With Eyes Closed
by Salatina

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, the WB, 20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy, and probably a whole bunch o' other people are the rightful owners of Buffy and co. I am not. Don’t sue, 'kay?

Note: This is a really WEIRD story (not that any other story I’ve written isn’t REALLY WEIRD, but, hey... I’m warning you now. I was watching "Surprise" and "Innocence" (which, might I add, happen a couple weeks before the events of this story take place -- -- I’m ignoring "Phases," "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered," "Passion," and any other new episodes after that) and, well, my mind wandered during the commercials and came up with this...



The little town of Sunnydale, being in California, rarely experienced an entire day where the sun was completely hidden behind a thick layer of dark, rain-filled clouds. And so, one day early in the year, the sun was quite clearly present as it slipped silently towards the horizon.

The sun was, however, not the only sipping silently about that small town in California.

A large, black van - surprisingly not as eye-catching as one might think a large, black van would be in a small town - was weaving its way among the streets and buildings (however few there were) of Sunnydale.

The van’s driver cast a concerned glance at the young man sitting beside her, noticing the preoccupied look he had plastered on his face.

"Hey, Leo, you okay?"

Leo didn’t seem to hear her for a moment.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah - I’m fine," he shook his head, as if trying to wake himself up, "just thinking."

Hanna, the driver, cast her companion another worried look.

"Well, alright; I’ll take your word for it, but you’d better get yourself ready, we’re almost there."

Leo said nothing in response, merely nodded and closed his eyes in concentration, preparing to cast "The Change Spell:" the special incantation he’d uttered before so many previous attacks made by Hanna, himself, and the rest of the Squad.

Hanna, too, was preparing for the attack. She mentally went down a checklist of required supplies the DD Squad would need to make this latest attack, making sure nothing was forgotten.

When that was done, Hanna let a small smile of triumph creep up on her lips about what was sure to be a battle the DDS would win. < By this time tomorrow, there’ll be a lot fewer evil demons in this town. >

And she was right.

Do you want to read part one? Go here.


FEEDBACK! (*pathetically*) Please, mister? I'd like some more...feedback, that is.

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