Ch. 81

"Bren? Bren? You alright?"

Brenda's eyes began to flutter open and she was a little dizzy for a

"Yeah, I uh.. I think so. What happened?"

"You fainted? Wait you’re not pregnant are you?"

"No. No. Of course not."

Lois helped Brenda up and into her chair as Felicia brought over a glass
of water.

"Here you go Brenda. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes. Thanks Felicia. I just got a little dizzy for a second."

"Dizzy? Brenda you fainted." Lois said with concern in her voice.

"Did you forget to eat or something? Because, the last time I fainted
was because I hadn't eaten, but then I also found out that I was
pregnant with Georgie."

"Thanks Felicia, but I did eat and I really am fine, so you two can stop
fussing over me."

"What ever you say." Lois said rolling her eyes at her best friend.


Brenda flopped down on the couch.  She was soo tired. she was glad the
girls were staying with Mike and Adella for a few days.  She just wasn't
feeling like her self.

"What's wrong with me?"

She sat there and thought for a minute.  Could Felicia and Lois have
been on to something? Could she really be pregnant again?  She thought
about it. It was quite possible that she could be.  Since she and Sonny
made up they had made love at least once everyday. 

"OK, let's think about this. I'm unusually tired. I'm having dizzy
spells, and I fainted. I guess this is a real possibility."

She picked up the phone and made an appointment for the next day. She
was growing more excited by the minute.

"It would be so great if I really was pregnant!! That would be a great
way to start out the new year."

Ch 82

"Hello?"  a sleepy voice said.


"Hey honey.  What’s up?"  Brenda sat up on the couch and rubbed sleep
from her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I’m fine.  I was just taking a nap."

"You sure?"

"Yep.  So what’s up?"

"Nothing much.  I just wanted to hear your voice."

"Awww Honey.  That’s so sweet."

"Yeah I know."

"Ha-ha!  So when do you think you’ll be coming home?"

"A day or so."

"Okay.  I might have some news for you when you do."

"What kind of news?"

"Good news."

"Oh yeah?  About what?"

"You’ll see."

"Brenda I hate surprises."

"I know that’s what makes this so much fun.  I promise you’ll like this
one though."

"Can you give me a hint?’

"Well alright.  Right now it’s definitely smaller than a bread box."

"That’s not funny."

"Sweetie just let me surprise you once.  I swear you’ll love it. 
Especially if it’s what I think it is." 

"Alright.  I love you."

"I love you too.  I’ll see you in a few days."

"You got it.  Bye Bren."

"Bye Sonny."  They hung up and Brenda laid back on the couch.  She put a
hand over her stomach.  "I hope you’re what I think you are."


Brenda sat in Dr. Meadow’s office the next afternoon.  Pete and Joseph
were outside.  She had made them swear not to tell Sonny or Jason where
she had gone this afternoon when they called for a report that night.

"Brenda Corinthos?"

"Right here."  Brenda got to her feet and followed the nurse.  She
handed her a gown and told her the doctor would be right in.  Brenda
changed her clothes and Dr. Meadows came in.

"Well Mrs. Corinthos, what seems to be the problem?"

"Brenda please and I was wondering if you could give me a pregnancy

"What makes you think you’re pregnant?"

"I got dizzy Christmas night and yesterday I passed out in the middle of
the Outback."

"Do you know what symptoms your mother had when she was pregnant?"

"Dizzy, nausea,  the norm."

"Well let’s see what we can find out.  I’ll take some blood and run some



Brenda sat on the couch staring at the phone.  She was waiting for Dr.
Meadows to call with her test results.  The phone rang and she dived for
it picking it up before the first ring was done.


"Mrs. Corinthos this is Dr. Meadows office."

"Yes.  Am I pregnant?"

Ch. 83

Brenda held the phone in her hands. 

"So am I pregnant?"

"Yes, Mrs. Corinthos, you are."

"Thank you!"

"You'll need to make an appointment to see Dr. Meadows in a month, also
we called in a prescription for your pre-natal vitamins."

"Thank you so much."

"Your welcome and Congratulations to you and your husband."

Brenda hung up the phone, and jumped up and down. Then she slowed down
and put a hand on her stomach.

"Your daddy is going to be so excited about you little one. And so am
I.  So many people are going to be happy about you. Now, I have to plan
a special night for your daddy when he comes home tomorrow. That way it
will be really special."

She went ahead and called the No-name and had them prepare everything
Sonny liked and they were set to deliver the dinner at 7pm tomorrow. She
then went up to search for the perfect dress. While she was upstairs
trying on dresses she heard a commotion.  She went downstairs and opened
the door.

"Joseph what's goin-"

Everything went black.


Sonny came home the next morning.  As he got off the elevator he heard
his daughters screaming.  He ran through the front door not noticing the
absence of a guard and ran upstairs to the nursery. Both Gabby and Britt
were standing in their cribs screaming their heads off.

"Hey, it's OK, daddy's here." He said soothingly as he picked up the
girls.  He wiped their little tears and walked downstairs.  "Where's
your mommy?" He asked getting very worried.  He knew Brenda would never
leave the girls alone.  

"Are you guys, hungry?"

He went in and warmed up two bottles and the babies gulped them down.

"OK, daddy's going to find your mommy and-"

The phone rang.


"Mr. Corinthos?"


"Are you missing something this morning?"

Ch 84

Sonny felt his heart drop into his stomach.  "Where is she?"

"All in good time Mr. Corinthos.  First we need something from you."

"What?  You can have anything you want, just please give me my wife

"You being cooperative will make this much easier.  Come to Pier 42
tonight at 9 alone.  We’ll give you what want as long you give us what
we want."

"Whatever you want you got it.  Can I talk to her?"

"I suppose."  A few minutes later and


"Baby?  Oh thank God.  Are you alright?"

"Sonny what’s going on?"

"I don’t know Bren, but I swear I will get you out of there and back
home where you belong."

"I know you will.  I love you."

"I love you too."  The line went dead and Sonny slowly put the receiver
down in the cradle.  This couldn’t be happening.  Not now.  They had
finally gotten it together and now he could lose her all over again.
Only this time she might not come back.  The phone started ringing again
and he picked it up.


"Is Mrs. Corinthos there?"

"No she won’t be in for a while.  Can I take a message?"

"Yes this is The Rose Lake Pharmacy.  Mrs. Corinthos neglected to pick
up a prescription phoned in by her doctor."

"What was the prescription for?"

"Her pre-natal vitamins."

Ch. 85

"Pre-natal vitamins?"

"Yes. She was supposed to pick them up yesterday afternoon and never
showed up. It's very important that she starts taking them as soon as

"Of course. Thanks for calling."

"Of course, and congratulations."

"Uh huh." Sonny hung up the phone and turned to look at his daughters
who were finishing their bottles.   "A baby? That's the surprise you had
for me, Brenda?"

He looked at his watch. 11:30. He had until 9. He picked up the phone


"Jason. Listen meet me at Luke's in half an hour. It's important."

"Sure. Whatever you say Sonny."

He turned to his daughters. 

"OK, now let's see if Abuelita will baby-sit you two while I go rescue
your mommy."


"Sonny, what's wrong."  Adella asked as she walked into the penthouse.

"Nothing, mom, I just have to go out and thought you would like the time
with the girls."

"And where is Brenda?"

"Umm she had to run a few errands. She'll be back tonight."

"Don't lie to me hijo. I know something is wrong and I want to know. I
love that girl like my very own daughter and if she is in trouble I have
the right to know."

"Mom, she's fine. I promise."

"Something’s happened to her hasn't it? Because of the people in your
business?  When are you going to get out?  Haven't you learned what you
could lose if you don't?"

"Mom, I don't have time to get into this. Please just let it go.  The
girls are sleeping upstairs. I'll be back tonight.  Rinaldo, Carlos and
Pete are outside if you need anything. I have to go. I'll see you

Sonny left, with Adella looking after her son.

"Please let that son of mine realize what he is going to lose if he
doesn't get out of that life."


Brenda sat in the chair tied up. She sat still and silent. She prayed
that she and her baby would be OK when this was all over.

The door to her room opened up.

"Well, Mrs. Corinthos, I hope that you are comfortable. Now we have to
get you ready. After all it is New Years Eve, pity it will be your 


Sonny flew into Luke's and spotted Jason at the bar with Luke and Mike. 


Jason waked over to Sonny.

"What's up?"

"They have her."

"They have who? Brenda?"

"Yeah. They got her last night. They killed Joseph and took her."

"Did they hurt the girls?"

"No. But Jason, there's something else. Brenda's pregnant."

"Great. So what do we do now?"

Ch 86

"We find out who has her and we get my wife home where she belongs and
we do it carefully so we don’t endanger the baby."

"Or babies."

"What do you mean?"

"Sonny I’ve heard of cases where one set of twins can be followed by
another.  Who knows Bren could be carrying twin boys this time."

Sonny looked at Jason.  Dread was beginning to grow in his stomach.  He
already knew if anything happened to Brenda or the baby he’d never
forgive himself.  But if she was carrying twins there was a doubly good
reason to be careful.

"Okay here’s what we’re gonna do."  Sonny started to outline his plan.


"Alright Mrs. Corinthos nice and slow now.  Don’t make us angry or we’ll
have to something you’ll regret."  Brenda nodded numbly.  Her one
thought was living.  She couldn’t wait to see Sonny.  The first thing
she’d do was hug and kiss him and then she’d punch him in the stomach
for getting her into this.


Sonny sat on the dock bench waiting for the people who had Brenda.  This
was making him nuts.  He looked up at a noise.   He rose from his seat.

"Is someone there?"

"Well Sonny longtime no see."  The man stepped out of the shadows and
Sonny couldn’t believe his eyes.  It was Harry Silver.

Ch. 87

"Well, well, well. Been awhile, eh, Sonnyboy?"

"What do you want Harry?"

"Well, I thought that the two of us could make a deal.  You give me your
organization and I'll consider giving you your wife back."

"Consider?? I trusted you Harry, we were a team once. Friends even. How
come you’re dragging Brenda into this, it has nothing to do with her."

"It has everything to do with her!!!!"


The man yanked on her shoulder and she reluctantly sat down with the gun
to her head.  She could  see Sonny, but could not make out what they
were arguing about. 


Jason crept silently along the bushes.  He could see Brenda, sitting
there in silence like a stone. He saw the two guards and the gun to her
head.  This was going to be difficult.  He knew Harry was on a power
trip and the guards probably had orders to shot Brenda at the slightest
bit of trouble.  He continued creeping closer to her. He had to get her
attention so she could help him. 


"What the hell are you talking about Harry? This has nothing to do with

"You got stupid once she came into the picture.  I tried to warn you,
but you wouldn't listen.  Joe Scully almost got you, and now Rivera
wants a piece of you too!!  You can't keep them at arms length forever.
Your judgment gets clouded when it comes to that whore, and it's going
to get  you and everyone in the organization killed. She's not worth
dying for!"

"Harry shut your mouth! You’re crazy! You think that people are going to
take orders from you?  They know that I kicked you out after what you
did."  Sonny was stalling for time.  He had to think, he figured the
only way was to get Harry to give himself up.  Sonny needed to know why
Harry was doing this.

Harry looked at Sonny intently.  Did he know?? No, he couldn't. There
were only three people in  on that plan and two of them were dead.

"You said you were letting me retire. You never kicked me out of

"I know what you did Harry. I only let you live because I had other
things to worry about, you weren't even worth my time."

Harry was getting furious. The one thing he could not stand for was
being belittled. Sonny knew that.

"I wasn't? That's too bad. I guess Joe was wrong about you, you are

"What did you say?"

"About what?"

Sonny's mind started to race. He said Joe. He had never met Joe, at
least that's what he had told him. Then it hit him. Harry was the only
one who knew that Brenda would be home alone that night. He knew that
Sonny was going over to the Spencer's.  He had set Brenda up to be
killed and pin it on Joe.

"You bastard. I trusted you with my life! With Brenda's life and you
betrayed us both!!"

"Sonny it was the only way. It was suppose to be mine. All of it. But
then you came along and you climbed the ranks and soon I was taking
orders from you.  It wasn't suppose to be this way!"

"So you decided to kill my wife!!!"

"You were both suppose to die that night, along with Spencer and his
family.  Then Joe and I would take over New York completely.  Even if
you didn't die, when you found out that she did you would be so
distraught that I would have to step in to maintain the flow of things,
and then I would just take over!"

"Too bad your plan didn't work."

"Oh, but it has!"


Jason was very close to her now. He was in her line of vision. He moved
ever so slightly and threw a small pebble at her foot.


 Brenda felt something hit her foot and she looked up and saw Jason in
the bushes. 

"Thank God. Now I just need to think of a diversion."

Ch. 88

Brenda nodded ever so slightly to Jason and then began to think. She
needed to get the guards attention to focus solely on her.  That was

"Excuse me."

The guard with the gun to her head looked down.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Well I was just wondering.. Do you think that you could help me stage
my death??"

The guard looked at her like she had lost her mind.


By this time another guard had heard them talking and came over.

"Johnny you’re suppose to keep her quiet."

"But, Roscoe she wants me to help her fake her own death!! This chic’s

Roscoe looked at Brenda, not believing a word of it.

"And why would you want to play dead?"

"To get away from that idiot I’m married to!   He's so controlling and
he is such a moron!!"


Jason saw his opportunity.  Brenda had two of the guards distracted in a
conversation and there was only one guard paying attention.  Jason
slowly crept closer to the guard.  He grabbed the guard and tackled him
to the ground.  Once down Jason pulled out his gun and shot him.  He got
up and started slowly towards Brenda and the remaining 2 guards.


"What do you mean, your plan has worked?"

"Your little wife is going to be executed in a matter of minutes and
then so will you and that idiot sidekick of yours."

"Fine. Kill me and Jason, but Harry leave Brenda out of this.  She
doesn't need or want anything to do with the organization, why kill her

"Because! Don't you understand.  This is the only way for you to learn
your lesson.  You thought that you could have it all, the organization
your friends and her!! It doesn't work that way!!  Something has to

Sonny watched as Harry became more and more unglued.  He was screaming
and ranting. He had completely lost it.


"No shut up!!! You don't know what it's like to always come in second. 
To give up everything  that matters to you and end up with nothing! You
have to learn what it's like to lose. Starting  tonight!"

Ch. 89

Sonny stared at Harry knowing that he only had a few minutes to save
himself, his wife and his best friend.

"Harry I do know what it's like to lose. I almost lost my wife and my

"Almost only counts in horseshoes, Corinthos. I have lost."

"Lost what? Your job with Frank? with Scully? What??"

"MY WIFE!!!!" 

Sonny stood there dumbfounded.  He never knew that Harry was married. 
He had never spoken of a wife before.


Jason lunged himself at one of the remaining 2 guards. Brenda kicked the
other one and desperately tried to get her hands untied.  

The two guards were now both attacking Jason as Brenda tried her best to

Finally a shot was fired.  All three bodies laid still on the ground. 
No one of them moving.


"Your wife?"  Sonny asked disbelievingly.

"You don't know what I have given up for this life! And I have always
been patient, waiting for my turn to shine in the light, my turn to be
boss.  My sacrifices were supposed to pay off in the end, but no!!! What
did I get?? An early retirement by some punk kid and his unfaithful

"Harry, that's not what happened and you-"

"You shut up!! It's my turn to give the orders. It's your turn to
listen. I'm in charge here.  Like I always should have been. It's time
to pay up Sonnyboy. Harry Silver is about to get what's rightfully his."

Ch 90

"You got that right."  A voice came from behind.  Before Harry could
turn around he felt a revolver pressed into his back.

"Nice timing Spencer."  Sonny grinned, as he walked forward and took
Harry’s gun out of his hand.

"Story of my life.  Nice to see ya again Harry, it’s been so long."

"Where’s Brenda and Jason?"

"Last time I saw Brenda she was beating the hell outta some guy.  I
guess it’d be one of Mr. Silver’s thugs and Jason was holding a gun on
the other one.  I gotta tell ya Sonny, for someone so small she’s a got
a helluva left cross."

"Her brother taught her how to fight."

"Among other things."  Brenda said as she walked up to them.  "Harry,
how nice to see you."  She punched him in the stomach, causing the old
man to double over in pain as Luke held his arm.  Then she turned to

"Do I get one of those?"  he asked.

"Maybe later.  Right now just hold me."  She said putting her arms
around him.

"With pleasure."  He place his arms around her gently and held her to
him.  "I love you Bren."

"I know.  I love you too."

"Hate to break this up you two.  But what do you want to do with Mr.
Silver here?"

"We could turn him over to the police."

"Yeah and then he’ll open his mouth about everything else."

"He can’t touch you Sonny.  The only things he knows about are the
rackets you’ve dumped.  Give him to the boys in blue."

"They’re already on their way." Jason said walking on to the scene. 
"Everything okay?"

"Just fine Jason."  Brenda’s muffled voice said, as she buried her face
against Sonny’s chest.

"Alright you called us, we’re here.  Now what seems to be the problem?" 
Said a man walking onto the docks.

"Who are you?"

"Detective Marcus Taggert. PCPD."  Brenda turned around.


Ch. 91 

Brenda could hardly believe who was standing in front of her.  

"Marcus?? Is that really you?"

"Brenda? Oh my god!!!"  He said as he picked her up in a huge bear hug.

Sonny, Luke, and Jason all looked at each other and then at the display
that was going on in front of them.

"How are you??"

"I'm fine, but I see that you are still getting yourself into trouble!"
Marcus said jokingly.

"Sweetheart? Who is this?" Sonny asked as he came up and out a
protective arm around his wife.

"Baby, this is Marcus Taggert! He was best friends with Nik until they
moved. How old were you?"

"14. So you are married to Sonny Corinthos?"

"Yeah. How do you know?"

"Brenda, this  husband of yours is a major criminal. Every good cop
knows who he is."

"So do I. He's the man I love and the father of my children."

"Children? You got kids?"

"Two beautiful little girls and another one on the way!"

"Wow! Well I won't say I approve of your choices in partners, but as
long as your happy."

"I am. So you’re the new detective I've been hearing so much about?"

"I guess that would be me. And that means that I have to take this scum
in and get your statement as well as your husband's."

"That's fine detective. But can we make it fast? I really want to get
Brenda to a doctor to make sure everything's OK with her and the baby,
and then get her home to rest for awhile."

"That's a good idea. So I'll make it fast."


Later that night Sonny walked into his bedroom, almost afraid.  Taggert
had taken everyone’s statement and then Sonny had taken Brenda to the
hospital. The doctor had told her to take it easy and avoid all stress,
but other than that everything was fine. 

She had been silent the entire time and when they got home had rushed up
to the nursery to be with her girls. she had spent the rest of the
evening with them and had hardly spoken to Sonny.  He was beginning to
get worried.  Maybe this was the last straw and she was packing and
taking his daughters and their new baby away. That thought sent chills
down his spine.

He walked into their bedroom and saw her staring at the first family
picture they had taken. He walked closer and noticed her tears.


She turned to look at him. The look in her eyes was a mixture of
contempt, anger, sadness, but also love.

"Sweetheart, please, I know that you’re upset, but don't shut me out.
Talk to me. Please."

Ch 92

"Sonny the last thing I feel like doing right now is talking.  I just
want to go to bed."

"We can’t avoid the subject forever Brenda."

"I love you.  I don’t why I said that except that I needed you to know
that my love for you will never change.  No matter how many times you
almost get me killed.  Because that’s what almost happened Sonny.  I
almost lost out on seeing my daughter’s grow up and that scared the hell
out of me.  It also made me mad.  Mad at Harry, mad at you, mad at
everyone who does what you do for a living because the people in your
line of work get off on watching people suffer and hurt.  I know you’re
not like that and the reason I know that is because I know you.  You’re
not like Deke or Harry or Joe or Frank.  You’re a good person, no matter
what other people might say."

"I don’t care what other people think.  I care what you think."

"I think you’re a good person.  One of the best I’ve ever known.  I
don’t know if I can be a Mafia wife, but I’m gonna try."

"You mean you’re not leaving?"

"No.  Is that what you thought?  That I was up here getting ready to


"I’m not gonna run every time we have a problem.  What happened wasn’t a
result of you lying to me.  It happened because a sick, old man wanted

"He is never going to hurt you again."

"I know.  Can we go to sleep?"

"As long as you let me hold you."

"Deal."  Sonny flipped off the lights and joined Brenda under the
covers.  She snuggled up to him placed her head on her chest, listening
to his heartbeat.  She smiled wistfully, remembering the first time she
listened to it as she fell asleep.  It had been almost eleven years
since they fell in love.  She raised her head to look up at him.  He was
asleep already and his breathing was even and deep.  She placed a
feather light kiss to the skin above his heart and then laid her head
back down and fell asleep.

Ch. 93

Brenda walked into the kitchen.  She smiled as she saw her husband
humming and singing to the music that was playing as he made breakfast. 

Sonny was having the time of his life. Gabby and Britt were 11 months
old and both walking, although not very steadily. Brenda was 6 1/2
months pregnant and showing.  Things were going really well between


He turned around to find his wife laughing at him. He stopped dancing
and blushed.

"Hey sweetheart how you feeling this morning?" He asked as he gave her a

"Well he woke me up this morning with a really big kick. I'm telling
you, we have a soccer player here!"

"What makes you so sure that we're having a boy?"

"Because I just do. Oh wait. Give me your hand."

Sonny put his hand on Brenda's stomach and waited. 

"What? I don't feel anything?"

"Just wait a minute. There did you feel it?"

"Was that the baby? Did he just kick?"


"I love you so much." He leaned over and kissed her again.

"Sonny, I really am sorry that I made you miss most of my pregnancy and
the first part of the girls' lives. I was being selfish and it wasn't

"Brenda, listen to me. We've both done a lot of things that were
selfish. You thought what you were doing was best for you and the girls,
but honey that's over. We're a family now and that's all that matters.
Now, I do believe that we have a birthday party to plan. The girls are
going to be one in three weeks and so that doesn't give us much time to
plan a huge birthday."

"You want a huge party?"

"Of course! I want everyone in PC to come celebrate my little girls'
first birthdays."


"Well, maybe not everyone."

"You are such a wonderful father. And an incredible husband. I love you
so much."

"I'll show you how much I love you, c'mere."

Sonny grabbed Brenda and they started to kiss. They slowly sank to the
floor of their kitchen and proceeded to make love to each other and
their future.


"Push Baby, Push!!! You can do it!!!'' Sonny said as he held his wife's
tired, limp body up. 

"Shut up!!! I hate you!!! If you think that you are EVER going to touch
me again, you’re an idiot!!!!" she howled as another contraction hit. 

''Here comes the head, Brenda, one more push.'' 

''Sonny, I can't. I'm too tired.'' 

''Yes you can, you are so strong Brenda!! One more push and we'll have
our baby!!'' 

She grunted and squeezed his hand so hard, he thought it would break.
Then there was a cry. 

''We have a boy!!'' The doctor said as he wrapped the baby up and handed
him to Brenda. 

''He's so beautiful.'' She cried. 

''He looks just like you.'' Sonny replied as he wiped at his own tears.
His son. With his dark hair and big brown eyes. Now his life was


Everyone was waiting in the penthouse when Sonny and Brenda came through
the door 2 days later. 

Everyone cooed over the baby and congratulated the happy parents. 

"Gabby, Britt, I would like you to meet your baby brother. Michael Stone

The little girls really didn't understand, but were fascinated with the
baby. Sonny looked away from his conversation with Luke as he watched
his mother, Mike, his daughters, son and his wife. Brenda turned and
looked at him. They smiled at each other, both knowing that the other
was thinking the same thing. Something that had happened that day so
long ago when he had driven her home, had been the start of something so
powerful and pure, that nothing could destroy it. After everything they
had been through, they had found the other half of themselves in each
other. Together they were one heart, one soul, one person, and that was
how it was going to be for the rest of their lives. 

     THE END

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