Chapter 92

 Brenda is still at the hospital waiting anxiously for news about Sonny and Stone. Robin and Lois couldn't convince her to go home and get some rest. Robin is waiting with Jason who is also worried in his own way over Sonny. He had lots of men looking for the people who did this. For revenge but more importantly to get Stone back. He had promised Sonny that he would take care of Brenda, Stone and Robin in the car over to the warehouse. He hadn't spent much time with Stone but he knew that he was his best friend's child and he was important to Robin and that he didn't like seeing innocent kids hurt.
Mike was there also standing by Luke who had hurried over when he heard about Sonny. Laura was there doing some volunteer work at GH. She had come over to comfort Brenda. She knew what it was like to have the man you love in the hospital because of the mob. She knew what it was like to have your child torn from your arms. To be used as a target.
"Thanks for coming Laura but I'm going to be okay." Brenda said quietly, wiping the tears away
"Are you sure honey ?"
"No, i'm  not sure of anything anymore. Everything was going along nicely and now...I can't stop worrying about my son. That and the fact that Sonny is lying in surgery having a bullet removed possibly dying. I don't know what i'm going to do."
Laura put a comforting arm around Brenda.
"Shh, just let it out."
After a few minutes Brenda pulled away.
"I'm sorry. I don't want to dump everything on you. Its just that Lois doesn't really understand, neither does Ned or Robin even."
"I know. My family has been through a lot because of Frank Smith and the Cassidines but everything has worked out for the best. I have my husband and two heathey beautiful children."
"I know Sonny and I aren't exactly like Luke and you...I mean we're not married but..."
"The connection is still there. I know. Sonny is more like Luke than you think apart from the business aspect. They are both stubborn, hard to live with and infuriating but that's why we love them, right ?"
Laura and Brenda both smiled
"Oh God, you're right. How did you put up with that for twenty years ?"
"Believe me Brenda, it wasn't easy." They both laugh 
"I met Luke when I was sixteen. He was older and I was married. Scott was a good man but he wasn't Luke. I was always looking for approval and respect even though I was a little wild back then. I saw Luke and I fell real hard. I had never felt so much for one man. We were separated for many years by outside forces but we found our way back to each other and we have both forgiven each other for many things. I think our time apart was good for us in a way even though it hurt. We both needed the time."
"I met Sonny when I was 18. He was the most gorgeous, sexy man I had ever seen. I loved him so much but it was too much and we destroyed it. It didn't work out but that doesn't mean that I  love him anymore."
"It doesn't mean that you don't."
Brenda stood up and ran her fingers through her hair
"Sometimes I wish Sonny had never come back. Everything would be okay."
Brenda realized what she just said. Laura stands too
"I didn't mean it like that Laura. I just meant life would probably easier...I don't want Sonny to die. That's the only thing I know for sure. Aside from the fact that I want my son back safe and sound."
"I know that. Everyone knows that. Sonny is like Luke and Luke is one of the most stubborn hotheaded men on Earth. Sonny will be okay. He has too much  to live for, especially when you get your son back which I know you will. You're in my prayers."
They hug.
"Thank you Laura."

On the outskirts of town,

Kyle pulls in the driveway of a large gated house. He glances at the house. There were a few lights on upstairs. He walks to the front door. There were two bodyguards. He had been there a few times to get his orders from Jameson. He owed the man for taking care of his brother-in-law and for helping him to save his dying business after his sister had let her husband embzzle funds from their accounts.Christie had been sucked in by that bastard and there was no way to save her. The fire had been started by his brother-in-law. He hadn't known that his sister was in there. He had let the house burn to collect the insurance money. Afterwards he had found out that his sister was in there. He had grieved until he had found out that Christie's life insurance policy had been cashed by her husband. Then he had become angry, her husband had killed his sister and gotten away with it. Jameson had come to him with a mutually beneficial deal which he had taken. It cost him his soul.
One of the bodyguards waved him in, not checking him for a gun. There were two more guards in the house. 
"Mr. Montgomery, what are you doing here ?"
"I'm looking for Thomas. We need to have a chat. Is he here ?"
"Unfortunately no."
"When will he be back ?"
"He won't. Mr. Jameson is dead." The guard responded
"What ? I just spoke to him this morning." He lied.
"It happened only a few hours ago. Is there anything I can do ?"
>From upstairs, Kyle heard a very faint baby cry. He recognized the sound instantly.
"No, I came here to see Thomas. My business is with him. You probably have things to do, i'd better get out of your hair."
Kyle turned to leave. 
"Not so fast Mr. Montgomery."


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