Joey: He did it again, he grabbed my ass.
Pacey: Like you even have one.


Pacey: No peeking.
Joey: Oh yeah. The idea of seeing you in your birthday suit is really my idea of a thrill.
Pacey: You know, a lot of people would consider you a very lucky woman.
Joey: And many people would consider you a very deluded man.


Pacey: The truth is, you're a well-put together knock out of a woman who's feeling a little insecure about hitting forty, so when a young virile boy, such as myself, flirts with you, you enjoy it. You entice it, you fantasize about what it would be like to be with that young boy on the verge of manhood, because it helps you stay feeling attractive. Makes the aging process a little more bearable, well, let me tell you something. You blew it, lady. Cause I'm the best sex you'll never have.


Dawson: You know, it's sad, I'm actually jealous of my parent's sex life.
Joey: Why? Blondie isn't giving you any?


Jen: How about you, Joey, are you a virgin?
Joey: (laughing) Oh, please. Years ago! Trucker named Bubba.


Dawson: Condom chat is premature.


Joey: So, uh, Jen are you a virgin?
Dawson: That's mature.
Joey: Well, cause Dawson is a virgin, and two virgins really make for a clumsy first encounter, don't you think?


Joey: I cannot, and will not kiss that cretin.


Pacey: In a word?
Joey: Hot. Extremely hot.
Bessie: So what kind of kiss was it? Peck on the cheek?


Joey: And when it comes to women, there are popes who have had more experience. I mean, the guy was a shrimp until last summer. To say his sex life is limited is the understatement of the decade. It's barren....a desert.


Joey: You take one more step in this direction and I can almost guarantee you a permanent disability.


Dawson: They're gonna have to drag the creek to find your body, Pacey.


Joey: Dawson. The neighbor girl dumped you. No one died, just get over it.


Joey: Don't just sit there, will you? Take the elevator to the next floor and get off, it's time.


Dawson: Wait a minute, you have the hots for Joey? (laughs) Pacey, what have you, like, been inhaling too many lab chemicals? You and Joey are mortal enemies!


Joey: A fat-fingered alien who eats Reeses Pieces and flies around on a bicycle?


Joey: Things change, Dawson. Evolve.


Joey: And what subject do you consider me an expert in?
Jen: Dawson Leery.


Jen: Oh, grams, I forgot to tell you. The Lord sent a fax while you were out. Something about the Armeggeddon?


Dawson: You're so full of it.


Joey: I love this movie! This won an Oscar, didn't it?
Ghandi. Spielberg was robbed. This was before he outgrew his "Peter Pan" syndrome.
Joey: But
Ghandi? Why give an Oscar to a movie you can't even sit through?
Dawson: Thank you.


Joey: I'm just trying to tell you that every guy who grows up to be one of the good ones, was probably a dweeb with girls when he was fifteen, too.


Joey: Just a reminder, that if one person says something, it's a rumor. Two people, it's gospel.


Bessie: If you wanna wear my things, fine. They're fairly useful to me at this poing, but that means you put them back where you found them, got it?
Joey: Got it.
Bessie: I'm way too pregnant too be digging underneath your bed.
Joey: Then stay out of my room. Got it?
Bessie: I'm gonna knock her silly, I swear it.


Jen: Hey, Joey, I love your lipstick, what shade is it?
Joey: Wicked Red. I love your hair color, what number's that?


Joey: We don't have to, like, wash each other's hair, or do each other's nails, do we?


Joey: Mmm. Sand in my crotch. Heaven.


Joey: Twentieth Century men are conditioned to worship women who look like nutritionally deprived heroin addicts.


Joey: And I have breasts.
Dawson: (laughing) What?
Joey: And you have genitalia!
Dawson: I've always had genialia.
Joey: But there's more of it.
Dawson: How do you know?
Joey: Long fingers. I gotta go.


Joey: I'm having an ice cream anti-social, you wanna join me?


Joey: Hanging out with all your friends?
Dawson: Yup. That's why you weren't invited.

Dawson: It's funny, that woman looks familiar.
Joey: I know what you mean. If you brushed her hair out of her eyes a little...
Dawson: And maybe sat her behind a big school desk...
Joey: It could almost be...
Dawson and Joey: Miss Jacobs.
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