
absolutely sure."

"I think it's time he knew.  You're right he does love you like crazy. 
It's something he and I have in common."  She smiled shyly at him.

"I love you too."

"Good.  You better.  Now I should go before I'm late. Kids are eating 
breakfast in the kitchen.  I'll see you later tonight, okay?"

"Okay.  Bye."  He kissed her gently and she left.


"Bren? Earth to Bren.  Come in Bren."

"Huh?  Oh sorry Lois.  Guess I spaced for a minute."

"I'll say.  What's going on?"

"Nothing much."

"Okay whatever. You'll tell me when you're ready.  But I'm telling you 
it better be soon because you know me.  I won't leave you alone until 
you spill your guts and I can be really annoying when I wanna be."

"I know Lo.  You have been my bestest friend for what now?  Seven 

"Almost eight."

"Right.  So what do you want to know?"

"What has got you spacing out?"


"Okay.  Let's hear it.  What has Mr. Corinthos done this time?"


"Wait a minute.  He hasn't done anything and you're spacing out.  In the 
immortal words of Ricky Ricardo, Lucy you got some spainling to do."

"Lo calm down.  Sonny and I are exploring the possibilities of a new 

"So in laymen's terms you two are deciding whether or not to start 
sleeping together again."


"Well I mean look at it this way.  You and he are together in every way 
except that way, right?"

"I guess.  I never really looked at it that way but yeah we are. And 
I'll tell you something Lo.  It feels nice."

"How nice?"

"Real nice.  Really, really nice.  No pressure and no expectations to 
keep up a sexual relationship.  We're just gonna take things slow."

"How slow?"

"Lots of cold showers slow."  Brenda looked down at her hands. "I took 
off my wedding ring last night Lo."

"Honey, that's a big step."

"I know, but it felt right. Especially after what almost happened."

"What almost happened?"

"Sonny and I almost made love."

"You're kidding?"


"What happened?  I mean what kept you from going all the way?"

"All the way? Lo I haven't heard that since I was going with Jagger. The 
first time."

"Stop trying to change the subject.  What happened?"

"I didn't want to rush into anything, ya know?"

"How'd Sonny take it?"

"He was very understanding and this morning he brought me flowers."

"A perfect gentleman?"

"Absolutely.  He really has changed Lo.  He's this wonderful gentle, 
caring man.  I love him more than anything, well except maybe Stone, 
Bailey, and Sonya."

"That's great Bren. I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks Lo.  There's something else."


"We're gonna tell Stone that Sonny's his father tonight."

Ch. 67

Brenda had arranged for Bailey and Sonya to spend the night at Mike and
Mary's.  She wanted to tell Stone about Sonny without being interrupted.

She walked through the doors to the penthouse and was bombarded with the

"Hi Mommy!!!" Stone said, showing off his dimples.

"UP! Mommy!! UP!! pease."

"Ok, Bailey." She said as she picked up her daughter. 

"Hi there. " Sonny smiled as he walked into the room holding a fussy

"Hi.  So are they packed?"

"Yeah, Mike should be here any minute. Dinner is almost ready too!"

"Great, I want everything to go perfect."

"It will."

There was a knock on the door and Stone ran to answer it.


"Hey there Stone!! Brenda, Sonny."

"Hi Mike. There all ready."

"Great, so I'll bring them back tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sounds good."  Brenda turned and looked at her daughter. "Bailey
be good for Grandpa nad Grandma."

"Me good mommy."

"Yes you are sweetie." Sonny said as he kissed Bailey and handed Sonya
to his father."

"Take care of them Mike." 

"I will son."

"Why can't I go?"  Stone asked, looking hurt."

"Because, mommy and Sonny have something very special to tell you."
Brenda smiled at the confusion on her young son's face.  "thankjs again

After Mike and the girls left, Sonny and Brenda ate dinner with their

They had watched a movie and played a little bit and then Brenda decided
it was time.

"Stone come sit by mommy."

"What's a matter mommy?"

"Nothing, buddy, it's just that your mom and me have to tell you

"see, sweetheart, you are a very lucky little boy."


"Because you have two daddy's."


"Yeah.  Jason and sonny."

"Sonny's my daddy?"

"I sure am, stone.  Is that ok with you?"

"ARe you bailey and Sonya's daddy too?"

"No, not in the same way that he is your daddy. See Sonny and Mommmy
love each other very much, and we decided to share that love with a
baby, you.  But then Sonny had to go away, and mommy and Jason feel in
love and he loved you very much and wanted to be your daddy while Sonny
was gone."

"So sonny is my real daddy?"


"Yippee!! I have a daddy!!!!" Stone wrapped his little arms around
Sonny.  Sonny held his son for along time and a few tears slid down his
cheeks.  Brenda too was crying, watching father and son finally united.

Ch 68

"He was so happy.  I haven’t seen him smile like that since,-"  Brenda 
looked at Sonny.  Stone had gone to bed and they were sitting on the 
couch.  Sonny had his arm slung around her and she was holding the hand 
that rested on her shoulder.

"Since Jason died.  I know."  Sonny finished.

"I’m sorry.  I didn’t want to bring him up tonight."


"Because this was supposed to be your and Stone’s night."

"It was.  Do you know he called me Daddy when I tucked him in tonight?"

"Yeah I heard him.  You got all choked up.  It was so cute."

"First time in my life I’ve ever been called Daddy by anyone.  I think 
I’m entitled to get a little emotional."

"Yeah I guess.  Sonny I have something to tell you."


"Stone asked me a question when I was getting him into his pajamas."


"He asked me if I was going to marry you."

Ch. 69

He wants to know if we're going to get married?" Sonny was stunned , but
had to admit that he loved that idea.

"Yeah, he did."

"Well what did you tell him?"

"I told him that maybe someday we would, but that right now you wanted
to just be his dad."

"Well, that's not entirely true."

"What do you mean?"

"Brenda, (he took her hand in his) it's not secret that I love you, i
always have.  I love you and the kids, you guys are my family. I want to
do this right.  I want to raise the girls as my own, and i want to have
more kids with you.  I want to grow old with you on our farm and watch
our grandchildren grow up. What i'm trying to say is...will you marry

  Brenda was very uncomfortable with this idea.  Sure she loved Sonny
and wanted to marry him, but the last time they had planned a wedding he
never came.  That was still a secret fear of hers. 

Sonny watched her.  He knew what this was about and it was his fault.

"Brenda, it won't happen again.  the next time yu walk down that church
isle, I'll be standing at the altar waiting for you like I should have
been all those years ago. We're gonna do this Brenda. I promise. So what
do you say?  Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Brenda wiped the tears away and smiled. She believed him. He would be
there this time.

"Yes. I will marry you."

He smiled and took her face in his hands and gently kissed her.  She
kissed him back, this time with growing excitemnet.  They continued to
kiss, each kiss growing with more passion and heat. Things were starting
to really get out of control when they were interrupted.

"EWWW!!! what are you guys doing??"

Both sonny and Brenda turned to see their small son at the top of the
stairs, looking confused.

"Stone, c'mere. Mommy and Daddy have some news we want to share with

Ch 70

"Mommy is something wrong?" Stone asked as he sat in between Sonny and 

"Nope.  Do you remember when you asked me if Daddy and I were going to 
get married?"

"Uh-huh."  He said nodding his head.

"Well Daddy just asked me if I would marry him."

"What’d you say?"

"I said yes."

"Yippeee!" Stone shouted as he leaped off the couch and started dancing 

"I’d say he’s happy."  Sonny whispered to Brenda.

"He’s not the only one."  Brenda smiled at him and Sonny kissed her 


"So what’s the big news Bren?"  Lois asked.

"Yeah I’m dying to know sis."  AJ commented.

Brenda looked around her.  This was her family.  Well part of her 
family.  Sonny was off telling the Corbin/Scanlon clan and she got to 
tell the Quartermaine/Ashton clan. He was going to pay dearly for this.

"Before I start, I wanna make sure that Edward has his heart 

"Heh?" Edward grunted from his place on the couch.  He’d become more 
ornery after Lila died.  Brenda had a sinking feeling that Lila would 
have been the only one on her side.  "Oh yes I have it.  Never come to a 
family meeting without it.  Never know when Tracy is going to show up."

"Okay here goes.  I’m getting married again.  To Sonny."

Ch. 71


"You heard me right Pops!!! Brenda and i are getting hitched for real
this time!!"

"Sonny that is wonderful news!!! I'm so happy for you and Brenda!!"

"Thanks Mary!!"

"Michael, this is what i have always wanted for you. So Stone what do
you think about your mommy and daddy getting  married?"

"I think it's cool!!!"

"so have you guys set a date yet?" Joe asked.

"No. Actually I think that Brenda's afraid that I'll leave her again."

"Can you blame her?"

"No... but I can't wait to call her Mrs. Corinthos and legally adopt
those girls.  In fact I wouldn't mind having a few more. Hey Stone how
would you like a little brother?"

"A Brother would be cool, but no more girls!!"

"I'll see what i can do, buddy."


"What in the blazes is wrong with you? I can't believe that you would
subject yourself to that man again!! Did you forget what happened the
last time you tried to marry him??"

"No, Edward i haven't forgotten, but Sonny's out of that life. He has
been for a long time now. Besides i love him and want to build the life
we always dreamed of together."

"My dear, we all love you and those kids very much and we just don't
want you to set yourself up for another disappointment because of that

"Well I appreciate your concern Edward, but that's not going to happen.
This time Sonny and I will BOTH be at that altar."

"Congratulations Brenda. You deserve all the happiness you can get."

"Thank you Monica. I just want you to know that the girls will know
about Jason and what a wondeful man he was."

"I know they will. Jason wanted you to be happy more than anything, and
i can see that you are. I'd say he'sp there with Lila smiling."

"That means alot to me, thank you Monica."

Ch 72

"Hello?  Bren?  We’re back."  Sonny said coming in the door with Stone.

"Shhh!"  She said coming down the stairs.  "I finally got the girls down 
for a nap."

"Oh okay.  Hey Stone go get yourself a snack."

"Okay Daddy." He walked over to her and took her hands in his as they 
stretched out their arms and pressed close to each other.

"So how’d it go?"

"Well Edward blew a gasket, but that was to be expected.  Monica was 
actually happy for us and so were Carly and Lois.  AJ said if you hurt 
me again he’s going to use you as a human basketball and practice his 
jump shot and Ned said he’d play one on one with him it that happened.  
Oh and Alan said that if you don’t show up he’ll hunt you down and play 
Monica and do to you what she did to Pierce Dorman.  How about you?"

"Everyone was ecstatic.  Especially Mike.  They want to throw us an 
engagement party."

"Cool.  At the house or the Recovery Room?"

"He didn’t say.  Probably the house."

"Sounds good to me.  Sonny?"


"What kind of wedding do you want?"

"Whadda ya mean?"

"I mean do you want a big one or a small one?"

"Well I’d like the kids there of course.  Mike, Mary, Luke, Robin, Lois, 
Ned I guess, Joe, Karen, Frank, Julie, and all their kids.  I guess 
we’re looking at twenty-five, thirty people."

"That’s good.  Perfect.  I want this to be small and private.  Because 
I’ve done the big, splashy wedding, and I’ve done the just me and the 
groom wedding.  This time I want you, me, and our family."

"No Quartermaines?"

"I guess I should invite AJ and Carly."

"That’s cool as long as AJ doesn’t get drunk."

"AJ has been clean and sober for four years now."

"Good for him.  Bren I sorta wanted to talk about something with you."


"What do you think about us having a baby?"


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