Welcome to the Dawson's Creek Fan's Webring Homepage

My URL: http://welcome.to/dc-webring

I got it for free at http://come.to

Hi! This is TeKn0g0DDeSS, welcoming you to the Dawson's Creek Fan's Webring.

This ring, while not affiliated in any way with Dawson's Creek or the WB network, was organized to create an easy way for Dawson's Creek fans to navigate the net in search of info about their favorite show. If you have a site about Dawson's Creek or a character from Dawson's Creek, this is the ring you need to join to increase traffic to your site. There's a couple of rules though.

*Your site has to be about Dawson's Creek or a character from Dawson's Creek

*Your site can't include links to any pornographic sites. Sorry, but I'm managing a PG ring here.

*Please do not submit your site and sit on the queue forever! Once you submit your site, please place the HTML code on your page as soon as possible so that I can move you from the queue to the ring.

*IMPORTANT: please place your web ring graphic and links on the URL you register! For example, if you register http://members.aol.com/screenname/index.html, please do not place the web ring graphic and links on http://members.aol.com/screenname/webrings.html!

The reason for this is very simple: users of the Dawson's Creek Fan's Webring should be able to travel smoothly from one Ring site to the next. Sites that come after a page that has their Ring links on a separate page don't receive as much Ring activity as they are entitled to, and it isn't fair to them.

To join:

Submit site to Dawson's Creek Fans Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Go to (http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=dsnscrk;id=yourid;htmlcode) to get your HTML code. (Replace yourid with the site ID number you receive after submission)

Need to edit your site listing? Edit

This Dawson's Creek Webring site is owned by TeKn0g0DDeSS
Want to join the Dawson's Creek Fan's Webring?

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visitors to this site since October 5, 1998